Using the Integration Center (Part 1)
Vasanth Kumar G S
SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central Core and Time Management Certified | SAP SuccessFactors EC & Time Off Consultant | IIMK Alumni
The Integration Center enables HR business analysts to build, run, schedule, and monitor simple integrations.
You can build integrations quickly and easily through a guided workflow. 3redefined templates are available and you can also create your own templates.
Integration Center supports both file and Web Service based outbound integrations.
For file based integrations, Integration Center supports CSV, TXT, XML, and EDI/Stacked formats.
For Web Service based outbound integrations, Integration Center supports SOAP and REST outbound integrations.
Additionally, Integration Center supports CSV based inbound integrations.
The files generated in the Integration Center are directed to a configured SFTP server location. They are fully ready to be imported to the external provider system that needs synchronized data with SAP SuccessFactors applications.
Integration Center as a package:
SAP support building integrations with ODATA APIs for the following modules:
?Overview of Integration Center:
Creating Outbound Integrations:
You can build integrations using different tools that are available as part of SAP SuccessFactors applications:
Importing Integrations from the Integration Catalog:
You can build an integration from a template that you choose from a catalog of templates.
2.?On the My Integrations page, you will get an overview of existing integrations from the My Integrations page. In addition to the Name and Description, Last Modified and Actions column, it now includes information from the Execution Manager such as error/warning/success icons along with subtotals and a Last Run column with runtime and version. Clicking on the last run date opens the latest job log in the Execution Manager. The My Integrations page also includes a Refresh button so that you can get the latest status of the job. Click Browse Catalog.
The Content Hub opens.
3.?In the Content Hub, click All.
4.?Click the Show Filter icon.
5.?In the Supported Platform column, filter by SuccessFactors Integration Center.
6.?Click one of the templates.
7.?Click the Documents icon.
8.?Click the integration definition that you want to download.
9.?To import the template, return to the My Integrations page and choose Create > Import Integration Definition.
The selected template is imported as an integration to the Integration Center.
Creating Outbound Integrations Using Integration Center:
Through a guided workflow, you can create an integration from a starting entity and you can add data from other entities by navigating via data model relationships to fields in related entities.
1.?Go to Admin Center > Integration Center.
2.?From the Landing Page, select My Integrations.
3.?From the My Integrations page, go to + Create menu and select any of the following integration types:
4.?Select More Integration Types
The Choose Integration Type dialog box appears.
5.?Select the appropriate options from the Choose Integration Type
a.?Trigger Type
b.?Source Type
c.?Destination Type
6.?Select Create.
When you have selected Create the Choose Integration Type disappears and you are directed to the Integration Center Entity Search page.
7.?From the Integration Center Entity Search page, enter in the starting entity you want to use for your integration in the Search for Entities by Entity Name.
Especially for OData integrations, the best choice is to use Job Information or EmpJob as your starting entity.
8.?You can select the following different options in any order to find your entity information:
a.?Enter in an entity name in the Search for Entities by Entity Name field.
b.?Enter a field name that exists in any entity you want to use.
c.?Select tags to filter your entity search.
Note: Integration Center no longer supports Compound Employee API.
Creating an Outbound Integration with Attachment as the Format for an Integration Type:
Steps to create an Attachment outbound integration and to download attachments to a SFTP location.
Integration Center supports extracting maximum of 5000 attachments. For anything beyond, the integration is stopped and a warning message is displayed in the execution manager: "You have exceeded the maximum attachment limit of 5000 records. Please apply relevant filters to extract attachments."
1.?Go to Admin Center > Integration Center.
2.?From Integration Center landing Page, select My Integrations.
3.?From the Integration Center > My Integrations page, choose + Create > More Integration Types.
4.?From the Choose Integration Type page, select the following:
a.?Trigger type as Scheduled.
b.?Source Type as SuccessFactors.
c.?Destination Type as SFTP.
d.?Format as Attachment.
5.?Select Create.
When you select Create button, you are directed to the Integration Center - Create a New Scheduled ATTACHMENT File Output Integration page.
6.?Select the Starting Entity.
7.?Enter the integration name and select Configure Fields tab.
Detailed information of each field is explained below:
8.?Go to Filter and Sort page if you want to filter for any specific Candidates.
