Using Brand Archetypes
Archetypes give us clarity and the blueprint to tap into particular emotions in our audiences.
Pretty powerful stuff, truly.
...and the actual *practice* of using the 'types in all the places in our brands is where they really shine:
- Using them to FOCUS and avoid shiny object syndrome
- Using them to FILTER in (and out) choices about how our brand sounds and looks
- Using them to create DESIRE among our ideal audience
- Using them to stand out in a crowded market...
(... and more. :)
All of this ???archetype?magic?is one of the main focuses of?my Youtube channel, where I publish regular videos about all things psychology-driven brand strategy. So, today I want to draw your attention to...
This potent?playlist?is chock-full of archetype inspiration, actionable ideas about how and where they fit into your brand, and answers to your most interesting FAQs about the 'types, too. ??
So, whether you're an archetype nerd already (and you know I love nerds!), or whether you're "new-ish" to using them... I know you'll find so much goodness in this playlist.
Once you're over there, feel free to hit "PLAY ALL," or just hop around and take what you need.
?? Rolling camera for Y-O-U,