Using QR codes in your document control work
A Quick Response (QR) code like the one shown above is a machine-readable matrix barcode that can be used to store information about an item that is attached to the code. Many of us are familiar with QR codes that are used for marketing purposes where you use your smartphone to scan a code and get directed to a website, saving you the effort of remembering and then typing the URL yourself. Perhaps you've used a QR code in an email in place of a paper boarding pass when flying with your favorite airline.QR codes are increasingly being used for other helpful purposes related to document management and document control more specifically. QR codes can be used to direct your customers to specific documentation that you've put together for them.
In that regard, DocBoss adds customized front sheets on every document you produce. We fill in the equipment numbers (tag number, module numbers), display the SDRL codes, add cover pages to all outgoing documents and then add a QR code so you can scan it and know exactly what document it is. DocBoss automatically populates these cover sheets using the template from your respective customer. We add the QR code to link it back to the document register when documents are returned to you. Using the QR codes in DocBoss are optional but they are always there if needed.
To learn more about QR codes, check out this blog posting from 2012 when QR codes were starting to gain traction.