Using Project Based Learning to develop student leaders






The Center for Citizenship and Social Responsibility

Medford Public Schools

Project-Based Learning

Ashley N. Snyder

This report is funded by grants from:

The Cummings Foundation and

The Krystle Campbell Betterment Project (Boston Foundation)

Bloomberg Philanthropies


Project-based learning (PBL) is a teaching approach in which students gain knowledge by working together for an extended period of time to solve a complex, meaningful problem (Buck Institute of Education, n.d.). PBL utilizes authentic learning in combination with a student-centered approach to increase student engagement and interest. The process and level of engagement in PBL is what diffentiates PBL from busywork (Larmer & Mergendoller, 2010). Busywork focuses on the resulting product, whereas PBL involves students actively working and learning throughout the process of completing the project. PBL not only allows for a deeper knowledge of content, but also improves cognitive functioning and social skills (Stepien, Gallagher, & Workman, 1993), including critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, and communication (Permanasari, Firman, Riandi, & Hamidah, 2017).

The Buck Institute for Education claims there are seven essential project design elements which are necessary to have the best outcome in knowledge acquisition, understanding, and success skills. The seven elements are (1) challenging problem or question, (2) sustained inquiry, (3) authenticity, (4) student voice and choice, (5) reflection, (6) critiques and revision, (7) public product (Larmer & Mergendoller, 2015). Thus, a successful project-based approach incorporates authentic, real-world problems which are relevant to the students in order to increase engagement, independence and create self-regulated learners.   


A significant element of PBL is authenticity, which simply refers being real or genuine (Buck Institute of Education, 2019). Authentic learning is a technique which applies knowledge to real-life context and situations (Lombardi, 2007). Authentic learning permits students to “create their own understandings of new concepts and practices by integrating their previous experience, the resources they have, their own research and their current experience” (Roach, Tillet, Mitchell, 2018, p. 496-497). Additionally, authentic learning provides relevancy for the students, which in turn inspires sustained interest and engagement. Students often demonstrate their knowledge by creating a product or presentation which can be presented to an audience (Buck Institute of Education, 2019). This additional step provides further ownership for their work and increased motivation to learn (Walker, Leary, & Hmelo-Silver, 2015). Students become invested and care about the quality of their work because they find meaning in what they are learning.

PBL allows students to collaborate and work together in a genuine manner. Students gain social-emotional skills as well as academic skills by planning, problem-solving, creating, and reflecting together. Students gain important real-world skills such as critical thinking, analyzing and evaluating information, working cooperatively, and communicating effectively (Lombardi, 2007). By focusing on practical skills, students can generalize what they learn and improve academic and social skills.

Student Engagement

PBL is a student-centered learning method where the students take the lead. Instruction is based on the learners as unique individuals. Students are encouraged to work and learn independently from the teacher, gaining important skills and confidence in themselves along the way. Student-centered teaching provides opportunities for student engagement, causing increased motivation to learn, greater retention of knowledge, deeper understanding, and more positive attitudes towards the subject being taught (Collins & O'Brien, 2003; University of Washington, 2019). Furthermore, student-centered instruction can increase student’s self-esteem, increase cooperation, reduce anxiety, and encourage positive attitudes toward teachers (Laal & Ghodsi, 2012).

An authentic, student-centered approach found in PBL increases student engagement, thus increasing academic and social-emotional skills. Student engagement in PBL is multidimensional and can involve emotion, behavior, and cognition (Martin & Torres, 2016). Students take on the responsibility of learning and generalizing skills (Johnson & Delawsky, 2013). The students take ownership of their projects and are engaged in their education. Students who are involved with their learning process have shown increased attention, focus, and critical thinking skills (Martin & Torres, 2016). Furthermore, students who are engaged are more likely to do well on standardized testing and are less likely to drop out of school, (Johnson & Delawsky, 2013; Martin & Torres, 2016). Overall, PBL has the potential to increase various skills.

Motivation and engagement are key components of PBL. Students learn to focus their efforts, maintain attention, monitor and evaluate their work, and seek help with necessary (English & Kitsantas, 2013). Students develop inquiry and curiosity through asking questions and investigating. The teacher’s role is no longer to lecture, but to facilitate while students take responsibility for their learning and make meaning of what they experience (English & Kitsantas, 2013). In short; the students learn by doing.

Self-Regulated Learning

PBL creates self-regulated learners. Self-regulated learning is a fundamental framework to understand the cognitive, motivational, and emotional aspects of learning (Panadero, 2017). The concept is based on the tenant that learners are able to control their thoughts, feelings, and actions in order to enhance themselves and grow, academically and emotionally (Zimmerman, Bonner, & Kovach, 1996). “Self-regulated learners are able to monitor, regulate, and control their cognition, motivation, and behavior,” (Wolters, Pintrich, & Karabenik, 2005, p. 251). Students become motivated to learn and develop self-efficacy.

