Using AI Wisely, When Less is More & How to Story-Sell Your Expert Book
Claudia Garbutt
Molecular Biologist turned Mindset & High-Performance Coach For Entrepreneurs ?? Top10 Podcast Host | Business & Biohacking - Holistic Health, Mindset, Productivity, Self-Development
Welcome back! Here are my 3 highlights for April:
Using AI wisely
In a world where AI can replace humans more and more – how will our values and the way we live our lives shift?
It’s an interesting question and one I don’t have an answer to. I’m both - excited by the new possibilities and worried about the inevitable changes.
In times of rapid advancement of AI technology, entire industries and markets will be severely disrupted, and we will have to keep reinventing ourselves if we don’t want to become obsolete.
My gut feeling is that we’ll have a “back-to-the-roots” movement that will place a lot more value on subjective experience, as well as genuine connection and community.
After all, we are social animals, and we crave connection and purpose. As much as we long for comfort and an easy way out – following that longing usually leads to depression rather than happiness.
So the balancing act will be to use AI in a way that enriches our lives rather than takes away some of its magic.
By all means, automate the tedious, repetitive tasks, but don’t automate the things that bring you joy. If you enjoy writing, keep doing it. If you enjoy creating digital art, keep doing it. Just because we now have AI tools that can take over these tasks, doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be doing them anymore.
Also don’t rely on technology alone if you’re looking to grow and scale your business without sacrificing your health, relationships, or happiness.
Research consistently shows that personal relationships contribute significantly to overall happiness. In fact, numerous studies have found that having strong and supportive relationships is one of the most important predictors of happiness and life satisfaction.
Finding a community of like-minded people who really support you and want to see you succeed is absolutely priceless.
"No matter how brilliant your mind or strategy, if you're playing a solo game, you'll always lose out to a team."
- Reid Hoffman, Co-Founder of LinkedIn
BTW, if you’re an early-stage entrepreneur in the health tech space and you’re looking for a curated community that helps you get your venture off the ground 10x faster and with much more fun & ease, feel free to reach out to me, I’m working on something AMAZING!
When less is more
This is something that came up during one of our Mastermind sessions this month. We were all trying hard to come up with more and more compelling arguments and a ton of benefits for the offers we are working on, but then Chris Pallatroni reminded us of the “Argument Dilution Effect” (thanks, Chris!).
As entrepreneurs, we are passionate about our mission and driven to make a difference in the world. However, in our pursuit of success, we often fall into the trap of thinking that more is always better - more features, more benefits, more reasons to buy.
But did you know that adding too many weak arguments to your pitch could actually dilute the strength of your overall message?
This phenomenon is known as the "argument dilution effect" and it occurs when the presence of weaker arguments in the same context dilutes the strength of stronger arguments. In other words, the more benefits you add to your offer, the less persuasive it might become.
Why does this happen? Well, weaker arguments can distract your audience from your strongest points, reduce the perceived credibility of your message, and increase skepticism about your product or service.
As mission-driven entrepreneurs, we have a strong desire to make a difference, and we want to share all the great things our offer can do. However, the argument dilution effect reminds us that it's better to focus on a few strong and compelling benefits that will truly resonate with our target audience.
So, the next time you're crafting your pitch or sales copy, think carefully about the arguments you're using. Instead of adding more and more benefits, focus on a few key points that will make a real impact on your audience. By doing so, you'll create a more persuasive argument and increase your chances of success.
If you’d like to learn more about this cognitive bias, check out the episode “Less is More” of the Hidden Brain Podcast with Shankar Vedantam and Niro Sivanathan :
How to story-sell your expert book
Another project I was working on this month, was a presentation for the amazing book professor Nancy L. Erickson in which we discussed how to use podcast interviews to sell your expert book without being salesy.
Here are some of the key ideas we talked about:
1. How to use podcast interviews to sell your book (and what to avoid)
2. How to use story-selling to market your book
3. How to repurpose content for maximum exposure, engagement & visibility
If you’re interested in this topic but missed the presentation, you can watch the replay here:
Until next time,?
PS: Subscribe to the Wired For Success Podcast for weekly episodes about science, self-development & entrepreneurship that keep you inspired & motivated, and help you get to that next level of success in your life and business.
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