Using DBT with Snowflake - The Basics
Sushan Kattel
Data Engineer @ Fusemachines | Data Science & Computer Vision | Love to share what I learn
In this article, we'll explore the basics of using DBT (Data Build Tool) with Snowflake, using the TPCH dataset - a free sample dataset provided by Snowflake. This guide will walk you through setting up your environment, creating source and staging tables, transforming models into fact tables, creating reusable macros, and running tests to ensure data quality. By the end, you'll have a solid foundation to build on for more complex data transformation tasks.
1. Setting Up Your Environment
1.1. Snowflake Account Setup
Before we dive into DBT, it's essential to have a Snowflake account set up as we are using DBT with snowflake here.Snowflake is a cloud-based data warehouse that offers a scalable and flexible platform for handling large datasets. If you don't have a Snowflake account, you can sign up for a free trial, which provides you with access to the TPCH dataset—a sample dataset that we’ll be using in this guide.
Once your account is set up, navigate to the Snowflake interface and create a new worksheet. This worksheet is where you'll execute SQL commands to set up your environment and later query your data.
1.2. Installing DBT
DBT (Data Build Tool) is a command-line tool that enables data analysts and engineers to transform data in their warehouses more effectively. It's built to be compatible with many data warehouses, including Snowflake.
To install DBT, first ensure you have Python installed on your system. Then, follow the DBT Core installation guide available at DBT Core Installation. Since we are using Snowflake, you’ll need to install DBT with Snowflake support using pip:
python3 -m pip install dbt-snowflake
python3 -m pip install dbt-core
1.3. Configuring Snowflake for DBT
Now that DBT is installed, the next step is to configure your Snowflake environment. In Snowflake, you need to set up a warehouse, a database, and a role that DBT will use to manage your data.
Here’s a step-by-step breakdown:
1. Create a Warehouse: The warehouse is where your computational resources live. We’ll create a small warehouse for practice purposes.
use role accountadmin;
create warehouse dbt_whs_practice with warehouse_size = 'x-small';
accountadmin is like superuser for snowflake.
2. Create a Database: Databases in Snowflake hold your schemas and tables. We’ll create a new database for our DBT practice.
create database dbt_db_practice;
3. Create a Role: Roles in Snowflake control access to different resources. We’ll create a role that will be used by DBT.
create role dbt_practice_role;
4. Grant Permissions: Next, we need to grant the necessary permissions to our role, so it can use the warehouse and database we just created.
grant usage on warehouse dbt_whs_practice to role dbt_practice_role;
grant all on database dbt_db_practice to role dbt_practice_role;
5. Assign Role to User: Finally, we assign the role to the Snowflake user you’ll be using.
grant role dbt_practice_role to user <your_user>;
6. Switch to the Created Role: Now, switch to the role we just created.
use role dbt_practice_role;
7. Create a Schema: In the database, create a schema where DBT will store its models.
Now that the environment is set up, you're ready to initialize your DBT project.
create schema dbt_db_practice.dbt_schema;
Now, when you refresh the database, you can see the schema created just now. The dbt_schema exists but no objects are found.
You can also create like: create database if not exists dbt_db_practice; create role if not exists …
If you want to drop your warehouses later so that it does not incur costs you can do :?use role accountadmin; drop warehouse if exists dbt_whs_practice; drop database if exists dbt_db_practice; drop role if exists dbt_practice_role; and so on.
2. Initializing Your DBT Project
2.1. Project Initialization
With Snowflake configured, the next step is to initialize a DBT project. This project will contain all your models, tests, and configurations.
Open your terminal or Visual Studio Code, navigate to your project directory (you can create a new directory for this purpose), and initialize a new DBT project by running:
dbt init
If you have installed dbt in a venv, activate it first. If you have installed it globally, make sure it is added in path. {export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"}
This command will prompt you to enter the name of your project and select the type of data warehouse you’re using. Since we are working with Snowflake, select the corresponding option. DBT will then create a new project directory with the necessary files and folders.
In snowflake, go to Admin → accounts →Hover over the locator and copy that and put it on account (in terminal) Its like : https://<account-identifier> Only put the account-identifier, not the url.
2.2. Configuring dbt_project.yml
The dbt_project.yml file is the core configuration file for your DBT project. It defines various settings, including where your models are located and how they should be materialized (e.g., as tables or views).
