Using data to establish the next normal in healthcare
Matthew Cooke
Retired but…Chair, Opto Health. Advisory roles in digital healthcare, emergency care & innovating to improve. Charity Trustee. Parkrunner. Was EM physician, medical director & Professor @warwickmed | Ex govt EM tsar.
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The last 12 weeks have meant that many patients have been unable to receive their usual care; some because of the risk of acquiring an infection, some because capacity and staff have been diverted to caring for COVID-19 patients. Capacity will continue to be reduced by the need for hot zones and the new ways of working. Demand is returning to “normal” but there will be a large backlog plus some more complex work created by delays.
Data driven approaches can allow more accurate calculation of capacity and more precise prediction of demand. My colleague, Moez Draief has described how we can use real time data to model a hospital’s response in terms of capacity planning in this blog.
Mathematical modelling allows a variety of scenarios to be tested. This can help ensure the most urgent cases are dealt with first and that the appropriate staff, equipment and facilities are all available. It also ensures resilience and the ability to respond to a second wave of COVID.
Building this will also be an investment to support planning for future pandemics and other surges in activity, including winter, other infections and events.
If you would like to know more then get in touch