Using Redis with Rust
Amit Nadiger
Polyglot(Rust??, C++ 11,14,17,20, C, Kotlin, Java) Android TV, Cas, Blockchain, Polkadot, UTXO, Substrate, Wasm, Proxy-wasm,AndroidTV, Dvb, STB, Linux, Engineering management.
In today's fast-paced digital landscape, where performance and efficiency are paramount, developers are continually seeking robust solutions to optimize their applications. This pursuit has given rise to powerful technologies like Redis and Rust, each contributing their unique strengths to the world of software development.
Redis: A Caching and Data Storage Powerhouse
Redis, which stands for Remote Dictionary Server, has emerged as a versatile and high-performance in-memory data structure store. Originally created as a caching solution, Redis has transcended its initial purpose to become a full-fledged data storage solution and message broker. The heart of Redis lies in its in-memory storage, allowing lightning-fast data retrieval that outpaces traditional disk-based databases. This speed makes Redis an ideal choice for scenarios requiring real-time responses, rapid data access, and efficient caching strategies.
Beyond its speed, Redis shines through its support for a variety of data structures—strings, lists, sets, sorted sets, and hashes—enabling developers to model and manipulate data in a way that aligns closely with application requirements. Pub/Sub (Publish/Subscribe) mechanisms offer real-time messaging capabilities, while Lua scripting enables custom operations and complex interactions.
Redis: A Quick Overview
Redis, or Remote Dictionary Server, is an open-source, in-memory data structure store. It's renowned for its speed and versatility in handling various data storage and manipulation tasks. It is built using C++ and some core function is written in C to get max performance benefits .Initially designed as a caching solution, Redis has evolved to offer a broader range of capabilities, including data storage, real-time messaging, and analytics.
Main Features of Redis:
Rust: The Systems Programming Marvel
On the other side of the equation, we have Rust—a programming language designed for system-level programming while emphasizing safety, concurrency, and performance. Rust's memory safety features, strict type system, and minimal runtime overhead make it a compelling choice for building applications that demand both efficiency and reliability. This blend of low-level control and modern language features has led to Rust's increasing popularity in various domains, including systems programming, web services, and game development and what not.
Unifying Redis and Rust for Excellence
This article aims to unite the strengths of Redis and Rust, showcasing how these two technologies can harmoniously collaborate to create powerful and efficient applications. We'll delve into the integration of Redis with Rust, taking you through the entire journey—starting from setting up Redis, establishing connections, and performing basic operations, all the way to advanced caching strategies and best practices.
Installing Redis
We can typically install Redis on Linux using the package manager that comes with your distribution. For instance, on Ubuntu or Debian:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install redis-server
Installing Local Redis Using Docker:
If you don't have Docker installed on your system, you'll need to install it first. Visit the official Docker website and follow the instructions for your operating system: Docker Installation
If you prefer to use Docker to set up a local Redis instance, you can do so using the following command:
docker run --rm -p 6379:6379 redis
This command will download the latest Redis Docker image (if not already downloaded) and start a Redis container on port 6379.
Run Redis Container:
Once Docker is installed, you can open a terminal or command prompt and use the following command to run a Redis container:
$docker run --rm --name some-redis -p 6379:6379 -d redis
It creates a Docker container named "some-redis" from the "redis" image, maps port 6379 from the host to port 6379 in the container, runs the container in detached mode, and automatically removes the container when it's stopped.
Verify Running Container:
You can check if the Redis container is running by using the following command:
docker ps
This command will display a list of running containers, and you should see the "some-redis" container in the list.
