Using Ruby in InfoWorks ICM to create Network Statistics for Effective QA/QC of Imported Model Data

Using Ruby in InfoWorks ICM to create Network Statistics for Effective QA/QC of Imported Model Data

Learn how to use Ruby in Infoworks ICM to look at network statistics and ensure the QA/QC of model data conversion is done well. Using Ruby's advanced features, you can find differences in your network data quickly and accurately, calculate summary statistics, and make your model more accurate. You can see how Ruby can streamline your QA/QC process and enhance the reliability of your models.

We use the Ruby Scripts to import and test SWMM5, InfoSewer, InfoSWMM, XPSWMM, and SWMM5 into ICM as either an SWMM or an InfoWorks network.
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We use the Ruby Scripts to import and test SWMM5, InfoSewer, InfoSWMM, XPSWMM, and SWMM5 into ICM as either an SWMM or an InfoWorks network.

A reminder - this post is open source, and you can find the Ruby code on Github

Start by checking to see if there are elements in the network - The given code snippet accesses the current ICM SWMM network in InfoWorks ICM. It retrieves the row object collections for nodes, links, and subcatchments. It raises errors if the current network or any of these components are not found.

? ? # Accessing current network
? ? net = WSApplication.current_network
? ? raise "Error: current network not found" if net.nil?

? ? # Get all the nodes or links or subcatchments as row object collection

? ? nodes_roc = net.row_object_collection('_nodes')
? ? raise "Error: nodes not found" if nodes_roc.nil?
? ? links_roc = net.row_object_collection('_links')
? ? raise "Error: links not found" if links_roc.nil?
? ? subcatchments_roc = net.row_object_collection('_subcatchments')
? ? raise "Error: subcatchments not found" if subcatchments_roc.nil?        

We will start with the ICM SWMM nodes - the table is called sq_node for SWMM. The equivalent table in an InfoWorks network is hw_node - where hw stands for Hydroworks, the grandfather of ICM. Hydroworks, IWCS, and ICM have been sold and developed by Wallingford/Innvyze/Autodesk since the late 1980s.

If you are familiar with SWMM5, you will recognize the node table variable names. The code snippet retrieves the nodes in an ICM SWMM network and initializes a hash map to store them. It then counts various types of nodes, such as outfalls, storage units, and junctions, while calculating the total values for several parameters, including invert, ground, depth, initial depth, surcharge depth, ponded area, unit hydrograph area, and flooding discharge coefficient.

? ? ? ? # Get all the nodes or links or subcatchments as array in an ICM SwMM Networ
? ? ? ? nodes_hash_map={}
? ? ? ? nodes_hash_map = { |h, k| h[k] = [] }
? ? ? ? nodes_ro = net.row_objects('sw_node')
? ? ? ? raise "Error: nodes not found" if nodes_ro.nil?
? ? ? ? number_nodes = 0
? ? ? ? number_outfalls = 0
? ? ? ? number_storage = 0
? ? ? ? number_junction = 0
? ? ? ? total_invert = 0.0
? ? ? ? total_ground = 0.0
? ? ? ? total_depth = 0.0
? ? ? ? total_initial_depth = 0.0
? ? ? ? total_surcharge_depth = 0.0
? ? ? ? total_ponded_area = 0.0
? ? ? ? total_unit_hydrograph_area = 0.0
? ? ? ? total_flooding_discharge_coeff = 0.0k        

The code snippet calculates the average values for various parameters, including invert elevation, ground elevation, full depth, initial depth, surcharge depth, ponded area, unit hydrograph area, and flooding discharge coefficient. It then prints these average values and the number of SW nodes, junctions, storage units, and outfalls.