9.?Go to Destination Settings page to enter the SFTP details. Use Calculated File Names to generate unique file names per attachment.
10.?Schedule the integration (if needed) and provide the frequency, start and End dates.
11.?Go to Review and Run and check the details. Save the integration and click Run Now to run immediately. Save and click Set Schedule to run at a specific scheduled time.
Outbound Integration Types:
You can create outbound integrations using different trigger, source, and destination types using different formats.
Available Options for More Integration Types:
You can create all integrations using the More Integration Types option from the + Create menu that utilizes the Choose integration Type dialog box where you can use different source, destination, and formats based on the selected Trigger Type.
The trigger type, Application/UI supports background check verification for Recruiting integrations. The Application/UI integrations can't be scheduled or looked up using Intelligent Services Center Flows.
The Options page is the first page where you set general options for the integration you are trying to create. The fields on this page vary based on the Integration Type you choose.
Read Access Logging (RAL):
You can log read access to sensitive data in outbound integrations by enabling Read Access Logging when you are configuring a new or existing integration.
For successful implementation of RAL, ensure that you have also enabled Read Access Logging at an instance-level. i.e., you must toggle the Read Access Logging switch to ON from Manage Audit Configuration > Read Audit.
Configuring Options for an XML File Output:
For a XML File Output integration, on the Options page you receive the following fields.
Enter the following information as described in the Description column:
Options for Simple File Output Integrations:
When you create a Scheduled Simple File Output Integration, there are multiple different .csv output file types that have different configuration when you are in the Options tab.
Different Output Types:
You can schedule Scheduled Simple File Output Integration in one of two ways:
Whether you are selecting from the Options page or from Choose Integration Type, below are the available file outputs for Scheduled Simple File Output Integration:
Special Characters for True CSV Output File Types:
When you select True CSV as your output file types for your Scheduled Simple File Output Integration. You can specify if you want to use or ignore double quotes for null values.
Double Quotes for True CSV Output File Types:
There is a checkbox if you want to ignore double quotes for null values when you select True CSV as your output file type for your scheduled simple file output integration in the Options tab.
Configuring Options for EDI/FIXED File Output:
For a Scheduled EDI / Fixed File Output Integration, on the Options page you receive the following fields.
Enter the following information as described in the Description column:
Using Configure Fields Tab:
1.?On the Configure Fields page, edit the layout and field transformations for the integration output.
The fields are displayed in a table. To reorder the columns, use the Move Right or Move Left option.
Clicking a column header gives you the following options.
2.?To switch the table view to a Detail View, click the list view icon on the top of the page.
3.?To switch the table view to a Field Mapping View, click the Mapping View icon on the top of the page. Initially you did this via column header using Change Field Association option, now to achieve the same you can click on the Mapping View icon and use the Drag and Drop feature to apply associations. This is helpful if you want to upload a sample CSV format and may want to change associations.
With the Drag and Drop feature, Flat fields can be mapped simply by dragging properties from the left side source fields and dropping them on right hand side destination fields.
4.?To add a field, choose Add... > Add Field.
5.?If you selected an advanced header type and/or footer type, you can include headers and/or footers in the integration output as follows.
a.?Click the header or footer icon at the top right of the page.
b.?Click Add
c.?In the Field Options dialog box, enter the information for the header or footer and click OK. To enter another field, click Add again.
6.?To display a preview of sample records of the output, click the preview icon at the top right of the page.
In the Save menu, you can download the preview by choosing Download Preview.
7.?Choose Next.
The Filter and Sort page appears.?
More Field Options:
When creating or editing an integration, you can click a column header on the Configure Fields page to display the field menu.
Choosing More Field Options... in the above field menu displays the following Field Options dialog box.
An icon and a tooltip alert you to records that will be rejected because, for example, they exceed the maximum length, or do not meet the minimum length, or do not contain a required value, etc as shown in the below screenshot.
Viewing Payload Errors:
You can view your payload information from the File/Payload Preview Page for your integration. To access, open up your integration and select the Configure Fields Tab. From the Configure Fields Tab, find the Switch to File/Payload Preview View ?icon.
