Patrick Oseloka Ezepue
UX Researcher | Former Professor of Statistics & Business Analytics
A Rolls Royce in Data Analytics and Business Science?
Patrick Oseloka EZEPUE, PhD
User Research, Statistics, Data Science, Business Analytics, Digital Marketing, Entrepreneurship and The Digital Economy, The Pedagogy of Mathematical Sciences | African Higher Education and Research Observatory, UK, | Oselux Analytics UK,
We lament a limited understanding of data analytics and its fingerprints in data science, data mining, big data, and artificial intelligence, in the form of a narrow focus on some steps in data science or applied statistics generally. This paper widens perspectives by examining an integrated data and business analytics system which milks deep research and enterprise development insights from data analytics. It argues that what companies who can afford such integrated data and business analytics pay for is not only the technical data analytics steps but also the wider ambience of business science, including integrated business modelling and development, ramified insight development, and clearly structured value creation. This includes solving complete users’ problem identified by frontloading user research in the analytics, using a hybrid statistical and strategic problem-solving model which is informed by the Balanced Scorecard, to elicit cogent business solutions from the data analytics results, and more generally help users and client organisations to realise applicable affordances of a phlegmatic Oselux Vision. This vision defines a universe of outcomes which global corporate academics pushing the integrated analytics generally aim to achieve, across academia, public services, industry sectors, and wider society. This is the first time known to us that such integrated analytics is presented in distinct steps for the benefit of theoreticians, researchers and practitioners. The protocols that underpin the methodology are illuminated with a case topic, Oselux Global Data and Business Analytics Advantage Course System. Intriguingly, this paper is motivated by a simple conversation on why traditional academics fail to add enough value to society.?
User Research; Data Analytics, Business Science; Oselux Vision; Sweet Spot Principle; RIAT Fabric in Higher Education; Global Q-Helix, Systemic RIAT-Global Q-Helix Value Chain, RIAT-Global Q-Helix Innovation Alphabets; Research Methods Canvas?; HSSPSM?; Oselux Integrated Data and Business Analytics Course System (as the Rolls Royce in Data Analytics); Core Plus Curriculum Design; Oselux IBMT Strategyzer?; Oselux Reverse Pedagogy; Combinatorial Explosion in Productivity and Impact of Global Corporate Academics; The Great Deception in Higher Education; Performing the Academic Enterprise
In this conversation, we anonymise the reference university and talk about how our friend and collaborating academic sent us a deeply-conceived convocation lecture and how the ideas shared by the Convocation Lecturer motivate this paper. We label our friend as GEU.
GEU: ‘PE, I hope you didn't miss my message in sending the Uni X Convocation Lecture to you. Most of what was proposed are what we practiced at Afrihero UK over the years. They are only just proposing the concept of Q-Helix and advocating a departure from Triple-Helix, etc.’
For the benefit of the reader, Triple Helix refers to academia, public services, and industry sectors. We now talk about the Global Quadruple Helix (Q-Helix for short) - academia, public services, industry sectors, and wider society – as a wider emporium in which academics should impact the world. We also talk below of levels of the Global Q-Helix.
PE: ‘If the lecture is advocating for a shift to the Global Q-Helix, then that is good for us. It shows that the speaker must have been reading us in LinkedIn and downloading full preprints of our articles in ResearchGate. Looking back, isn't it amazing that we have shifted some forty-five articles on social media since 2021. We have smeared knowledge production spaces across different levels of the Global Q-Helix with insightful exposition of the dynamics for successfully navigating the Helix. That we have done this across key social and publishing media, LinkedIn, Medium, Instagram, Pinterest, and X, testifies to our corporate academic resilience. Thinking of the Global Q-Helix, I see it as an onion with so many layers. First, there are levels of the Helix - local as in towns, villages and Local Government Areas, states as in the 37 'states' in Nigeria with Abuja as one of them as crooked election lawyers claimed, zones as in the six geopolitical zones in Nigeria, national as Nigeria, regions as the five regions of Africa, continental as with Africa, Indian subcontinent, the Americas, Asia (East and West) with China as main play, and Middle East. It is our intention that all these levels of the Global Q-Helix will be soaked with innovations happening not only in all Oselux digital platforms at, but particularly in The International (Graduate) Open University System we are currently incubating in beta form at’.
‘I have now read the convocation lecture. Prof Z is a corporate academic, though still traditional, and has written a very good convocation lecture. That said, it seems that he needs more corporate academic gears to reach the acme of Global Corporate Academicism. The ideas need to rise clearly above the detritus of traditional academia, in my view. Putting new wine in an old wine gallon does not bode well for the Future of Nigerian and African Higher Education’.
