Users Manual of Elitership
Siegfried Andersen
Inspire and evolve tomorrow's leaders as a tribute to life and joy.
Focus on a star. Concentrate on today!
Your journey to becoming an exceptional leader is personal, driven by a passion for fulfilling an idealistic meaning in life. This means that the meaning to be genuinely sustainable must fulfill four critical aspects: it must be more valuable than yourself, it must last longer than yourself, it must be placed outside of yourself, and it must reach something you can joyfully share with others.
Pursuing one's unique life purpose requires unwavering focus, devotion, and commitment to continuously recalibrate one's mental direction for self-improvement and energization. Despite the inevitable obstacles, challenges, and sacrifices, persistence, and endurance point us in the right direction and guide us on the right path. The key is to stay focused on our purpose as it is. To become a magnificent leader, we must genuinely appreciate triumphant successes through humility, care, and inclusiveness.
Limitless challenges and significant obstacles shape one’s character, and the process is only manageable if one disciplines oneself – thinks, communicates, and acts from the bright side of human nature. Any deviation from this, including shortcuts, only makes things more difficult.
The bright side of one’s nature contains the beliefs, common sense, attitudes, and correct behavior one needs at any given space-time. The shadow side of human nature blocks creativity—that is how difficulties occur and grow. The dark side of human nature corrupts us mentally inside and destroys everything and everyone around us.
Your innate ability to constructively unfold valuable solutions, always at your disposal, holds the key to the beliefs, attitudes, and actions you need in any given situation. From this wellspring, constructive polymath intelligence emerges, illuminating your path with a multitude of ideas and creativity for renewal. It serves as a beacon, illuminating your search through daunting challenges and enabling you to meet your magnificent leadership objectives and key result expectations.
Do you wish to get more insight? Please take a look at
All the best to you and your family and associates, wishing
Siegfried W Andersen.
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