Maximum Preview Items and Pagination:
You can limit the size of the records to preview by limiting how many records you want to view from the Maximum Preview Items menu located at the top of the page.
The new pagination feature allows you to enter in the page number you want in the Input Page Number field going directly to the data record. You can use the backward and forward arrows in the Input Page Number field to browse records page to page.
Add Field:
When creating or editing an integration, you can add fields on the Configure Fields page by choosing Add.... (You can also add fields by clicking a column header and choosing Insert Field.)
Find Field Starting from <Entity>:
The SuccessFactors data model has hundreds of entities and thousands of fields. On the Configure Fields page, you choose Add... > Add Field to associate an output field to a specific SuccessFactors field. You can also use it to find fields for which to filter records from the starting entity.
You most commonly use this feature to add a new field when creating or editing an integration.
Search for Field:
You can use a multiple wild card search to search for any field. Each wild card can be separated by spaces. The search will return any fields and entities with those sequential characters. It also allows you to append Label/ Picklist Codes in search results that appear in Find Field dialog box.
While searching for a field, you may see the following pop-up that explains the limit of 25 shortest navigations. This is a warning message and does not specify any failure in the course of searching and selecting a field.
Show Preview/Hide Preview:
To display a list of sample values for the selected field, you can click the field data preview icon at the top right of the page.
Navigation Routes:
Selecting an item in the search results initiates a navigation route search for the target field originating from the starting entity.
Entity Tree View:
The entity tree view allows you to navigate manually through the data model, beginning from the starting entity.
Field Filters:
As an alternative to the behaviour described above of taking the first child record of the child records returned, you can use a field filter to choose a specific child record. You can now apply Field Filters on the parent node mapped with one-to-many (1:M) field navigations.
If the field filter is made up of business keys that reference picklists, you select the field filter operand from a dropdown, as shown in the following screenshot.
XML Output:
On the My Integrations page, you can choose XML Output by selecting Create Scheduled XML File Output Integration or by selecting XML as the Format from the complete list of available integration types in More Integration Types.
You can import a sample XML file or create your own XML structure on the Configure Fields page and format the output fields for XML output. The generated XML files have an _N suffix after the optional data suffix is selected. You can input the XML files to destination applications in addition to flat files.
Output File in XML Format
Manual editing of the Field Tree View:
This feature allows you to edit the XML Tree view for tweaking a hierarchical schema and creating one from scratch where no sample XML, XSD, WSDL is available. It is also required for EDI support where import is not possible. Without this feature Import is the only way to create a schema.
The following table lists out the options you can use while manually editing the Field Tree View.
Mapping of Fields:
You can map fields by the following two ways:
Field Detail View:
In the Field Details view you can select an element on the left side to view the details associated. Specify the values for Label, Description, Default Value. You can set these as a Fixed Value Field, Associated Field, or a Calculated Field. You can derive the parent-child relationship by using the:
Field Mapping View:
The Drag and Drop view works for Flat/XML files. With the Drag and Drop feature, fields can be mapped simply by dragging properties from the left side source fields and dropping them on right-hand side destination fields.
EDI/Stacked File Format:
You can now generate the file output in the EDI file format which enables you to take the information out of Integration Center in the required format.
In an EDI file format, the headers and trailers will appear only once in the file at the top and bottom of the file. The EDI file format will consist of headers, body, and trailers, and the body would be repeated for each paging record. EDI file format can also contain multiple header and trailer record based on the vendor requirement. The trailer record would contain the count of records, which includes the header and trailer records. You can also configure one to many relationships in the EDI format.
EDI file format:
The body of an EDI file format can contain single element/segment or multiple segment/element. The EDI format will have one record to report complete employee information (all the information needed) or it can have multiple elements for different information i.e., one segment for the employee details, the other segment to report the dependents, another segment to report the dependents contact information, and so on.
You can manually edit the field tree view for tweaking the schema that you create for the EDI file format. This manual editing of the tree view is similar to the tree view structure editing that you do for the XML tree view.
You can also drag and drop the view that you create for the EDI file format. This is similar to the XML tree view drag and drop feature.
EDI format types:
The detailed preview view:
Filter and Sort:
You can focus and filter on a specific set of data by using the Filter and Sort option.
