Using Instagram to your advantage

Using Instagram to your advantage

It’s no secret that social media is ruled by the younger generations. Millennials and Gen Z’s are the first generations to grow up side-by-side with the Internet which means they know it better than anyone; they’re often the ones driving the social media trends and if something doesn’t quite hit the mark with them, it’s not likely to do well at all.. The tides are constantly shifting, but right now, Instagram is still the place to be. So how can businesses, particularly small businesses, get the attention of the residents of Instagram? 

Do the demographics matter? 

Yes! You need to know who you’re talking to. If your target market isn’t anyone between 13-29, perhaps Instagram isn’t the place you need to be. Don’t be fooled into thinking you need to have every single social media platform covered, all the time. Analyse who your audience is and then work out where they hang out and talk to them there. 

If Instagram is on your radar, then consider these stats: 

No alt text provided for this image

Source: Sprout Social

So, how can you start to use your Instagram presence to your advantage? 

  1. Use Instagram Stories. 

Stories are perfect for showing the behind the scenes of your business, giving sneak peeks into your sales or just showing off your products/services. Keeping things fun and light, with just a dash of humour in your stories is a great way to show off your personality. One story might not make you a sale — we’re not promising you instant results here — but the relationship you build with your followers over time will mean that they’ll know you well and want to turn to you when they need what you offer. 

2. Utilise the comment section 

Ask anyone under 30 and they’ll tell you that picking up the phone to get information is the very last thing they want to do. You can host Q&A’s through Instagram stories, make sure you point your followers to your Private Messages or simply just be prompt in responding to any comments left on the images you post. Answer questions quickly and provide as much information as you can, in a simple way. 

3. Engage influencers 

‘Influencer’ has become a dirty word over the last few years, but there’s no reason why it can’t be a more wholesome endeavour. Figure out who in your community (both online and in real life) would love your product or service and offer it to them in exchange for an honest review. If you’re confident in your ability to deliver, you should get a great piece of exposure. It doesn’t have to be a super-complicated process with moral grey areas. Word of mouth will always be the most powerful marketing tool and platforms like Instagram exist to amplify that power. Choose wisely and remember to be completely transparent in the process. 

Instagram has lots of little tips and tricks that can help you get the word out about your business, if you’re not quite sure where to begin, Incredible Communications can help. Email us at or call 0414 711 107. 