Here’s how to configure the dbt_project.yml:
model-paths: ["models"]
(And similar others are here, explore)
2. Materialization Configuration: DBT allows you to define how your models should be materialized. For example, you can configure some models to be materialized as views and others as tables.
Update your dbt_project.yml to specify that models in the staging folder (from the section 3) should be materialized as views, and models in the table_2 folder (from the section 3) should be materialized as tables:
<Do not edit the file above this>
+materialized: view
snowflake_warehouse: dbt_whs_practice
+materialized: table
snowflake_warehouse: dbt_whs_practice
3. Packages: You might also want to use some third-party packages to extend DBT’s functionality. Create a packages.yml file to include the dbt_utils package:
- package: dbt-labs/dbt_utils
version: 1.1.1
Run dbt deps to install the packages.
3. Creating Source and Staging Tables
3.1. Defining Sources
With your DBT project set up, the next step is to define your source data and create staging tables. This is an essential step because it ensures that your raw data is properly organized before any transformations.
Firstly, delete the contents inside the models folder. Then, Create the follwing two folders in it.
Sources in DBT are the raw data tables that you import from your data warehouse. In our case, we’re going to pull data from the TPCH dataset available in Snowflake.
Creating a Source Configuration File:
Inside the models/staging folder, create a YAML file named my_sources.yml (the name can be anything you like). This file will define the TPCH dataset as a source.
version: 2
- name: tpch
database: snowflake_sample_data
schema: tpch_sf1
- name: orders
- name: o_orderkey
- unique
- not_null
- name: lineitem
- name: l_orderkey
- relationships:
to: source('tpch', 'orders')
field: o_orderkey
This configuration does a couple of things:
3.2. Creating Staging Models
Staging models are intermediate tables that transform raw data into a more usable format. These models are typically one-to-one with your source tables but may include minor transformations, such as renaming columns or filtering data.
Now, test the setup process to this stage. In stg_tpch_orders.sql, write the following sql query and then type dbt run in the terminal.
select * from {{source('tpch', 'orders')}}
Now, If the run is sucessful, lets update this file with following query.
o_orderkey as order_key,
o_custkey as customer_key,
o_orderstatus as status_code,
o_totalprice as total_price,
o_orderdate as order_date
{{ source('tpch', 'orders') }}
This SQL file pulls data from the orders table in the TPCH dataset, renaming columns for clarity and ease of use in downstream models.
2. Creating Surrogate Keys:
Next, create another SQL file, stg_tpch_line_items.sql, to stage the lineitem table. This time, you’ll also create a surrogate key - a unique identifier that’s not part of the original data:
}} as order_item_key,
l_orderkey as order_key,
l_partkey as part_key,
l_linenumber as line_number,
l_quantity as quantity,
l_extendedprice as extended_price,
l_discount as discount_percentage,
l_tax as tax_rate
{{ source('tpch', 'lineitem') }}
Here, generate_surrogate_key is a macro provided by the dbt_utils package, which creates a unique identifier based on the l_orderkey and l_linenumber columns.
Running the Staging Models:
Once you’ve defined your staging models, run them using the DBT command:
dbt run
This command executes the SQL files in the models/staging folder, creating views in your Snowflake database. These views will serve as the foundation for your more complex transformations.
4. Transforming Models: Fact Tables and Data Marts
With your staging tables in place, the next step is to transform these tables into fact tables- central tables in a star schema that store quantitative data for analysis. This step involves joining multiple staging tables, performing aggregations, and creating derived columns.
4.1. Creating Intermediate Models
Intermediate models are used to join and aggregate data from multiple staging tables. These models are typically materialized as tables since they are often more complex and require more resources to compute.
{{ ref('stg_tpch_orders') }} as orders
{{ ref('stg_tpch_line_items') }} as line_item
on orders.order_key = line_item.order_key
order by
This SQL file joins the stg_tpch_orders and stg_tpch_line_items tables on the order_key column, creating a comprehensive view of order items that includes the customer key and order date.
Running the Intermediate Model:
You can run this specific model using the following command:
dbt run -s int_order_items
The -s flag allows you to specify a particular model to run. This is useful for testing or when working with large projects where running all models would take too long.
4.2. Creating Fact Tables
Fact tables store aggregated data and are often the primary tables used in business intelligence (BI) tools for reporting and analysis.