? ? ? ? average_invert = total_invert / number_node
? ? ? ? average_ground = total_ground / number_nodes
? ? ? ? average_depth = total_depth / number_nodes
? ? ? ? average_initial_depth = total_initial_depth / number_nodes
? ? ? ? average_surcharge_depth = total_surcharge_depth / number_nodes
? ? ? ? average_ponded_area = total_ponded_area / number_nodes
? ? ? ? average_unit_hydrograph_area = total_unit_hydrograph_area / number_nodes
? ? ? ? average_flooding_discharge_coeff = total_flooding_discharge_coeff / number_nodes
? ? ? ? 
? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-d\n", "Number of SW Nodes", number_nodes
? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-d\n", "Number of SW Junctions", number_junction
? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-d\n", "Number of SW Storage", number_storage
? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-d\n", "Number of SW Outfalls", number_outfalls
? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-.3f\n", "Average Invert Elevation", average_invert
? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-.3f\n", "Average Ground Elevation", average_ground
? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-.3f\n", "Average Full Depth", average_depth
? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-.3f\n", "Average Initial Depth", average_initial_depth
? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-.3f\n", "Average Surcharge Depth", average_surcharge_depth
? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-.3f\n", "Average Ponded Area", average_ponded_area
? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-.3f\n", "Average Unit Hydrograph Area", average_unit_hydrograph_area
? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-.3f\n", "Average Flooding Discharge Coeff", average_flooding_discharge_coeffs        

Next is table sw_conduit for ICM SWMM. The code snippet retrieves the links in an ICM SWMM network and initializes a hash map to store them. It then counts the number of links and calculates the total values for various parameters, including length, conduit height, conduit width, Manning's n, upstream and downstream inverts, number of barrels, headloss coefficients, bottom Manning's N, roughness depth threshold, initial flow, maximum flow, average headloss coefficient, seepage rate, flap gate count, and culvert code.

? ? ? ? links_hash_map = {
? ? ? ? links_hash_map = { |h, k| h[k] = [] }
? ? ? ? links_ro = net.row_objects('sw_conduit')
? ? ? ? raise "Error: links not found" if links_ro.nil?
? ? ? ? number_links = 0
? ? ? ? number_length = 0.0
? ? ? ? total_conduit_height = 0.0
? ? ? ? total_conduit_width = 0.0
? ? ? ? total_manning_n = 0.0
? ? ? ? total_downstream_invert = 0.0
? ? ? ? total_upstream_invert = 0.0
? ? ? ? total_number_of_barrels = 0
? ? ? ? total_us_invert = 0.0
? ? ? ? total_ds_invert = 0.0
? ? ? ? total_us_headloss_coeff = 0.0
? ? ? ? total_ds_headloss_coeff = 0.0
? ? ? ? total_bottom_mannings_N = 0.0
? ? ? ? total_roughness_depth_threshold = 0.0
? ? ? ? total_initial_flow = 0.0
? ? ? ? total_max_flow = 0.0
? ? ? ? total_av_headloss_coeff = 0.0
? ? ? ? total_seepage_rate = 0.0
? ? ? ? total_flap_gate = 0
? ? ? ? total_culvert_code = 0}        

The code snippet iterates through the links of an ICM SWMM network, updating the total values for various parameters. It then calculates the average values for these parameters, such as conduit height, conduit width, Manning's n, inverts, number of barrels, headloss coefficients, bottom Manning's N, roughness depth threshold, initial flow, maximum flow, average headloss coefficient, seepage rate, flap gate count, and culvert code. Finally, the code prints the number of SW links, total SW length, and the average values for the aforementioned parameters.