We, therefore, add some references that detail the tenets of Global Corporate Academicism; see Ezepue (February 2024a, Ezepue (April 2024b), Ezepue and Okaro (April 2023), Ezepue and Ejegbu (April 2023), Ezepue (April 2023a), Ezepue (April 2023b), Ezepue and Udo (March 2023), Ezepue (February 2023c), Ezepue (January 2023d), Ezepue (2018) and Ezepue and Ojo (2012).
We'll write a rejoinder to the convocation lecture to comparatively explicate the corporate academic value chain immanent in the Oselux Vision. Of course, this value chain connects research, integration of knowledge (IoK), applications, and teaching, all of which we fondly label the RIAT Fabric in Higher Education for easy reference in this paper. Before the rejoinder, let me complete the notes I was writing on the Global Q-Helix. Thanks again for sharing the lecture.? I have no doubt that there may be other good news we'll share after the convocation, please God’.
We now show how mastering the Global Q-Helix and weaving a systemic value chain across the labyrinths of its levels and domains combinatorically explode the capacity of corporate academics to excel in the RIAT Fabric and impact society maximally. For these goals, we use the global Statistics Data and Business Analytics as case in point, slightly reframed as
The Oselux Global Data and Business Analytics Advantage Course: Its RIAT Fingerprints and Systemic Global Q-Helix Value Chain
We begin with what this flagship course system is not, amid an endless variety of data analysis offerings that pervade traditional academia, for example data analytics, data science, data mining, big data, and their ilk, see It is not narrowly any of these but a synthesis of almost all of them, with a sharp focus on data-driven business analytics or business science. These latter terms connote the use of steps in data management, analysis and 'inferencing' to resolve cogent problems across the Global Q-Helix, ideally specific levels of it. Again, these levels include towns, villages, states, countries, regions, continents and the world.
For this eclectic problem-solving, we connive data analytics and an Oselux strategic and management consulting engine to address data, digital, and technology (DDaT)-driven solutions to myriad problems in the Q-Helix. The technical data analytics engines draw from a wide repertoire of applied statistics tools and techniques listed at These include AI for automating the solutions, among other objectives of AI research. See for instance Nick Bostrom's magisterial text, Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies, Oxford University Press. The strategy and management decision-making engine solves related business science problems, also called insight development in data analytics. A good example is the McKinsey Mind, the management consulting model used by arguably the world's leading strategy consulting firm, McKinsey & Co.
We have explored how globally challenging problems should be chosen using a Sweet Spot Principle, see Ezepue with Uzomba (February 2024) Reforming PhD Training Purposefully, This principle also plays out in choosing challenging and high-impact PhDTech research topics based on our Oselux Research Methods Canvas?, see We will see below that Data and Business Analytics problems can be explored through the RIAT Fabric. That is, they can and should be rigorously researched using Oselux Research Methods Canvas?, with suitable admixtures of disciplinary 'grammars' based on technical idiosyncrasies of a problem. Let us take a specific example to help us clarify how we can slice and dice the RIAT-Global Q-Helix Value Chain and related Innovation Alphabets. Again, consider leveraging the Data and Business Analytics elements of the following topic.
Delivering a Global Data and Business Analytics Course System: Perspectives From RIAT Fabric and the Global Q-Helix
Our aim is to apply key tenets of The Oselux Global Data and Business Analytics Advantage Course System in milking immanent business insights from the topic. How? We first list a series of steps in mind here. These steps describe the Integrated Data and Business Analytics foreshadowed in the abstract to this paper. For easy follow-through in this section and as the starting point in mapping potential RIAT values in a data and business analytics problem, we recall the Oselux Research Methods Canvas ? below.
Step 1 of Oselux Integrated Data and Business Analytics
Use three steps in the Sweet Spot Principle to elicit the potential Global Q-Helix impact of this topic or selected aspects of it. In doing this, generate the initial aim and objectives as in the first box of the Research Methods Canvas ?. The three steps in view are as follows.
The reader is please enjoined to read see the remaining five steps in the full preprint of this article in ResearchGate which will be shared at the end of the article. We summarise the gist of the article by capturing some notes in the conclusion as follows.
In conclusion, GEU, we agree that Professor Z’s Convocation Lecture has a lot to offer but is incapable of hunting down the thirty-one affordances which emanate from the Corporate Academic Model of Higher Education and the underpinning Oselux Vision. For the same reasons, the detailed protocols for implementing Oselux Integrated Data and Business Analytics foreshadowed in this paper is, as humbly as we can put it, well above current global best practices in data analytics. Again, this is because the Corporate Academic toolboxes combine multidisciplinary perspectives in the IoK facet of the RIAT Fabric, which is not common in traditional academia.
