Using AWS CNI Plugin in AWS EKS Cluster & Planning to upgrade to 1.17 or above? Read This
Prakarsh -
Head of DevOps | Solutions Architect | Driving Scalable and Innovative Cloud-native Solutions
If you have a multi-az EKS Kubernetes Cluster running with a AWS CNI Plugin. Please make sure that you complete the following step before you upgrade the cluster to eks1.17 or above. The following step has been marked as optional in the AWS documentation but is MANDATORY in case of EKS1.17 and above versions.
Please complete the above step if your cluster is Multi-az and you have not done it already else your CNI plugin will fail to allot IPs and will bring a considerable downtime.
To set the env for the aws-node daemonset to enable Kubernetes to automatically apply the corresponding ENIConfig for the node's Availability Zone with the following command as per the AWS doc step 6(c) here [1].
Reference: [1]