? ? ? ? links_ro.each do |link
? ? ? ? ? ? number_links += 1
? ? ? ? ? ? number_length += link.length
? ? ? ? ? ? total_conduit_height += link.Conduit_height unless link.Conduit_height.nil?
? ? ? ? ? ? total_conduit_width += link.Conduit_width unless link.Conduit_width.nil?
? ? ? ? ? ? total_manning_n += link.Mannings_N unless link.Mannings_N.nil?
? ? ? ? ? ? total_downstream_invert += link.ds_invert unless link.ds_invert.nil?
? ? ? ? ? ? total_upstream_invert += link.us_invert unless link.us_invert.nil?
? ? ? ? ? ? total_number_of_barrels += link.number_of_barrels unless link.number_of_barrels.nil?
? ? ? ? ? ? total_us_invert += link.us_invert unless link.us_invert.nil?
? ? ? ? ? ? total_ds_invert += link.ds_invert unless link.ds_invert.nil?
? ? ? ? ? ? total_us_headloss_coeff += link.us_headloss_coeff unless link.us_headloss_coeff.nil?
? ? ? ? ? ? total_ds_headloss_coeff += link.ds_headloss_coeff unless link.ds_headloss_coeff.nil?
? ? ? ? ? ? total_bottom_mannings_N += link.bottom_mannings_N unless link.bottom_mannings_N.nil?
? ? ? ? ? ? total_roughness_depth_threshold += link.roughness_depth_threshold unless link.roughness_depth_threshold.nil?
? ? ? ? ? ? total_initial_flow += link.initial_flow unless link.initial_flow.nil?
? ? ? ? ? ? total_max_flow += link.max_flow unless link.max_flow.nil?
? ? ? ? ? ? total_av_headloss_coeff += link.av_headloss_coeff unless link.av_headloss_coeff.nil?
? ? ? ? ? ? total_seepage_rate += link.seepage_rate unless link.seepage_rate.nil?
? ? ? ? ? ? total_flap_gate ||= link.flap_gate
? ? ? ? ? ? total_culvert_code ||= link.culvert_code
? ? ? ? end
? ? ? ? ? 
? ? ? ? average_conduit_height = total_conduit_height / number_links unless number_links == 0
? ? ? ? average_conduit_width = total_conduit_width / number_links unless number_links == 0
? ? ? ? average_manning_n = total_manning_n / number_links unless number_links == 0
? ? ? ? average_downstream_invert = total_downstream_invert / number_links unless number_links == 0
? ? ? ? average_upstream_invert = total_upstream_invert / number_links unless number_links == 0
? ? ? ? average_us_invert = total_us_invert / number_links unless number_links == 0
? ? ? ? average_ds_invert = total_ds_invert / number_links unless number_links == 0
? ? ? ? average_number_of_barrels = total_number_of_barrels / number_links unless number_links == 0
? ? ? ? average_us_headloss_coeff = total_us_headloss_coeff / number_links unless number_links == 0
? ? ? ? average_ds_headloss_coeff = total_ds_headloss_coeff / number_links unless number_links == 0
? ? ? ? average_bottom_mannings_N = total_bottom_mannings_N / number_links unless number_links == 0
? ? ? ? average_roughness_depth_threshold = total_roughness_depth_threshold / number_links unless number_links == 0
? ? ? ? average_initial_flow = total_initial_flow / number_links unless number_links == 0
? ? ? ? average_max_flow = total_max_flow / number_links unless number_links == 0
? ? ? ? average_av_headloss_coeff = total_av_headloss_coeff / number_links unless number_links == 0
? ? ? ? average_seepage_rate = total_seepage_rate / number_links unless number_links == 0
? ? ? ? average_flap_gate = total_flap_gate / number_links unless number_links == 0
? ? ? ? average_culvert_code = total_culvert_code / number_links unless number_links == 0
? ? ? ? 
? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-d\n", "Number of SW Links", number_links
? ? ? ? if number_links != 0
? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-.3f\n", "Total SW Length", number_length
? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-.3f\n", "Average Conduit Height", average_conduit_height
? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-.3f\n", "Average Conduit Width", average_conduit_width
? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-.3f\n", "Average Manning n", average_manning_n
? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-.3f\n", "Average Downstream Invert", average_downstream_invert
? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-.3f\n", "Average Upstream Invert", average_upstream_invert
? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-.3f\n", "Average Number of Barrels", average_number_of_barrels
? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-.3f\n", "Average US Invert", average_us_invert
? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-.3f\n", "Average DS Invert", average_ds_invert
? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-.3f\n", "Average US Headloss Coefficient", average_us_headloss_coeff
? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-.3f\n", "Average DS Headloss Coefficient", average_ds_headloss_coeff
? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-.3f\n", "Average Bottom Mannings N", average_bottom_mannings_N
? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-.3f\n", "Average Roughness Depth Threshold", average_roughness_depth_threshold
? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-.3f\n", "Average Initial Flow", average_initial_flow
? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-.3f\n", "Average Max Flow", average_max_flow
? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-.3f\n", "Average Average Headloss Coefficient", average_av_headloss_coeff
? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-.3f\n", "Average Seepage Rate", average_seepage_rate
? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-.3f\n", "Average Flap Gate", average_flap_gate
? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-.3f\n", "Average Culvert Code", average_culvert_code
? ? ? ? end |        