Advanced Filters:
You can use the advanced filters to specify more complex conditional expressions that are possible with the simple filters.
Time-Based Filters:
Time-Based Filter helps you to get all the records (current and/or historical) that have been modified since the last time the integration ran.
Advanced Sorting:
You can use advanced sorting to sort the output records by multiple levels. Only sortable fields are included in the field lists.
Destination Settings:
On the Destination Settings page you must enter the endpoint/server settings for the destination of the integration. These settings help you send the output of your integration to
SFTP Settings:
On the Destination Settings page, enter the details as mentioned in the table below. You can create SFTP file settings here by selecting either Single Destination option or Multiple Destinations option, where you can add up to 3 SFTP destinations for an outbound integration created in Security Center.
Configuring Certificate-based Authentication for Files sent to SFTP Server:
Integration Center supports authentication either by entering the password or by using certificate based authentication. Following are the steps to use certificate based authentication when sending files to SFTP using Integration Center.
1.?First step is to generate the keypair using Security Center > Other keys.
Let us consider an example of generating a keypair called Certificate Authentication keypair with the key category as Authentication Key (SSH) and Type as RSA. Click Generate Key.
2.?After creating, download the public key by clicking on the cloud icon.
3.?Give this public key to the SFTP team who hosts the server. The SFTP team needs to add the public keys into the server VM and link this to the user used in Integration Center.
4.?Go to Destination Settings and in the SFTP User Name enter the user name which is linked to this public key.
5.?In the Advanced Settings, select the private key from the Authentication Key dropdown.
Considering the example as described in step 1, select Certificate Authentication keypair from the dropdown. When you select the private key, the SFTP Password field is disabled.
6.?Save the integration and click run.
Configuring REST based Outbound Integration:
Steps you need to follow to create an integration from a starting entity or from a template for REST Outbound process.
1.?On the landing page of the Integration Center, choose My Integrations.
2.?On the My Integrations page, choose: Create > More Integration Types.
3.?In the Choose Integration Type page, enter the following information:
4.?Choose a starting entity from the list or search for a starting entity by entering any consecutive characters from the name of the starting entity.
5.?Enter the required fields in the Options page.
6.?Enter the required fields in the Using Configure Fields Tab page.
7.?Enter the required fields in the Response Fields page.
8.?Click Next to go to the Filter and Sort page.
9.?Click Next to go to the Destination Settings page and enter the following information:
10.?Click Next to go to the Scheduling page. Choose the scheduling type based on the requirement.
11.?Click Next to go to the About Review and Run page. Review all the information and click Run Now to run the Integration.
REST Sync Response Mapping
After the data is transferred to the REST end point, a response mapping is done to any of the custom or ODATA entities in the source system.
Currently we only support one request and one response in a single transaction. To achieve this, we have a new tab “Response Fields” with an “Upload Sample JSON” button. You must click this button to provide sample input data for preview and for associating to fields.
Writing response back to the requested entity:
Along with supporting Synchronous response handling for REST calls and writing response payload to BizX entities, Integration Center also supports business keys from the request entity while writing data back to BiZx.
This will help you in writing the response back to the request entity itself.
Example: When you upload a sample JSON file, a tree structure gets populated. By default, a new node REQUESTENTITYFIELDS gets added as shown in the following screen.
Configuring SOAP based Outbound Integration:
A new Integration Destination type SOAP is now supported by Integration Center. With the source being SAP SuccessFactors, the data can be sent to a SOAP endpoint.
1.?On the landing page of the Integration Center, choose My Integrations.
2.?On the My Integrations page, choose: Create > More Integration Types.
3.?In the Choose Integration Type page, enter the following information:
4.?Choose a starting entity from the list or search for a starting entity by entering any consecutive characters from the name of the starting entity.
5.?Enter the required fields in the Using Configure Fields Tab page. Create a SOAP request payload in the Using Configure Fields Tab page. Under the Detail view you will see a tree structure of the SOAP request. The tree structure shows a SOAP envelope which contains a namespace, header and body. On clicking the namespace, a default value appears that you can edit based on the SOAP endpoint. The SOAP Request Payload can be created using Insert Sibling Element, Add Child Element and Add Attribute under + icon. Other than setting a default value, you can also map the field to an entity in the Field Mapping view.