You can see that the 5 Forces-7Es Research and Enterprise Development System, which hugs the Oselux Vision intimately, is not in play anywhere known to us globally, at least not in the way explicated in corporate academic articles including this article. See such references in the References section of this paper. Moreover, the Integrated Business Model and Digital Internationalising Templates wrapped up in the IBMT Strategyzer? are scions of a recent PhDTech we supervised which bests the Business Model Canvas?. This is in addition to other capabilities contained in the 5 Forces and 7Es System.
Put another way, Prof Z has not explored the manner of knowledge integration, the IoK facet of the RIAT Fabric, which enables us to develop an eclectic ambience of corporate academic understandings around any research or project. This fact is lucidly exemplified by the Oselux Global Oselux Data and Business Analytics Advantage Course System. Generally, it is clear that with the same three RIAT-Global Q-Helix Innovation Alphabets explored intimately here and the intellectual scaffoldings provided by Oselux 5 Forces-7Es Research and Enterprise Development Philosophy, there is no traditional academic enterprise known to us today that reaches this depth in problem structuring and execution.
Professor Z and his ilk in traditional academia are highly successful academic entrepreneurs, who are still sucked into the traditional higher education comfort zone. They are sufficiently successful and monetised personally but are not in the class of Platform Global Corporate Academics, the Eternal Golden Caste of Change Masters in the Corporate-Academic Enterprise. These rainmakers do not suffer, if we can say this, from inextricable inbreeding in traditional academe, whereby players with single-discipline tunnel vision lack the Integration of Knowledge (IoK) capability required for lifting Nigeria, Africa and developing countries of the Global South out of poverty in two decades, say.
This is the rationale for the Oselux Odyssey and Vision, a Vision that yields thirty-one potential affordances which represent the creative canvas on which global corporate academics sculpt phenomenal value across the RIAT Fabric (research, integration of knowledge, applications, and teaching) and academia, public services, industry sectors, and wider society (the Global Q-Helix). There is a sense, therefore, in which these thirty-one contributions to knowledge constitute the ultimate RIAT Fabric and Global Q-Helix Innovation Alphabets for global corporate academics. This innovation, as we have seen in this paper, flows from RIAT Edge and Maximal Global Q-Helix Impact which are, metaphorically speaking, Siamese twins birthed by the Corporate Academic Model and the Oselux Vision.
Let us remember, for example, how the Sevenfold Ways in which Global Corporate Academics perform the academic enterprise is worryingly different from how traditional academics conduct their affairs. This difference is fundamental to why traditional higher educational systems in Nigeria, Africa, and developing countries add insignificant values to society. Hence, creating Oselux Global Education and Analytics, if you like Oselux Corporation, as depicted in the Oselux Pie is a Call to Action which we have heard and are delivering on. The acme of this endeavour is The International Graduate Open University,, a harbinger of much needed transformation of global education and change for improving the live-worlds of individuals, teams, organisation, countries and continents.
To drive these points home, provide below a split-screen schematisation of Corporate Academics’ Sevenfold Ways and Susan Wardell’s Threefold Ways favoured by traditional academics. We taking these from the omnibus slide deck we developed for training academics and students on the Corporate Academic Model of Higher Education.
Figure 2: A Split-Screen Schematization of the Sevenfold and Threefold Ways in Higher Education
Not discounting the possibility of the finer bullet points in the Threefold Ways talking to those in the Sevenfold Ways, some differences are clear here. Structurally, the Sevenfold Ways rest on a RIAT-Global Q-Helix foundation. The Threefold Ways rest on Research, Teaching and Service (RFS foundations), which are filled with inside-university business around the usual activities academics engage in. The Sevenfold Ways cut to the chase, mainstreaming both within and outside university work. Hence, global corporate academics must navigate the Global Q-Helix in their quest for RIAT excellence and societal impact. Traditional academics have to fulfil the RTS goals mainly within their institutions.
For RIAT results to impact the Global Q-Helix fully, it was necessary that we formulate a new Oselux Vision to depict the character of impact global corporate academics must make in the Helix. Hence, the Oselux Vision and the underpinning Corporate Academic Model of Higher Education.
The Oselux Vision
To Live a Spirit-Led Project-Based Life, Transforming and Democratising Global Education and Change, By Continually Up-skilling People, Creating Innovative Products, Services, Digital Firms, Wealth, Jobs, Enhancing the Peace, Prosperity, Joy and Happiness of Individuals, Teams, Organisations and Countries, Especially Nigeria, Africa, and Developing Countries, and Publishing the Ideas Through Multimedia Channels Across Academia, Public Services, Industry Sectors, and Wider Society.