This section is continued after Macros.
5. Creating Macros for Reusability
In DBT, macros are snippets of SQL code that you can reuse across multiple models. They are particularly useful for avoiding repetitive code and ensuring consistency across your project.
5.1. Creating a Macro for Discount Calculations
Let’s create a macro that calculates discounted amounts. This macro will take in the extended price and discount percentage as arguments and return the discounted amount.
Creating the Macro:
In the macros folder, create a new SQL file called pricing.sql and define the macro:
{% macro discounted_amount(extended_price, discount_percentage, scale=2) %}
({{ extended_price }} * {{ discount_percentage }} * -1)::decimal(16, {{ scale }})
{% endmacro %}
This macro multiplies the extended price by the discount percentage to calculate the discount amount. The scale parameter allows you to specify the number of decimal places.
Using the Macro in a Model:
Use this macro in the int_order_items.sql model:
{{ discounted_amount('line_item.extended_price', 'line_item.discount_percentage') }} as item_discount_amount
{{ ref('stg_tpch_orders') }} as orders
{{ ref('stg_tpch_line_items') }} as line_item
on orders.order_key = line_item.order_key
order by
By using the discounted_amount macro, you ensure that the calculation is consistent across all models and easy to update if needed.
Testing the Macro:
To test the macro, rerun the model that uses it:
dbt run -s fct_orders
If the macro works as expected, the item_discount_amount column in the fct_orders table should contain the correct discounted amounts.
4.2. Creating Fact Tables
Lets create more intermediate files. Inside table_2, create int_order_items_summary.sql
sum(extended_price) as gross_item_sales_amount,
sum(item_discount_amount) as item_discount_amount
{{ ref('int_order_items') }}
group by
Creating a Fact Table Model:
In the same folder (table_2), create a new SQL file called fct_orders.sql to define your fact table:
{{ref('stg_tpch_orders')}} as orders
{{ref('int_order_items_summary')}} as order_item_summary
on orders.order_key = order_item_summary.order_key
order by order_date
Running the Fact Table Model:
Run this model with:
dbt run -s fct_orders
This command materializes the fct_orders table in your Snowflake database, making it available for reporting and analysis.
6. Running Tests: Generic and Singular
DBT allows you to define tests to ensure the quality and consistency of your data. There are two types of tests in DBT: generic tests, which can be applied to any column or table, and singular tests, which are custom queries that check for specific conditions.
6.1. Generic Tests
Generic tests are predefined checks that you can apply to any column or table in your models. Examples include checking for unique values, non-null values, and valid relationships between tables.
Defining Generic Tests:
In the models/table2 folder, create a YAML file called generic_tests.yml to define tests for the fct_orders table:
- name: fct_orders
- name: order_key
- unique
- not_null
- relationships:
to: ref('stg_tpch_orders')
field: order_key
severity: warn
- name: status_code
- accepted_values:
values: ['P', 'O', 'F']
This configuration does the following:
Running the Generic Tests:
Run the tests with:
dbt test
DBT will execute these tests and provide feedback on any issues it finds. If all tests pass, you can be confident that your data is well-structured and reliable.
6.2 Singular Tests
Singular tests are custom SQL queries that you can write to check for specific conditions in your data. These tests are useful when you need to validate more complex business rules.
Creating a Singular Test:
In the tests folder, create a new SQL file called fct_orders_discount.sql to check that no discounts are negative:
select * from {{ ref('fct_orders') }} where item_discount_amount < 0
This query checks for any rows in the fct_orders table where the item_discount_amount is negative. If any such rows exist, the test will fail.
Running the Singular Test:
Run the singular test with:
dbt test -s fct_orders_discount
If the test passes, it means there are no negative discounts in your data. If it fails, you’ll need to investigate and correct the issue.
In this comprehensive guide, we’ve covered the basics of using DBT with Snowflake, from setting up your environment to creating and testing complex data models. By following these steps, you can effectively transform raw data into structured, high-quality datasets that are ready for analysis. DBT’s flexibility and powerful features make it an essential tool for anyone working with data in the modern cloud-based landscape. Whether you’re a data engineer, analyst, or BI developer, mastering DBT will empower you to build robust, scalable data pipelines that deliver actionable insights.
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Senior Data Engineer
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