You can also add new namespaces to the SOAP envelope based on your configuration needs. To achieve this, click the + icon and chose the Add Attribute option from the dropdown. For the XML Element Name, type xmlns: followed by the namespace name, as shown in the following screen. This namespace can be added anywhere in the header or the body using the Attribute element.
6.?Click Next to go to the Filter and Sort page.
7.?Click Next to go to the Destination Settings page and enter the following information:
8.?Click Next to go to the Scheduling page. Choose the scheduling type based on the requirement.
9.?Click Next to go to the About Review and Run page. Review all the information and click Run Now to run the Integration.
Creating SOAP based Outbound Integration using Web-Service Definition Language (WSDL):
If you want to integrate with a third-party system that supports the SOAP protocol for communication then you can create a SOAP integration in Integration Center. Integration Center allows you to create the SOAP Integration using WSDL. This enables you to create a SOAP integration in less time.
To achieve this, you must create an integration using the SOAP endpoint.
1.?On the landing page of the Integration Center, choose My Integrations.
2.?On the My Integrations page, choose: Create > More Integration Types.
3.?In the Choose Integration Type page, enter the following information:
4. Choose a starting entity from the list or search for a starting entity by entering any consecutive characters from the name of the starting entity. Click Create From WSDL. You will now see the Create Integration From WSDL page.
On the Create integration From WSDL dialog you have the following two options available:
1)?Browse - Click this option to browse for a WSDL file from a local file location.
2)?Get - If you have the URL to a hosted WSDL file you can paste the link of the URL and then click this option.
After selecting one of the options above, the operations associated with the WSDL file will be listed down. Select an operation and click Create.
5.?On the Options page, enter the name of the integration in the Integration Name text box and description in the Description text box. Click Next.
6.?The Configure Fields page is now pre-populated with some configurable request/response fields. You can edit a SOAP request payload on the Using Configure Fields Tab page. Under the Detail view you will see a tree structure of the SOAP request. The tree structure shows a SOAP envelope which contains a namespace, header and body. On clicking the namespace, a default value appears that you can edit based on the SOAP endpoint. The SOAP Request Payload can be edited using Insert Sibling Element, Add Child Element and Add Attribute under + icon. Other than setting a default value, you can also map the field to an entity in the Field Mapping view.
You can also add new namespaces to the SOAP envelope based on your configuration needs. To achieve this, click the + icon and chose the Add Attribute option from the dropdown. For the XML Element Name, type xmlns: followed by the namespace name, as shown in the following screen. This namespace can be added anywhere in the header or the body using the Attribute element.
7.?Click Next to go to the Filter and Sort page.
8.?Click Next to go to the Destination Settings page and enter the following information:
9.?Click Next to go to the Scheduling page. Choose the scheduling type based on the requirement.
10.?Click Next to go to the About Review and Run page. Review all the information and click Run Now to run the Integration.
Configuring the ODATA Integration Type:
You can now read data from SuccessFactors and write the data back to SuccessFactors. The format for this type of integration is ODataV2.
1.?To start, go to Admin Center > Integration Center > My Integrations.
When you select this option, you are directed to the Integration Center Landing Page.
2.?Go to + Create > More Integration Types.
When you select More Integration Types, the Choose Integration Type dialog box opens.
3.?For each section, select the following for OData v2 integrations:
4.?Select Create that opens up your starting entity search page.
5.?Go to Search for Entities by Entity Name to enter your starting entity.
6.?Select the Select button to continue to the Options page.
7.?Enter the following information as described in the Description column:
On the Scheduling page you set time or recurrence rules for this integration to trigger based on the values you input.
If you wish to schedule a job, you must specify the following details on the Scheduling page.
Here are some of the scenarios and their results of scheduling multiple versions of an integration.
About Review and Run:
You can use the Review and Run to review your settings before you save, run, or schedule your integration.
Reviewing Integration Definition:
You can review your integration using the graphical representation that includes all integration steps.
Review and Run Page Information:
When you have either used the Set Schedule and Run Now, options you have selected for your integration appear in different text fields on the Review and Run page.