In my case I was getting as below :
amit-:~docker ps
CONTAINER ID? ?IMAGE? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?COMMAND? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? CREATED? ? ? ?STATUS? ? ? ?PORTS? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? NAMES
dc13deffe48e? ?kennethreitz/httpbin? ? ? ? ? ? "gunicorn -b…"? ?2 hours ago? ?Up 2 hours? ?>80/tcp? ? ? ? ?populate_cache-httpbin-1
0f5cd06c453d? ?envoyproxy/envoy:v1.24-latest? ?"/docker-entrypoint.…"? ?2 hours ago? ?Up 2 hours? ?>10000/tcp? ?populate_cache-envoy-1
b11c15a54161? ?redis? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?"docker-entrypoint.s…"? ?2 hours ago? ?Up 2 hours? ?>6379/tcp? ? ?redis
Interacting with Redis:
Now that the Redis container is running, We can interact with it just like you would with a regular Redis server. For example, you can use the Redis command-line interface (CLI) by opening another terminal window and running:
docker exec -it some-redis redis-cli
This command opens an interactive session with the Redis CLI inside the container.
Based on my name it was like below:
docker exec: This is the command to execute a command inside a running container.
Below are the commands that I can use in the Redis :
When we access the Redis command-line interface (CLI) using docker exec -it some-redis redis-cli, you can use various commands to interact with the Redis server. Here are some of the commonly used commands you can use in the Redis CLI:
Key-Value Commands:> SET key value [NX|XX] [GET] [EX seconds|PX milliseconds|EXAT unix-time-seconds|PXAT unix-time-milliseconds|KEEPTTL]?
SET Key:
DEL Key:
KEYS Pattern: List all keys matching a pattern.
TTL Key: Get the remaining time to live for a key with an expiration set.
String Commands:
APPEND Key: Append a value to the end of a string.
STRLEN Key: Get the length of a string.
INCR Key: Increment the integer value of a key by one.
DECR Key: Decrement the integer value of a key by one.
Hash Commands:
HSET key field value: Set the value of a hash field.
HGET key field: Get the value of a hash field.
HDEL key field [field ...]: Delete one or more fields from a hash.
HGETALL key: Get all fields and values from a hash.
List Commands:
LPUSH key value [value ...]: Insert one or more values at the beginning of a list.
RPUSH key value [value ...]: Insert one or more values at the end of a list.
LPOP key: Remove and get the first element in a list.
RPOP key: Remove and get the last element in a list.
LRANGE key start stop: Get a range of elements from a list.
Set Commands:
SADD key member [member ...]: Add one or more members to a set.
SMEMBERS key: Get all members of a set.
SREM key member [member ...]: Remove one or more members from a set.
SISMEMBER key member: Check if a member is in a set.
Sorted Set Commands:
ZADD key score member [score member ...]: Add one or more members to a sorted set with scores.
ZRANGE key start stop: Get a range of members from a sorted set by index.
ZREM key member [member ...]: Remove one or more members from a sorted set.
Pub/Sub Commands:
Open multiple terminal windows to simulate subscribing to channels in real-time.
SUBSCRIBE channel [channel ...]: Subscribe to one or more channels.
$SUBSCRIBE mychannel> SUBSCRIBE mychannel
Reading messages... (press Ctrl-C to quit)
1) "subscribe"
2) "mychannel"
3) (integer) 1
PUBLISH channel message: Publish a message to a channel.
$PUBLISH mychannel "Jai,Shree Ram!"
After this command is executed , in the 1st window below message will appear.
1) "message
2) "mychannel"
3) "Jai Shree Ram !""
Other Commands:
Example :> get O
"Ganeshayanama"> set User Amit
OK> get User
"Amit"> get foo
"bar"> get counter
Stopping and Removing the Container:
When you're done with the Redis container, you can stop and remove it using the following commands:
docker stop some-redis
docker rm some-redis
The docker stop command stops the container, and the docker rm command removes it. Remember that this will remove any data stored in the Redis container, so use it cautiously.
Using Docker to run a local Redis instance provides a controlled and isolated environment, making it easy to experiment with Redis without affecting your system's configuration. This approach is particularly useful when developing and testing applications that use Redis.