The code iterates through the subcatchments of an ICM SWMM network, accumulating the total values for various parameters such as area, imperviousness, slope, width, infiltration, hydraulic conductivity, and other related parameters. Then, it calculates the average values for each of these parameters. Finally, the code prints the number of SW subcatchments, the total SW subcatchment area, and the average values for the mentioned parameters.

? ? ? ? subcatchments_hash_map = {
? ? ? ? subcatchments_hash_map = { |h, k| h[k] = [] }
? ? ? ? subcatchments_ro = net.row_objects('sw_subcatchment')
? ? ? ? raise "Error: subcatchments not found" if subcatchments_ro.nil?

? ? ? ? number_subcatchments = 0
? ? ? ? total_area = 0.0
? ? ? ? total_imperviousness = 0.0
? ? ? ? total_slope = 0.0
? ? ? ? total_width = 0.0
? ? ? ? total_initial_infiltration = 0.0
? ? ? ? total_limiting_infiltration = 0.0
? ? ? ? total_decay_factor = 0.0
? ? ? ? total_max_infiltration_volume = 0.0
? ? ? ? total_average_capillary_suction = 0.0
? ? ? ? total_saturated_hydraulic_conductivity = 0.0
? ? ? ? total_initial_moisture_deficit = 0.0
? ? ? ? total_curve_number = 0.0
? ? ? ? total_drying_time = 0.0
? ? ? ? total_time_of_concentration = 0.0
? ? ? ? total_hydraulic_length = 0.0
? ? ? ? total_shape_factor = 0.0
? ? ? ? total_initial_abstraction = 0.0
? ? ? ? 
? ? ? ? subcatchments_ro.each do |subcatchment|
? ? ? ? ? number_subcatchments += 1
? ? ? ? ? total_area += subcatchment.area.to_f if subcatchment.area
? ? ? ? ? total_imperviousness += subcatchment.percent_impervious.to_f if subcatchment.percent_impervious
? ? ? ? ? total_slope += subcatchment.catchment_slope.to_f if subcatchment.catchment_slope
? ? ? ? ? total_width += subcatchment.width.to_f if subcatchment.width
? ? ? ? ? total_initial_infiltration += subcatchment.initial_infiltration.to_f if subcatchment.initial_infiltration
? ? ? ? ? total_limiting_infiltration += subcatchment.limiting_infiltration.to_f if subcatchment.limiting_infiltration
? ? ? ? ? total_decay_factor += subcatchment.decay_factor.to_f if subcatchment.decay_factor
? ? ? ? ? total_max_infiltration_volume += subcatchment.max_infiltration_volume.to_f if subcatchment.max_infiltration_volume
? ? ? ? ? total_average_capillary_suction += subcatchment.average_capillary_suction.to_f if subcatchment.average_capillary_suction
? ? ? ? ? total_saturated_hydraulic_conductivity += subcatchment.saturated_hydraulic_conductivity.to_f if subcatchment.saturated_hydraulic_conductivity
? ? ? ? ? total_initial_moisture_deficit += subcatchment.initial_moisture_deficit.to_f if subcatchment.initial_moisture_deficit
? ? ? ? ? total_curve_number += subcatchment.curve_number.to_f if subcatchment.curve_number
? ? ? ? ? total_drying_time += subcatchment.drying_time.to_f if subcatchment.drying_time
? ? ? ? ? total_time_of_concentration += subcatchment.time_of_concentration.to_f if subcatchment.time_of_concentration
? ? ? ? ? total_hydraulic_length += subcatchment.hydraulic_length.to_f if subcatchment.hydraulic_length
? ? ? ? ? total_shape_factor += subcatchment.shape_factor.to_f if subcatchment.shape_factor
? ? ? ? ? total_initial_abstraction += subcatchment.initial_abstraction.to_f if subcatchment.initial_abstraction
? ? ? ? end
? ? ? ? 
? ? ? ? if number_subcatchments != 0
? ? ? ? ? average_imperviousness = total_imperviousness / number_subcatchments
? ? ? ? ? average_slope = total_slope / number_subcatchments
? ? ? ? ? average_width = total_width / number_subcatchments
? ? ? ? ? average_initial_infiltration = total_initial_infiltration / number_subcatchments
? ? ? ? ? average_limiting_infiltration = total_limiting_infiltration / number_subcatchments
? ? ? ? ? average_decay_factor = total_decay_factor / number_subcatchments
? ? ? ? ? average_max_infiltration_volume = total_max_infiltration_volume / number_subcatchments
? ? ? ? ? average_average_capillary_suction = total_average_capillary_suction / number_subcatchments
