Using Notes Effectively
Some speakers memorize their speeches, while others read straight from the text. Both techniques have their places, but remember that many more speakers split the difference and use notes when they speak. This can allow for dynamic delivery provided you know how to use your notes effectively. Good use of notes can allow your speech to flow smoothly and seem off the cuff, while in reality you are very prepared. So how can your use of notes be most effective?
First, it’s still best to use the tried and true notecards. The reason is that your notes should not be your entire speech written out word for word. When you are reading straight from the text, there’s a risk you become too monotone. You don’t engage your audience effectively, and as a speaker or presenter that’s the last thing you want.
A notecard forces you to write down only what’s essential. These are usually written as bullet points and? keep you focused. As a speaker, you glance down for a reminder of what’s next, but then you can look up and keep speaking directly to your audience. This allows the speech to be more engaging and extemporaneous.
There’s also the practical element. Notecards are a lot studier than paper. Which is why you do not want to write down notes on slips of paper. An ill-placed fan or open window can sent your notes flying through the air. Notecards stay where you want them to stay.
Furthermore, you can even use your notecards to enhance points. You’re already holding them, why not make use of them? At a key moment in the speech, you can gesture towards the audience or your screen with the cards. They add an element of emphasis.
No matter how you plan to use those notecards, make sure you number them. If they get mixed up you’ll immediately be able to put them in the right order. In addition, only write on one side so you don’t accidentally use the wrong side first. Many speakers have learned this one the hard way.
What matters in the end is whether your speech was effective. Hopefully these tips help you make your speech as effective as it can be.