Adding the Redis Crate to a Rust Project Using Cargo:
To use Redis in a Rust project, you need to add the redis crate as a dependency in your project's Cargo.toml file. i.e Under the [dependencies] section, add the following line:
redis = "0.23.1"
Replace "0.23.1" " with the latest version of the redis crate available at the time when write this.
With the redis crate added as a dependency, you can now use it in your Rust code to interact with Redis servers.
1. Establishing a Connection to a Redis Server:
fn connect() -> redis::Connection {
? ? let redis_host_name = "localhost:6379";
? ? let redis_password = "";
? ? let redis_conn_url = format!("{}://:{}@{}", "redis", redis_password, redis_host_name);
? ? redis::Client::open(redis_conn_url)
? ? ? ? .expect("Invalid connection URL")
? ? ? ? .get_connection()
? ? ? ? .expect("Failed to connect to Redis")
In the above code, the connect function establishes a connection to a Redis server. It constructs a connection URL using the provided host name, port, and optional password. It then uses the redis crate to create a client, open a connection, and return a redis::Connection object.
2. Handling Connection Errors Gracefully:
The .expect() method is used to handle errors when creating a client or connecting to the Redis server. However, it's often better to handle errors using proper error handling mechanisms like the Result type. Here's how you can improve error handling
fn redis_connect() -> redis::Connection {
? ? let redis_host_name = "localhost:6379";
? ? let redis_password = "";
? ? let redis_conn_url = format!("{}://:{}@{}", "redis", redis_password, redis_host_name);
? ? let client = redis::Client::open(redis_conn_url)
? ? .expect("Invalid connection URL");
? ? match client.get_connection() {
? ? ? ? Ok(connection) => connection,
? ? ? ? Err(err) => {
? ? ? ? ? ? eprintln!("Failed to connect to Redis: {}", err);
? ? ? ? ? ? std::process::exit(1);
? ? ? ? }
? ? }
3. Performing Common Redis Operations:
use redis::{Commands, RedisResult};
fn main() {
? ? let connection = redis_connect();
? ? // SET operation
? ? let _: RedisResult<()> = connection.set("my_god", "JaiShreeRam");
? ? // GET operation
? ? let value: RedisResult<String> = connection.get("my_god");
? ? match value {
? ? ? ? Ok(v) => println!("Value: {}", v),
? ? ? ? Err(err) => eprintln!("Error: {}", err),
? ? }
let _: RedisResult<()> = connection.set("my_enemy", "Ravana");
? ? // DEL operation
? ? let deleted: RedisResult<bool> = connection.del("my_enemy");
? ? match deleted {
? ? ? ? Ok(true) => println!("Key deleted"),
? ? ? ? Ok(false) => println!("Key not found"),
? ? ? ? Err(err) => eprintln!("Error: {}", err),
? ? }
? ? // EXISTS operation
? ? let exists: RedisResult<bool> = connection.exists("my_god");
? ? match exists {
? ? ? ? Ok(true) => println!("Key exists"),
? ? ? ? Ok(false) => println!("Key does not exist"),
? ? ? ? Err(err) => eprintln!("Error: {}", err),
? ? }
In this code, we've provided examples of the common Redis operations (SET, GET, DEL, and EXISTS). We use the Commands trait from the redis crate to execute these operations on the Redis server. Each operation returns a RedisResult which you can handle using pattern matching to differentiate between success and error cases.
List Manipulation:
Lists in Redis are ordered collections of values, allowing for operations like pushing elements onto the list or popping elements off it.
fn list_example(connection: &mut redis::Connection) -> redis::RedisResult<()> {
? ? // LPUSH operation
? ? connection.lpush("my_list", "item1")?;
? ? connection.lpush("my_list", "item2")?;
? ? // RPUSH operation
? ? connection.rpush("my_list", "item3")?;
? ? connection.rpush("my_list", "item4")?;
? ? // LRANGE operation
? ? let items: Vec<String> = connection.lrange("my_list", 0, -1)?;
? ? println!("List items: {:?}", items);
? ? // LPOP operation
? ? let popped_item: Option<String> = connection.lpop("my_list",None)?;
? ? println!("Popped item: {:?}", popped_item);
? ? Ok(())
6. Set Manipulation:
Sets in Redis are collections of unique values, allowing for various set-based operations.