 Self-regulation is a self-directed process in which educators can facilitate by utilizing PBL. PBL allows students to set goals, plan a course of action, select appropriate strategies, self-monitor, and self-evaluate their learning, thus becoming self-regulated learners (Zimmerman & Kitsantas, 2005). Self-regulated learning increases academic skills, such as (a) planning and using study time more effectively, (b) understanding and summarizing text material better, (c) improving methods of note taking, (d) anticipating and preparing better for examinations, and (e) writing more effectively, (Zimmerman, Bonner, & Kovach, 1996). Students engage and adapt their cognitive strategies in order to enhance memory, learning, reasoning, problem solving, and thinking (Wolters, Pintrich, & Karabenik, 2005). Students learn new strategies, as well as when to use them.


Teachers are facilitators during project-based instruction. The students should lead and have a voice, while teachers are there to aid when necessary. There are the obvious teaching aspects including adapting deigns and plans, aligning projects to education standards, and managing activities. However, teachers can also build the culture within the classroom by promoting autonomy and allowing opportunity for growth through PBL. Furthermore, we can scaffold student learning (Buck Institute of Education, n.d.). This interactive process of learning allows for modifications and growth overtime, gradually allowing the student to gain a new skill. The goal is to have students take responsibility of their learning by setting goals, monitoring progress, reflecting, and be motivated to do their work (Enligh & Kitsantas, 2013).

Teachers can provide an environment which reinforces student engagement, supports self-regulated learning, and contributes to creative school culture (Martin & Torres, 2016). PBL can be used to increase engagement, creativity, and success skills, as well as create more invested learning, provide exposure to adults and careers, give a sense of purpose, and build rewarding teacher relationships (Buck Institute of Education, n.d.). Implementing PBL can be challenging for the teachers, but PBL is highly effective in motivating students and helping them become self-regulated learners.

Social-Emotional Implications

Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process in which people understand and manage their emotions, set goals, have empathy, establish positive relationships, and make responsible choices (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning, 2019). The five core competencies of SEL are self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision making (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning, 2017). SEL competencies are critical to education and can be naturally learned though PBL.

 In PBL environments, students learn via a process of questioning, active learning, sharing, and reflection, thus making meaning of content (Blumenfeld et al., 1991). Students become co-learners, developing skills together, such as collaboration, communication, and problem-solving. “The learners are responsible for one another's learning as well as their own. Thus, the success of one learner helps other students to be successful,” (Laal & Ghodsi, 2012, p. 487). Collaborative learning has been linked with higher achievement and productivity, more caring, supporting, and committed relationships, and greater psychological health, social competence, and self-esteem compared to working competitivity or individualistically (Laal & Ghodsi, 2012). Collaborative learning provides opportunities to increase social awareness as students work together to achieve a common goal. As conflict, disagreements, and setback occur, students learn to communicate and resolve social problems. Furthermore, students are able to see and understand differences between each other, build diversity, and create a positive learning atmosphere (Laal & Ghodsi, 2012).

Reflection is final design element of PBL and can encompass SEL. Reflection allows time for students to discuss the process of their project, including how collaboration went, what could have made their work better, and each individuals contribution. By asking group members to identify what behaviors help them work together and to reflect on their contribution to the group's success or failure, students are made aware of the need for healthy, positive, helping interactions (Panitz, 1996; Cohen. & Cohen, 1991 as cited in Laal & Ghodsi, 2012).


PBL increases a variety of academic skills including critical thinking, active learning, classroom grades, problem-solving, motivation, and collaboration (Laal & Ghodsi, 2012). PBL is diverse in that it can be beneficial for students ranging from preschool through twelfth grade (and beyond). Every age and education level can gain skills through PBL as is it individualized for each class. Furthermore, PBL can be used across a variety of disciplines, including social studies, mathematics, science, English language arts, and vocational classes (Chiang & Lee, 2016; Kingston, 2018).

 Elementary students are able to increase academic achievement, cognitive, and psychomotor domains, as well improve confidence, creativity, and problem-solving skills (Alacap?nar, 2008; Aral et al., 2010; Gultekein, 2005). Furthermore, students are more engaged and feel positively about their work when they are more involved (Chu, Tse, & Chow, 2011; Gultekein, 2005). It is important to note that some teachers had difficulty implementing PBL, however, even with simple shifts toward student-centered activities, teachers reported greater student engagement (Hertzog, 2007).

