Using Pro-Real avatars and virtual reality to help clients on-line and in-person
Philippa Weitz BEd, MSc, Reg. MBACP
Online Therapist & Online Supervisor
The use of Pro-Real avatars and virtual reality is increasingly used in counselling and psychotherapy. This note will explain what it is, how it can be used and the evidence base behind it. Our short course Using ProReal avatars & virtual reality in online & F2F therapy starts on 27th January 2019. For more information:
What is Digital Mental Health Care?
Digital mental health care is a global term covering all aspects of both the digital aspects involved in face to face (in-person) therapy and online therapy. It includes the use of emails, mobile phones, apps, virtual reality and avatars, use of the internet as a resource or method of communication, algorithms and artificial intelligence, chatbots, assessment and notes procedures, social media, and data collection for research purposes.
What is ProReal?
ProReal is an avatar-based, virtual-world software platform - and is increasingly used successfully in psychotherapy and counselling to help clients for both in-person and online therapy. There is a growing and substantive evidence base which supports the use of virtual reality in our work.
That’s sounds great - but is there any evidence that the use of avatars and virtual reality therapy works? Yes!
Reviewing the Evidence Base
Since 2015 there has been six substantive pieces of research into ProReal. Links to the separate reports may be found here:
The research includes the application of ProReal avatars in closed institutions such as Prisons; avatar-based counselling with Young People; working in Schools; helping people with Borderline Personality Disorders and with Young People with Eating Disorders.
The use of avatars and virtual reality therapy is an exciting, innovative and valuable way of taking advantage of technology to help clients, whether we prefer to do this online or in-person, face-to-face. Please get in touch with us if you would like to find out more.
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