Is using comparisons sites damaging your credit report?

Is using comparisons sites damaging your credit report?

Shopping around for the best value insurance quote on comparison websites has become common practice for millions of people looking to save money on their bills.

But what some people who use comparison websites don’t know is that insurers who are carrying out quote searches could end up leaving a footprint on their credit records.

One This is Money reader contacted us via e-mail saying they had used comparison website to carry out a car insurance quote search in April 2012.

He turned to the website after the renewal quote he received was higher than expected. He eventually decided to take out a policy from Admiral and paid for full cover without any credit facility required - another happy comparison website user.

However, a couple of months later he checked his credit report to find a number of insurance companies performing credit searches on him in a short burst of time, leaving what appears to be a footprint on his file.

He is now worried that other lenders in the future may believe he has been applying for credit, when he hasn’t. So should he be worried?

A spokesman from credit report company Experian, said: ‘Some insurers are able to access credit data for the purpose of assessing an individual’s ability to meet a premium installment payment plan, typically spreading an annual insurance premium value over 12 monthly payments.

‘When credit data is accessed at the time of quotation, a “soft” footprint is left on the individual’s credit file which is visible only to the individual, should they request a copy of their own credit file.

‘A “soft” search footprint is not visible to any other individual or organisation and has no effect on the individual’s credit history/rating. 

‘If the individual accepts an insurance quotation and enters into an insurance premium payment plan, a “hard” footprint is left on the individual’s credit file in the same way as any other credit payment plan agreement.’

So even though these searches are visible to the customer who obtains the credit report, they shouldn’t be visible to companies who may need to do a credit check.

However, it all depends on the type of search that is performed on the file - there are different types of search which appear on credit reports.

Only one type does affect your credit rating directly - simply labelled a ‘credit search’ which relates to an application for credit, rather than just an ‘enquiry’.

All items marked with a credit search will be seen by potential lenders and can therefore impact an individual’s credit rating.

Insurance quotations should usually show as just an enquiry, as they would not be undertaking a full credit assessment – instead just performing an enquiry to verify your details.

But should customers who visit comparison websites for insurance quotes have credit checks performed on them, even if they are not applying for any kind of credit facility?

A spokesman from, said: ‘Many insurance and financial services providers operate a credit scoring system and will carry out checks with credit reference and fraud prevention agencies.

‘This will be covered in the privacy policy and/or terms and conditions and these checks do not go ahead without the customer accepting this privacy policy and terms and conditions.

‘It is not the comparison site that is credit searching but individual insurance companies. These searches enable the insurers to give more accurate pricing to the customers.

‘Whether quotes are obtained through a comparison site or directly through an insurer, these searches are likely to be carried out.

Is there anything you can do if you do spot credit checks on your file that don’t fall just under ‘enquiry’?

The spokesman from added: ‘If a customer who requests to see their file from a credit scoring agency thinks that searches held on the file are incorrect then they can appeal to the insurer  - not the comparison site - to request them to remove them.’

Aside from insurance quotes, it is also important to remember that every application you submit for a loan or credit card may affect your credit score so you may wish to keep these to a minimum to protect your credit rating.






source: This is money


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