Running your Integration:
You can use the Run Now from the Review and Run tab to execute your integration.
1.?Go to Review and Run page:
2.?To finish, you can either:
Scheduling your Integration:
You can select Set Schedule from the Review and Run.
1.?????From the Review and Run, select Set Schedule.
The Set Schedule button opens up the Success dialog box.
2.?Select OK so that your integration runs during the scheduled time that has been set up.
When you use the Set Schedule option, once a job starts running or queued, you cannot stop it.
Save Menu:
There are a number of choices when you use the Save menu from saving, viewing audit history and preview logs. The Save menu allows you to export your integration specifications definitions and your SAP CPI artifacts.
Audit History Log:
Introduction to Calculated Fields:
You can add calculated fields to your integration from the Configure Fields page. You can add calculated fields when you select Add Calculated Field from the +Add menu.
Field Data Types:
Integration Center support 3 data output types for calculating fields for your integrations:
Using Field Values:
Field Values evaluates the expression and assigns value for that field. When you select Field Value as an option, your condition statement includes at least these two fields:
You can enter the field value you want to use in the Operand field, or you can select this ?icon that opens up an action menu with these options:
Operations calculate the value of your Operand, which can either be the field value you entered or an associated field. List of operations is dependent on the data type selected for your calculated field so when you change the data type, so does the list.
Evaluation Condition Statements:
You can select evaluation conditions that can calculate based on when a condition is true.
Available Operations Based On Calculated Field Data Types:
You can use a number of different operation calculations for your field values depending on the data type that is selected for your calculated field.
Navigation for New Calculated Field Page:
Refer to the table in this topic to understand how to use built-in navigation when you create, edit, or troubleshoot calculations for your calculated field.
Creating Calculated Fields Using String Data:
When your third-party or external application string fields use different field formats or values, you can calculate the existing text string data as a new field that matches with your external application.
The example discussed here shows how to create a calculated field using string data. It aims to derive the following information:
Fixed Fields being used for this example:
1.?To access Integration Center, go to Admin Center > Integration Center.
2.?From the Landing Page:
3. Go to the Configure Fields tab.
4.?Go to +Add > Add Calculated Field
When you select Add Calculated Field, the New Calculated Field dialog box opens.
5.?Go to the Label text field to enter a label for your calculated field.
Creating Your Evaluation Condition to Capture Full-Time Employees:
You can use If/Then/Else statements to execute block of statements based on the conditions provided.
1.?From the New Calculated Field page, go to the field labeled Field Value to select If/Then/Else from the dropdown menu as your evaluation condition.
When you select your evaluation condition, the entire condition statement appears as a single line that include these fields:
Note that the Then and Else portion is nested under your evaluation condition statement as separate lines.
2.?Select the Operand ?icon to select Associate Field that opens the Find Field Starting dialog box.
When you select Associate Field, the Find Field Starting dialog box opens.
3.?Go to Search for Field and enter Is Full Time Employee in Job Information that opens up a list of choices.
4.?Select Is Full Time Employee (isFulltimeEmployee) in Job Information (EmpJob).
5.?Select Change Association to Selected Field button that directs you back to your calculated field dialog box.
When you return to the edit screen for your calculated field, you can view the Operation field that contains a dropdown menu for your If/Then/Statement.
6.?Go to your operation field and select is equal to.
When you select a condition from the menu, the actual value field appears at the end of your statement.
7.?Go to the Operand field and enter in your field value. For this example, you are going to enter true in lowercase.
8.?To validate your first statement, locate, expand the Calculation Trace to view.
Creating Your Evaluation Condition to Capture Country of Birth:
You can use If/Then/Else evaluation condition statement again to identify countries of birth for employees.
1.?From your new calculated field screen, select the pencil picker icon under the Then section.
When you select the pencil picker icon, a new evaluation condition statement appears as a single line.
2.?Go to the field labeled Field Value and select If/Then/Else. This is your second evaluation condition statement.
When you select If/Then/Else, separate Then and Else condition statements is nested under your second evaluation condition statement.
3.?From your new evaluation condition statement, select the Operand ?icon.
The Associate Field menu now appears.
4.?Select Associate Field that opens the Find Field Starting dialog box in front of your screen.
