Charity Excellence - User Satisfaction and Impact Assessment
The Charity Excellence Framework is an online toolkit that enables any charity to health check every area of activity in half a day, with access to its huge resource base, Funding Finder database and its own quality mark. Everything is free.
The user profile of those providing feedback reflects the sector overall, with the majority of users being small charities. Overall feedback continues to improve and, with new upgrades currently in the pipeline, should continue to do so.
User Numbers and Profile
There were 17,000 registered users (as at June 2021), increasing at a rate of 700+ a month.
The organisations using the system are primarily charities, but there are also some social enterprises and schools. The organisational profile by income band matches the sector profile overall, with the majority being small charities.
The exception is micro charities (under £10k), which are under-represented. There are no charities over £10m.
“At Autism Wessex we have used the Charity Excellence Framework to help us identify priorities and to see our progress with our activities. It is very User Friendly and really encouraging when you see the red scores turn amber and then green! I would recommend it to everyone.“ CEO, Autism Wessex
Individual Questionnaire Ratings
Development is user led, using the in-system feedback rating, each time a questionnaire is scored. These are the average ratings for the 2030 questionnaires scored in the 6 months to end Oct 21. The average rating was 8.9/10.????
Qualitative data, in the form of in-system feedback quotes is at Appendix 1, below.
Impact & Usability Ratings
The data below is based on 50 organisations who responded to an invitation to complete a survey, after they had achieved the quality mark. This was collected Jan 19 to Dec 20 and, as a series of upgrades were rolled out during this period, it may reasonably be assumed that the system is having an even greater impact now. Some respondents report that they had scored some areas lower, as they had not yet had time to explore and make full use of the system's functionality.
"I’ve been going through things again – and using many of the links and resources that you provide as everything is perfectly aligned to the information I need to either check or find. This saves me a huge amount of time and I can get to the core information that I need straight away – it really is a huge asset to have.” CEO, Veterans with Dogs
Users are invited to rate the impact using it has had, on a scale of 1 (no impact) to 10 (very significant).? The ratings are for the period Sep 20 to Aug 21. The previous ratings are in brackets. Using the CEF:
“Whilst it has created key focuses for us, the joy of the system is that it also give us guidance, templates and key documents to make this as smooth and as easy as possible for us. It is really easy to use and isn’t overly onerous (apart from making you think)”.?CEO, Andover & District Mencap
They are also invited to rate how useful they found the system to be on a scale of 1 (no use) to 10 (very useful).?The ratings are for the period Sep 20 to Aug 21. The previous ratings are in brackets.
"The Charity Excellence Framework asks questions that make you think, .....and, crucially, provides resources to support the charity's continued drive for excellence. I recommend it to all charities".??CEO, The Bumblebee Conservation Trust
Survey Qualitative Feedback
Older Quotes - 2021
These questionnaires really help me as a trustee to stop what I am doing, and to re-evaluate our priorities. SW Blood Bikes, Dec 21.
Confirms we have a highly professional Board operating with good practice. Merseyside Jewish Community Care, Dec 21.
The downloads are a fantastic use of resources. Very informative. United We Rise Uk
Insightful and thought-provoking questions - these highlighted our areas of good governance but more importantly highlighted areas where we need to improve. Tigers4Ever, Dec 21
I found the questions quite thought provoking in terms of areas of development. Volunteer Centre Blackpool, Wyre and Fylde, Nov 21
Good to go through the questions systematically, highlights the areas that are on track and what needs more work! EXCELLENT downloads and external links throughout. Green Schools Project, Nov 21.
Simple and easy to understand. Oaks and Acorns In Harmony, Nov 21
Excellent. Reuse Scotland, Nov 21.
The thought provoking list of topics and the ease of finding the relevant help links. Warwickshire Search and Rescue, Nov 21.
It made me address things I otherwise would not have thought of, thank you. Children with Cancer Fund (Polegate), Nov 21
Really easy and quick to use. Especially like the links to resources & further information. VHM, Nov 21
Very well written sentences to consider which show how we are doing. Herpes Viruses Association and Shingles Support Society, Nov 21.
So user friendly and scope and clarity of questions were highly relevant. Access to supporting guidance and information was superb and thank you! Behind Every Kick, Oct 21.
Great reality check toolkit. Dance Associate Ltd, Oct 21.
The order of questions was really helpful, as they stepped through the processes and matters the board considers at our organisation. The 'not applicable' option was is also a nice touch. Release, Oct 21.
So many links to look at if help is required. Streroom2010, Oct 21.
The fact that it makes us address issues that we might otherwise take for granted. Ashton Theatre Group, Oct 21.
The thought provoking discussion that took place whilst completing the session. Endeavour, Oct 21.
very useful questions and some great resources. Savanna, Oct 21.
The questionnaire is very, clear, quick and easy to complete. Concordia, Oct 21.
The questions themselves have enhanced debate at board/chair level. Thank you. Ethos Charity, Oct 21.
Thinking about the charity sector and the overall sustainability of the sector. Putting everything possible in place to be able to safeguard the charity moving forward. Epic Partners, Oct 21.
It is very clear and easy to use. Waves Music Therapy, Sep 21
some of the ideas in here are totally new to me so it was eye opening. Dads & Kids CIC, Sep 21
Covered all aspects of income generation, makes you really think about what activities you are undertaking, how important they are to your individual charity and gives ideas for moving forward and improving. The Rainforest Foundation UK, Sep 21.
As always, these questionnaires help me to focus on what is important within our organisation.?South West Blood Bikes, Sep 21.