PBL has also shown to be beneficial in middle school. PBL can improve content learning and academic achievement, particularly within sixth through eighth grade math and science classes (Ak?no?lu & Tando?an, 2007; Araz & Sungur, 2007; Chen & Chen, 2012; Geirer et al., 2008; Wong and Day, 2009). Additionally, PBL allows for diversity building and individual differences to be utilized (Grant & Branch, 2005), which can be especially significant at this age.

Research indicates that student engagement declines as students’ progress from upper elementary grades to middle school, reaching its lowest levels in high school. Some studies estimate that, by high school, 40 to 60 percent of youth are disengaged (Martin & Torres 2016). By utilizing PBL, student engagement and positive views on the subject can increase (Baumgartner & Zabin, 2008; Mergendoller & Maxwell, 2006). PBL also improve content knowledge, general academic skills, (Baumgartner & Zabin., 2008; Duncan & Tseng, 2010; Mergendoller & Maxwell, 2006; Mioduser & Betzer, 2007).

Research provides moderate support of PBL in short-term studies, with outcome improving further over long-term periods. PBL appears to be a superior and more effective teaching approach than the traditional methods. PBL allows for a deeper knowledge of content, improves cognitive functioning and social skills, and teaches students how to become independent self-regulated learners.

Case Studies

           Beneke and Ostrosky (2008) researched how PBL affects students in pre-kindergarten, public classrooms. Participants consisted of seven certified early childhood teachers in Illinois The teachers attended three-day institutes on the project-based approach. The teachers were interviewed before (within four weeks of) and after (within 16 weeks after) attending the institutes. Teachers described positive changes in children’s social development and credited to the increase in meaningful activities. Themes across the teacher’s responses included increased interest and motivation. Five of the seven teachers viewed planning projects with their students as positive experiences which allowed them to engage their students with more ease. Additionally, four of the seven teachers reported that implementing a project-based approach increased their ability to include diverse learners, such as children with special needs, challenging behaviors, or at high-risk for academic failure.

           Ebrecht and Ku (2014) explored how a project-based approach could be utilized in third and fourth grade classes. Three teachers from different elementary schools were included and each teacher selected five students from their classrooms to be representative samples. The teachers attempted to use classroom blogging to enhance literacy and technology schools. Each teacher used different websites, materials, and techniques. The first classroom chose MOODLE, a course management system for educators, which was accessed through classroom iMacs. The students investigated their favorite authors and wrote persuasive essays which were reviewed by classmates. The second classroom used Kidsblog, a secure blogging website for students, on iPads in order to discuss and showcase their own poetry. The third classroom utilized Google Apps on Chromebooks to blog about non-fiction books, as well as discuss diorama projects which were also part of the project. While the teachers found it difficult to assess to what extent the projects increased literacy and technology skills in their students, the students had positive attitudes toward their projects and identified various benefits.

Students identified six literacy benefits that blogging provided to them: (1) a fun way to read, (2) a new way to write, (3) improved reading and writing skills, (4) expanded vocabulary, (5) influence of writing for an authentic audience, and (6) the enjoyment of helping each other with their writing. [….] Students were also very affirmative about the technology benefits of blogging. Four key technology benefits were identified by students: (1) a way to learn how to use social media, (2) a way to acquire technology skills necessary in their future, (3) improved keyboarding skills, and (4) electronic writing allowed students to identify and correct grammar and spelling mistakes more easily (Ebrecht and Ku, 2014, p. 10).

Teachers also agreed that having an authentic audience positively impacted the students.

Gultekin (2005) studied the effects of PBL on learning outcomes in fifth grade social studies courses. The study was conducted at a public school in Turkey over the course of three weeks and included 40 students (20 in the experimental group and 20 in the control group). An 11-stage project-based learning was used and included:

(1) identifying the objectives, (2) identifying and defining the task to perform or the problem to deal with, (3) identifying the characteristics of the conclusion report and the format of presentation, (4) identifying the evaluation criteria, (5) forming the teams, (6) identifying sub/minor questions, (7) planning the information gathering process, (8) forming the time-frame, (9) identifying checkpoints, (10) gathering, organizing and reporting the information, and (11) presenting the results and the conclusion (Gultekin, 2005).

Assessment was based on achievement testing and semi-structured interviewing. Results showed a significant increase in academic success within the experimental group. Additionally, students found the PBL approach enjoyable. and were motivated to learn.

Ergul and Kargin (2014) utilized PBL to teach sixth grade students’ science and technology topics. Participants included 92 (46 in the experimental group and 46 in the control group) sixth graders from two schools in Turkey. Pre- and post-test achievement tests were conducted to determine academic success. Students in the experimental group sdemonstarted more academic success than the control group. This result is attributed to the PBL approach which increased student’s active participation.

