Using Key Performance Indicators to Track Asset Criticality
TMA Systems
Empowering enterprises with configurable, state-of-the-art facilities maintenance and asset management software.
Using Key Performance Indicators to Track Asset Criticality?
Smart facility managers know that all assets are not created equal. But determining which assets are critical to the workflow and operation of your company can be challenging. Key performance indicators (KPIs) will help you rank asset criticality and create a maintenance strategy to optimize asset performance and reduce costs and risks.?
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Maintenance Management
Key performance indicators that are process-related are known as leading KPIs. A well-developed maintenance process forms the foundation for all organizational maintenance functions. Here are some examples of leading key performance indicators:?
The actual results of your maintenance activities are known as lagging key performance indicators. Lagging KPIs vary depending on your industry and facility type but typically fall under these general categories:?
Using KPIs to Determine Asset Criticality?
Regardless of the maintenance strategy you currently employ, knowing which assets are critical to your operation and why can optimize operational ROI and reduce costs and risks. Ranking asset criticality depends on your individual facility’s operation and objectives.?
Darrin Wikoff, the author of an article on, recommends setting up a criticality analysis model:?
Step One: Using these business attributes, assign each character a rating from zero to 10, with the total not exceeding 100 for each asset.?
Step Two: Once you have identified the top 15%-20% of your critical assets from Step One determine the primary characteristic that makes each asset critical. The asset data from your computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) provides asset life cycle costs, repair history, failure modes, and more—depending on your system type—and should give you the data you need.?
Step Three: By analyzing the asset data from the CMMS, especially the single-point failure rating, you can adjust your maintenance approach to these critical assets, lowering their criticality ranking and reducing your overall risks.??
Every facility manager has a “worse asset nightmare”… asset failure that has serious or catastrophic consequences. You can create an effective asset plan by using key performance indicators to identify and rank critical assets. A proactive management strategy, such as a Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) approach, offers the best opportunity to align your maintenance management with organizational goals and objectives. You can prevent and even predict failure modes and optimize asset function and integrity.?
Use the CMMS Key Performance Indicators to Manage Asset Criticality?
A CMMS can help you track, measure, and prioritize your maintenance management activities:?
Setting up and using key performance indicators lets you plan, track, and measure asset activity and performance. With an accurate picture of what assets are critical to your organization, you can make sound asset management decisions for both short-term and long-term goals and objectives. Adopting a “plan, improve, control” approach is the best way to ensure optimal asset reliability at optimal cost.?
The strategic use of key performance indicators considers IT assets' overall performance, cost, and criticality. This approach can help a business decide where to invest their money, time, and resources so that they can identify their most critical systems by mapping KPIs for hardware, software, etc.?Contact us today at [email protected] if you’re interested in reducing costs and risk exposure.?