Using Relating and Creating goals to plan your 2019!
Olwethu Machine
"I Transform Graduate Potential into Professional Excellence"?? Early Careers Expert ll Career Coach ll Youth Employment Advocate ll Psychometrist ll Lupus Warrior
Hey ambitious professionals, I hope everyone is having a fantastic Wednesday! So, I did a personal development programme called transformation week, to help me kickstart my year and set those yearly goals for 2019. What I love about personal development is that it really helps you to look at your life and habits introspectively and evolve in your level of thinking and reasoning about things. So today I covered quite a lot of content on my personal notes that I made during the course, today I will be covering the topic about clarity. “How I can get more clarity in my life?” “Do I understand who I am? and I am honest with myself on where I would like to go?’” Because my friends, I firmly believe that without clarity there is no change hence there will be no goals and growth taking place in your life.
So, divided your clarity goals into 4 sub divisions: Being, relating, create and growing goals. I have placed prompts under each heading, see if you can answer them! Today I will be focusing on the how do you set relating and creating goals for yourself in 2019, make sure to head out to my Facebook page where I had already posted the being goals. Stay tuned for tomorrow where I will be posting the Growing goals! Take out a pencil and paper and let’s start making some notes and setting your goals for 2019. I would also recommend you copy and paste this entire article, edit some of my answers out and fill in your own personal answer, print it out so you have your very own transformation notes for the year.
Relating goals are your social lens, how do you relate with other people, feel and interact with them?
● A = connection
§ Do you have deep vibrant connections with people?
§ How do you need to show up in those relationships to set that tone for the relationship?
Home run prompt: “Ask yourself now”
“If I was going to have more authentic, intentional and meaningful relationships with all the people around me, I would have to start…”
My answer: Make it a habit to call and check up on people, find the time to meet up with them to really strengthen my relations and get to know them better and start by being more curious about them and their dreams, fears, goals and aspirations.
Quote: “It’s your JOB to create connection”
B = Care ●
Do you feel cared for?
Because if you not caring for yourself and setting boundaries and expectations for other people it can really mess up your emotional and spiritual being. Reciprocity of relationships is important for me and yes also acknowledgement and appreciation, but I have struggled to communicate some of my needs in my current relationships.
Home run prompt:
“If I was going to start feeling more cared for and appreciated by those around me, I would have to ask people to… (think of specific people and write what you need to communicate to them to feel better cared for) …”
Creativity is vital for a sense of wellbeing, ask yourself what do I want to do, make and contribute towards this year?
Creativity is something most people forget, try to activate your creativity more often and ask yourself how, when and where can sprinkle some creativity in your work tasks? So next time you finish a project at work ask yourself: how could I change it if I was a little more creative?
§ What are you going to do to put creativity in your agenda every day?
§ Lastly what habits have you started this year to keep you creatively engaged?
Home run prompts: “Read aloud”
“If I was going to create more ideas and things that made energized my mind and passions, I would have to start…”
My answer: Making creativity part of my every day to do list, make it a priority in my life and engage in a passionate project where I have full autonomy to exercise as much creativity into my work and business.
● B = contribution
What do I want to contribute?
§ We are never living unless we’re giving, what would you like to contribute ultimately?
§ What’s the message you would like to send out to the world, at work or community through the work you do? Because it is the daily activities that add to some type of difference in the world.
Home run prompt: “Read aloud”
“If I was going to feel like I was making a real difference and living more purposefully each day, some ways I could start contributing, or areas I could contribute in, include.”
My answer: Create online content that teaches and educates people, make sure that my business is positively influencing the students and giving them the tools, they need to be successful in the academic career and giving them insight into their career development. Volunteer my time in non-profit organisations where I can use my skills and expertise to help the greater good.
That is, it for today guys by actively thinking about your goals you exercise a level of clarity because clarity my friends comes from knowing yourself, understanding yourself better so you can better strategize change according to your dreams, aspirations and career.