The star system is really great! Suggestions of free resources to tap into is really helpful. Educating Beyond Borders, Sep 21
Thought provoking and superb resources. Sunnyside Community, Aug 21
I think the services provided by CEF are phenomenal! I think you should be paid for all this advice! Aug 21
The depth of the questions - good food for thought and a great reminder that there is always more that can be done in most cases. It also clearly shows where more effort needs to be made First Stop Darlington, Aug 21.
Thought provoking, lists of funders, fund raising using digital media. St. Mary the Virgin Church, Cowes, Aug 21.
Plenty of source material to help grow our fund-raising knowledge and capability Nell Bank Charitable Trust, Aug 21.
the questionaires made me think about how good we actually were and highlighted areas of improvement. MPS Malawi, Aug 21.
Simple and clear questions that I could understand the need for and that clearly will form a framework for improvement. Murray Hall Community Trust, Aug 21.
As with everything on this website, IT IS ESSENTIAL! I am so very grateful I came across it! iCan Health and Fitness, Aug 21.
The questions were clear, logical and easy to follow. The 'support' information is excellent and relevant. Thank you. Petersfield Museum, Jul 21.
Very concise language, easy to understand. Computers Are Free For Everyone, Jul 21.
Most useful as it makes you think about areas that aren't always at the top of your priority list. Mums Aid, Jul 21
excellent resource to help identify gaps in our procedures. Kirklees and Calderdale Rape Crisis Centre, Jul 21
Though provoking across a wide range of questions. Evolve Counselling, Jul 21.
It was thought provoking and I realised where we have gaps. Mind Monmouthshire, Jun 21.
The ease in which to answer the questions and the downloadable documents and links for assistance. Kickstart, Jun 21.
The questions probe areas we MUST think about and ACT upon. Shrewsbury & Newport Canals Trust, Jun 21.
Direct statements/thought provoking questions. Forest Row Village Hall, Jun 21
All the questions were very relevant and the downloads extremely helpful. Phab Life, May 21
It was really easy to use. As a relatively new organisation it has made us aware of all the steps involved in putting together a funding application. Parent Carers Together, May 21
Resources were absolutely first class! Questions were spot on and made us think about things we hadn't previously thought about. A fantastic tool for self-evaluation and charity improvement! Skillz Academy, May 21.
The wealth of information available was brilliant. Coffin Club Colchester, May 21
The questions are require a deep examination of policy and practise. Ashiana Community Project, May 21.
Some amazing tools, downloads, so much to revisit and deep dive into this questionnaire esp as we grow and also transform into a charity. Thank you. Women and Digital Inclusion CIC, May 21
Being that this is the first time i have been at the helm of a charitable organization i am benefiting from EVERYTHING, your making me look good! Natasha Wyer Ministries, Apr 21.
bringing in clarity of what our strengths and weaknesses are. Sol Haven, Apr 21
A chance to reflect and acknowledge what we are doing well and where we are not. East Sussex Veterans Hub, Apr 21
Excellent resources and external links. CEIA, Apr 21.
all of it as we are looking to survive the pandemic, thank you Ian. Shropshire Peer Counselling & Advocacy Service, Apr 21.
Funding and fundraising info, such a God send. Women and Digital Inclusion CIC, Apr 21.
All the written resources are so helpful and have really made me think about things I hadn't thought about before. There are so many amazing free resources which are brilliant - thank you! Women's Resource Centre, Apr 21.
Easy to use and really helpful resources available to support. Headway SELNWK, Apr 21.
We had had success this year with Covid and Sustainability funding with the help of how to do better bids information. A considerable improvement on previous years. Transport Museum Wythall, Apr 21.
The statements were really useful as it clearly details all the things that we as a small charity should be aware of. Rumi's Cave, Apr 21.
I love the support resources links and all questions were so important and valid. This is my first time here and I am extremely impressed so far! Infused Learning, Apr 21.
Highlighted the areas we need to focus on. Hackney Foodbank, Apr 21.
Made me think outside the box. Really useful links too. Cheshire & Shropshire Immediate Care Group, Mar 21.
The downloads! So many useful reference documents. HomeMCR, Mar 21
The overall sense that this was written by someone with experience and insight, combined with the availability of a plethora of links to very useful documents. Survive MIVA, Mar 21
Very straightforward and to the point. Women on the Frontline Ministries, Mar 21.
I loved being able to see links for what my organisation is not achieving so we can look at it straight away and devise a plan of action to resolve it. We Too!, Mar 21
The additional resources were very helpful and complemented the questions really well. Universify Education, Mar 21
The clarity of the questions, so easy to follow. National Liturgical Dance Network, Mar 21.
Clear and concise questions, making you think if you have complied, and actually feeling good that you are working to the best possible standards! Mellow Parenting, Mar 21
Almost everything. Citizen Outreach Coalition, Mar 21
Lots information which is really useful Definitely an eye opener for the work that needs to be done! Jigsaw Thornbury, Mar 21.
Questions really make you think and are well written. Women's Fund For Scotland, Mar 21.
Range of questions and breadth of scope, clear and easy to understand. Greenwich Carers Centre, Mar 21.
Manager at UK Civil Service
4 年Excellent manager and trainer. I highly recommend Ian for training organisations! He has so much experience and approaches issues with positivity and verve. An inspirational man who has developed incredible resources for charities and people coing into the sector for advice and to encourage structure. Ian's resources are time saving and carry years of experience and knowledge. A wise and humble soul and above all it works! Please do contact Ian for consultancy work and as a brilliant CEO!
Manager at UK Civil Service
4 年Fantastic work Ian and I completely and utterly support what you are doing for charitites across the board unpaid but understand your position and agree toatlly with you! You need to be paid for the hard work and your experience and skills which have helped thousands of NGOs etc. Happy 60th birthday for tomorrow Ian and than you for your constant generosity and time! I am a huge fan and will continue to tell people all about you! Enjoy your birthday with your loved ones! Auguri!