fn set_example(connection: &mut redis::Connection) -> redis::RedisResult<()> {
? ? // SADD operation
? ? connection.sadd("my_set", "value1")?;
? ? connection.sadd("my_set", "value2")?;
? ? // SMEMBERS operation
? ? let members: Vec<String> = connection.smembers("my_set")?;
? ? println!("Set members: {:?}", members);
? ? // SREM operation
? ? let removed_count: i32 = connection.srem("my_set", "value1")?;
? ? println!("Removed members count: {}", removed_count);
? ? // SISMEMBER operation
? ? let is_member: bool = connection.sismember("my_set", "value2")?;
? ? println!("Is member: {}", is_member);
? ? Ok(())
7. Sort functions :
fn update_employesalaryboard(connection: &mut redis::Connection) {
? ? println!("******* Running Sorted Set Commands *******");
? ? let employee_ranking_set = "EmployeRanking";
? ? let _: () = redis::cmd("ZADD")
? ? ? ? .arg(employee_ranking_set)
? ? ? ? .arg(rand::thread_rng().gen_range(10000..5000000))
? ? ? ? .arg("employe-1")
? ? ? ? .query(connection)
? ? ? ? .expect("Failed to execute ZADD for 'EmployeRanking'");
? ? // Add many employess
? ? for num in 2..=5 {
? ? ? ? let _: () = connection
? ? ? ? ? ? .zadd(
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? employee_ranking_set,
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? format!("employe-{}", num),
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rand::thread_rng().gen_range(10000..5000000),
? ? ? ? ? ? )
? ? ? ? ? ? .expect("Failed to execute ZADD for 'EmployeRanking'");
? ? }
? ? let count: isize = connection
? ? ? ? .zcard(employee_ranking_set)
? ? ? ? .expect("Failed to execute ZCARD for 'EmployeRanking'");
? ? let employee_ranking_set: Vec<(String, isize)> = connection
? ? ? ? .zrange_withscores(employee_ranking_set, 0, count - 1)
? ? ? ? .expect("ZRANGE failed");
? ?
? ? println!("Listing employess and salaries:");
? ? for item in employee_ranking_set {
? ? ? ? println!("{} = {}", item.0, item.1);
? ? }
******* Running Sorted Set Commands *******
Listing employess and salaries:
employe-1 = 2837746
employe-5 = 2910997
employe-4 = 3232434
employe-3 = 3553346
employe-2 = 3801017
The above code demonstrates how to use Redis sorted sets to manage employee rankings with their corresponding salaries. The code uses the redis crate to interact with the Redis server for performing various commands and operations.
ZADD Operation (Adding Initial Employee):
Adding Many Employees:
ZCARD Operation (Counting Employees):
ZRANGE_WITHSCORES Operation (Listing Employees and Salaries):
Use cases of data structures used in Redis :
Redis offers various data structures that cater to different use cases and scenarios. Let's explore some real-world use cases where each Redis data structure is beneficial:
1. Strings:
2. Lists:
3. Sets:
4. Sorted Sets:
5. Hashes:
6. Bitmaps:
7. HyperLogLog:
8. Geospatial Indexes:
These are just a few examples of how Redis data structures can be applied in various scenarios. Redis' flexibility, speed, and simplicity make it a powerful tool for solving a wide range of problems across different domains. When choosing a data structure, consider the specific needs of your application, the desired performance characteristics, and how Redis can best complement your existing infrastructure.
Thats all for now . We will try to learn more about Caching Strategies with Redis, pub/sub ,etc in separate article.
Thanks for reading , please comment if you have any !
Manager, Software Delivery
1 年Using Redis with Rust is a powerful combination for building high-performance and efficient applications.