? ? ? ? ? average_saturated_hydraulic_conductivity = total_saturated_hydraulic_conductivity / number_subcatchments
? ? ? ? ? average_initial_moisture_deficit = total_initial_moisture_deficit / number_subcatchments
? ? ? ? ? average_curve_number = total_curve_number / number_subcatchments
? ? ? ? ? average_drying_time = total_drying_time / number_subcatchments
? ? ? ? ? average_time_of_concentration = total_time_of_concentration / number_subcatchments
? ? ? ? ? average_hydraulic_length = total_hydraulic_length / number_subcatchments
? ? ? ? ? average_shape_factor = total_shape_factor / number_subcatchments
? ? ? ? ? average_initial_abstraction = total_initial_abstraction / number_subcatchments
? ? ? ? else
? ? ? ? ? # handle the divide by zero error here
? ? ? ? end ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? 
? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-d\n", "Number of SW Subcatchments", number_subcatchments ? 
? ? ? ? if number_subcatchments != 0
? ? ? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-.3f\n", "Total SW Subcatchment Area", total_area
? ? ? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-.3f\n", "Average Imperviousness", average_imperviousness
? ? ? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-.3f\n", "Average Subcatchment Slope", average_slope
? ? ? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-.3f\n", "Average Subcatchment Width", average_width
? ? ? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-.3f\n", "Average Capillary Suction", average_average_capillary_suction
? ? ? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-.3f\n", "Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity", average_saturated_hydraulic_conductivity
? ? ? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-.3f\n", "Initial Infiltration", average_initial_infiltration
? ? ? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-.3f\n", "Limiting Infiltration", average_limiting_infiltration
? ? ? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-.3f\n", "Decay Factor", average_decay_factor
? ? ? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-.3f\n", "Max Infiltration Volume", average_max_infiltration_volume
? ? ? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-.3f\n", "Initial Moisture Deficit", average_initial_moisture_deficit
? ? ? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-.3f\n", "Curve Number", average_curve_number
? ? ? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-.3f\n", "Drying Time", average_drying_time
? ? ? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-.3f\n", "Average Time of Concentration", average_time_of_concentration
? ? ? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-.3f\n", "Average Hydraulic Length", average_hydraulic_length
? ? ? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-.3f\n", "Average Shape Factor", average_shape_factor
? ? ? ? ? ? printf "%-40s %-.3f\n", "Average Initial Abstraction", average_initial_abstraction ? ? ?
? ? ? ? end}        

The result of running the Ruby code summarizes the network data. The code analyzes the properties of stormwater links and subcatchments in an ICM SWMM network, computes the total and average values for various parameters, and provides a comprehensive summary of the network's characteristics. By reviewing these statistics, the modeler can gain confidence in the imported data, ensuring that the network's components are accurately represented and ready for further analysis.

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The result of running the Ruby code summarizes the network data.
Global Note: This is part of the 1729 Series of Hydrology and Hydraulics Modeling Blogs. 1729 has the factorization of 7 × 13 × 19 and the divisors of 1, 7, 13, 19, 91, 133, 247, 1729
Blog Indexing: This has blog number Ruby 1729/1/2. You can see Ruby 1729/1/1
Acknowledgments - we use the hash tables for ICM from to speed up the Ruby Network processing


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