Baumgartner and Zabin (2008) conducted a case study to look at project-based instruction among ninth graders. The study was conducted over a two-year period at a charter school in the United States. Participants were selected via a lottery and included students aged 13-14 years old taking a marine science course. Each year, two classes with an average of 25 students in each class were provided PBL instruction. Students were organized into teams to study specific groups of organisms. Instruction included mini-lessons, six field trips to collect data, experiments done in the classroom, and presentations. Students took on the responsibility for their learning by assisting in planning their trips, creating field collection kits, and maintaining field notebooks. Assessment of impact focused on students gains in content and skills knowledge. A concept inventory of 50 concepts were created to be scored pre- and post- project. Concept inventories showed significant increase in self-reported content knowledge and sophistication. Skill knowledge was also assessed with essay writing which showed shifts from low to middle and high achievement. Furthermore, qualitative observations of student products (data notebook, posters, etc.) indicated a positive impact on student learning.

Summers and Dickinson (2012) created a longitudinal study investigating project-based instruction throughout high school. The study took place in a diverse rural district in a state where 70% of the district’s students are from low income families. Two high schools with similar populations located close to each other were used. One school implemented project-based approach while the other school used traditional curriculum to teach social studies. The study followed the students for four years of high school, examining social studies achievement and college and career readiness. Results showed higher and more positive college and career readiness outcomes for students who received project-based instruction. Teachers discussed the increased planning time needed for project-based instruction, but overall felt very positive about the teaching method.


PBL has various advantages over traditional teaching methods. PBL combines a student-centered approach with authentic learning which increases student motivation and engagement in the classroom. Students must utilize each other and work collaboratively to create a project that they will present to the community. PBL requires students to engage in skills such as critical thinking, collaboration, and communication. Students must learn authentically and use their own understanding from their experiences to place the information in the proper context. Students gain basic skills and resource knowledge allowing them to become independent, self-regulated learners. Research indicates that implementing more project-based instruction throughout Medford Public Schools can help our student’s flourish, academically, socially, and emotionally.


Alacap?nar, F. (2008). Effectiveness of project-based learning. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 32, 17-35.

Ak?no?lu, O., & Tando?an. R. O. (2007). The effects of problem-based active learning in science education on students’ academic achievement, attitude and concept learning. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 3(1), 71–81.

Aral, N., Kandir, A., Ayhan, A. B., & Ya?ar, M. C. (2010). The influence of project-based curricula on six-yearold preschoolers? conceptual development. Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal, 38(8), 1073-1079. doi:10.2224/sbp.2010.38.8.1073.

Araz, G., & Sungur, S. (2007). Effectiveness of problem‐based learning on academic performance in genetics. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education, 35(6), 448–451.

Baumgartner, E., & Zabin, C. (2008). A case study of project-based instruction in the ninth grade: a semester long study of intertidal biodiversity. Environmental Education Research, 14(2), 97-114. doi: 10.1080/13504620801951640.

Beneke, S., & Ostrosky, M. M. (2008). Teachers’ views of the efficacy of incorporating the project approach into classroom practice with diverse learners. Young Children, (1), 1-9.

Blumenfield, P., Soloway, E., Marx, R., Krajcik, J. S., Guzdial, M., & Palincsar, A. (1991). Motivating Project-Based Learning: Sustaining the Doing, Supporting the Learning. Educational Psychologist, 26(3-4), 369–398. doi: 10.1080/00461520.1991.9653139

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PBL Organizations

The Buck Institute of Education ( creates programs for elementary through high schools students. The Buck Institute of Education has developed PBLworks (, which provides free information on PBL including research, workshops, conferences, and projects.

Resource Guide

·        A user guide Designed by Panorma Education to help educators understand the social-emotional competencies of their students:

·        PBLworks provides workshops for teachers which are appropriate for all grade levels and all subject areas:

·        Doing Projects versus Project Based Learning PBL


Video tutorial:

·        Project Ideas:

·        A guide to lesson plan projects and have them individualized for each class:

·        Seven Essentials of Project-Based Learning is an article by John Larmer and John R. Mergendoller which discusses the essential design elements in more detail:


·        Essential Project Element Design Checklist to ensure all design elements are included:

·        Project Design Rubric utilizes the essential project design elements as the criteria to evaluate projects:  

·        It’s a Project-Based World. Let’s Prepare Students For it is an article by Bonnie Lathram, Bob Lenz and Tom Vander Ark which explains how PBL readies students for the real world:


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