Using A Crisis To Your Advantage
Nancy Quinn
Business Coach to Interior Designers * Speaker * Author* Body Language Trainer * Helping you become a confident, profitable, service-based entrepreneur!
When you think of?a crisis, a trial, or extended stressful periods of time you tend to focus on the negative aspect of it. I get it. It’s totally not fun at all.
You tend to dwell on how uncomfortable you are and how you can’t wait to get past this phase of your life. Often missing some very important key things that could help you in life for the future. There is always something to?gain from a crisis, it’s almost like a spiritual law.
When I was transitioning from my previous business to becoming an interior design business coach, I had to live this out and so thankful for how it made me and my business better!
Discovering More Skills
It’s like a tea bag being put in hot water. Until the tea bag is placed in hot water you have no idea of the flavor that is in the tea bag. The tea bag serves the greatest use when it is put in hot water.
Sometimes when you have grown too comfortable, you lose sight of how powerful you are and how much you can rise to the occasion when things happen.
I believe that you are all very much like the tea bag. Loaded up with power, flavor and untapped skills. So many?skills. So many resources. So much know-how and so many gifts are locked up inside. At times you forget what you have and who you are until you get placed in hot water.
Many times, you might even surprise yourself realizing that there are gifts and skills you really didn’t know you had ‘til placed in a situation that demands more from you.
Your Capacity Expands?
Life will always throw some obstacles along the way, even as you hope for smooth sailing ahead. Deep down inside you know that there will always be something down the road that will lead to more challenges. However,?keep in mind that this is what stretches your capacity?and gives you more wisdom for the future. Future challenges won’t seem as heavy because your capacity to deal with challenging situations is at a higher level than it would have been originally.
You See Who Really Supports You During a Crisis
It’s one thing to have?friends?while you’re being successful and everything is going well for you. Plenty of people in the world are attracted to success. Many people might want to be around your success.
The real test is when everything isn’t going as planned and it’s obvious that you’re having a hard time. Who is going to be there for encouragement? Who is going to be there while you ride out the storm? Who backs off when you’re going through a crisis? Who comes back around when it seems like things are being resolved?
See, these are the questions that get answered when you go through a crisis. It’s valuable information to know who is really with you when you are up and when you are down.
Opportunities to Grow From a Crisis
Times of hardship can show you where you lack in your character, motivation, thinking and so much more. It can be a little discouraging to be going through a lot and realize, “Wow, I really need to grow in certain areas of my life. I don’t really like how I am handling these situations.”
There’s?no need to linger in condemnation. All of you in one way or another, won’t know what those things are until you are put in a crisis situation. But, if you deal with them and own up to taking care of business, in the future you will have victory because you’ve previously conquered some of your inner dragons.
I am not downplaying any crisis that any one of you may be going through. I have been through my own crisis’ that I thought would never end or never imagined would happen to me. However, I have come out of all of them and they have only made me a better person. Hardship has made me more suited for the greater assignments of my life.
We are all in this together. So, if you have a strategy for learning from a crisis that I have not addressed please share in the comments – we would love to hear what you have to say.
Overwhelmed growing your business and need help? You don’t have to figure it out all alone anymore. Sign up for an?introductory business strategy call?and I’ll help you make decisions on the next steps for you and your business.