Using LinkedIn, part 1
Julian Dumitrascu
My teams make available people, services, and means that help manage relationships, resources, and data.
I am going to be mindful of the energy of each of my conversation partners. To use your energy as effectively as you like, let me know what benefits you want and let me pay attention to them until I understand them well enough!
In this conversation let me know what benefits you want from using LinkedIn!
Discussing one's goals enables others to contribute to reaching them better and sooner.
1. Although I started using LinkedIn on 6 May 2006, I've just read their user agreement, privacy policy, and community policies.
1.1.1 They include things to which I'm used.
They seem reasonable and well-written.
I am going to abide by them, as I always have.
1.1.2 I think that some LinkedIn users have violated the prohibition to make "requests for romantic relationship".
Sol Relationship Management helps people to manage different types of relationships. We're going to discuss here relationships between users and providers of private / public services. To the extent that we must use another communication program to discuss how best to manage some personal relationships and the services of Sol Dating, you can suggest one or leave me your e-mail address in a private message, so that I can invite you to a private online space.
1.2 I like no advertising.
My teams help people to communicate more effectively when they want to pay for a certain service. (We call products "services".) No advertising is needed. (When a conversation is related to the current one, I only start it. When you continue it, we'll have it.)
2.1 I and the organisations on behalf of which I use LinkedIn are not going to violate anybody's right to their intellectual property.
We help people to manage data so that they protect their rights to them.
2.2 To the extent that the applicable laws protect the rights to the data that I manage using LinkedIn, I and these organisations are going to assert them in our relationships.
3. Their user guide seems fairly useful.
We can provide feedback here.
4. My articles are here.
Articles start public conversations.
I'd like LinkedIn to not limit posts to 3,000 characters and responses to 1,250 characters, so that one can express oneself freely whenever. When you want to vote on this or other things, ask me for a means to do so!
Which topics do you want to discuss?
We can use a page newsletter for each topic when the LinkedIn team indicates how to get notifications from pages. I'm no fan of Facebook's idea called "pages" (Why?), but you can follow this page. We'll agree on how useful it is for you and us to use it.
5. I've installed the LinkedIn extension to notify me about what you have to say.
6. Other main parts of LinkedIn:
6.1 One can manage events here.
6.2 The tags one is following are here.
6.3 One's followers are listed here.
6.4 Settings are here.
7. One can limit conversation partners to connections by creating a "post".
8. One can choose one's conversation partners in a group.