5.?Go to Search For Field text box and enter in Country of Birth in PerPerson that opens up a list of available choices.
6.?Select Country of Birth (countryOfBirth) in Biographical Information (PerPerson).
7.?Select Change Association to Selected Field button that directs you back to your calculated field dialog box.
When you return to the edit screen for your calculated field, you can view the Operation field that contains a dropdown menu for your If/Then/Statement.
8.?Go to your operation field and select is not equal to.
9.?Go to the Operand field and enter in your field value. For this example, you are going to enter Parameter2 exactly how it is written.
10.?To validate both evaluation condition statements, expand Calculation Trace to view.
Adding Your First Then Condition:
You can now specify the text string for your calculated field as a separate Then condition statement when both evaluation condition statements are true.
1.?From your Calculated Field screen, locate the Then section that is nested below your second evaluation statement and select the pencil picker icon.
When you select your evaluation condition, the entire condition statement appears as a single line.
2.?Go to Field Value to ensure that Field Value= is selected.
3.?Go to your Operand field to enter in this value: FTE and the space bar.
4.?Go to your Operation field to select Concatenate/Append.
When you select a condition for your field value, another evaluation condition field opens.
5.?Go to Operand ?icon to select Associate Field.
When you select Associate Field, the Find Field Starting dialog box opens.
6.?Go to Search For Field text box and enter in Country of Birth in PerPerson that opens up a list of available choices.
7.?Select Country of Birth (countryOfBirth) in Biographical Information (PerPerson).
8.?Select Change Association to Selected Field.
When you select Change Association to Selected Field, you are directed back to the edit screen for your calculated field. New operation field appear in the same line as your first Then statement, leave this new operation field blank.
9.?To validate your Then condition, expand the Calculation Trace to view.
Adding Your Else Conditions:
Once you have setup your evaluation and Then conditions, you can set up your Else statements. Else statements define how Integration Center reacts when your evaluation condition is not true. The Then statement is skipped and Integration Center executes what is defined as your Else statement.
1.?To set up your Else statement to calculate against your first evaluation condition statement:
a.?From your calculated field screen, go to the first Else statement and select the pencil picker icon.
b.?Go to Field Value to ensure that Field Value= is selected.
c.?Go to your Evaluation Field and enter FTE_Null.
d.?To validate your first Else condition, and expand the Calculation Trace to view.
2.?To Set up your second Else condition to close your calculated field: Calculation Trace for Your First Else Condition
a.?From your calculated field screen, go to the first Else statement and select the pencil picker icon.
When you select the pencil picker icon, your entire evaluation condition statement appears as a single line.
b.?Go to Field Value to ensure that Field Value= is selected.
c.?Go to your Evaluation Field and enter Part Time Employee.
d.?To validate your first Else condition, and expand the Calculation Trace to view.
3.?Select OK to finish.
Creating Outbound Integrations Using Data Model Navigator:
You can create outbound integrations using Data Model Navigator for your starting entity.
1.?To access Data Model Navigator, go to Admin Center > Integration Center > Data Model Navigator.
When you select Data Model Navigator, you are directed to the Choose Entities for Display dialog box.
2.?You can enter in the following:
When a starting entity is selected, the Data Model Navigator Diagram Menu appears on your screen.
3.?To create an integration, select with your mouse anywhere in the Diagram Menu of your starting entity.
When you use your mouse to select your Data Model Navigator Diagram Menu, the Diagram View Menu appears.
4.?To create your integration, go to Diagram View Menu > Build Integration.
When you select Build Integration, you are immediately directed to the Options tab of your integration within Integration Center.
5.?Follow the steps to configure your integration.
6.?You can either use one of these two options to finish:
Technical Analyst Senior @ Erste Digital | SAP Certified Application Associate
11 个月Hello, how do you exclude multiple values from filter? There is no function: ?does not contained in“ where you can list all values with comma separated. Thank you
omg this is actually amazing. Thanks so much for publishing this. It explains things far better and most of the SAP help guides
Homo SAPiens
1 年Anything extra than what is already in here?
SAP SuccessFactors Senior Consultant| HR Transformation| Freelance|
2 年Thank you so much, This is the fact that you are a great professional consultant ??