Importantly, whilst traditional academics labour to deliver the bullet points in the Threefold Ways, corporate academics make swift work of that and always transcend their institutional affiliations seeking what, why, how, when, where and with whom to deliver the seventeen affordances of the Oselux Vision across the globe. Tables 1 and 2 in this article provide the seventeen affordances which form crucial higher education innovation alphabets with seven elements of the Ladder of Contributions to Knowledge in Oselux Research Methods Canvas?. Hence, as depicted in Tables 1 and 2 in the appendix to this paper, we have a twin set of 31 contributions to knowledge, one set from the Sevenfold Ways and another from the Ladder of Contributions to Knowledge and an Anatomy of the Oselux Vision. Please see these tables in the full paper at
Can you see what it means to say that any course delivered with such bold vision and missions will almost always leapfrog similar courses developed within traditional academia. Again, this is not because traditional academics can’t achieve such goals. It is because they are not incentivised to do so to the extent mandated in corporate academia. To put it differently, they are dubiously incentivised to excel in research, create publications, and get promoted ultimately to full professorships, not minding that the best research results that mint wealth and jobs in the world, like in big pharma or defence studies, are sometimes not published, as nations and companies compete for supremacy, business secrets, and patents.
The key upside, therefore, of Global Corporate Academicism is that it annihilates the Great Deception in Higher Education which this dubious incentivisation of traditional academics portends. We recall elucidating this Great Deception in Ezepue (2018)’s Secrets of the Masters: Model-Based Hyper-Performance in the Corporate Academic Business of Life. See also Ezepue ?(2018) A Masterclass on Stochastic Modelling in Finance and Economics with a Focus on Current and Emerging Research Directions. Invited Keynote Paper for the May 2017 International Conference on Contemporary Mathematics in the Real World. Transactions of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics, Vol. 6, January 2018, pp. 308-334. Also accessible
In this paper, we commit to annihilating this Great Deception in all things higher education, including designing education and training programmes such as the Oselux Global Data and Business Analytics Advantage Course System at the bull’s eyre of this paper. It is difficult in the space of an article to fully account for all the unique selling points that make this course system arguably the Rolls Royce in Data and Business Analytics. We summarise the gist of such course design by reiterating such nuggets as:
?In this paper, ‘We lamented a limited understanding of data analytics and its fingerprints in data science, data mining, big data, and artificial intelligence, in the form of narrow focus on some steps in data science or applied statistics generally’. We have widened perspectives by examining an integrated data and business analytics system which milks deep research and enterprise development insights from data analytics. We argued that the ultimate value of an integrated data and business analytics course system is the business insights that flow from it. Ordinary technical skills in data analytics, which is the core learning in statistics, reduces data analysts to technicians. Holistic insight development encased in business analytics part of the course system includes combined skill sets in integrated business modelling and development and clearly-structured value creation across academia, public services, industry sectors, and wider society.
This value creation includes solving complete users’ problems identified by frontloading user research in the analytics and using Oselux hybrid statistical and strategic problem-solving model (HSSPSM?) to elicit cogent business solutions from the data analytics results. This capability generally helps users and client organisations to realise applicable affordances of a phlegmatic Oselux Vision depicted in the footnotes of this paper and generally at
We noted that ‘this is the first time known to us that such integrated analytics is presented in distinct steps for the benefit of theoreticians, researchers and practitioners. We illuminated the mechanics of Global Corporate Academicism with the Data and Business Analytics Course System.
Intriguingly, this paper was motivated by a simple conversation on why traditional academics fail to add enough value to society, a conversation sparked by a university Convocation Lecture that is truly trail-blazing in traditional higher education within the Nigerian Q-Helix. The paper argued that despite this achievement the lecture fails to galvanise deep and pervasive understanding of the mechanics of Global Corporate Academicism and how Global Corporate Academics drive these mechanics in their self-appointed roles as the Eternal Golden Caste of Change Masters in Higher Education. Along the lines of these discussions, we fleshed out some unique selling pons of why Oselux Global Data and Business Analytics Course System represents the Rolls Royce in data analytics and how to benefit from it as a standalone course or full Bachrelors, Masters and Doctorate degrees.
The short courses will be offered under the aegis of Oselux Global Tuition and Research Support Services at The degree courses will take off in Oselux affiliate universities, for example Dominican University Ibadan, Nigeria, where we have a jointly owned International Centre for Research and Human Development,, of which the author is the International Director.
We thank the Convocation Lecturer and our collaborator for provoking us to write this paper. We also thank in advance all readers of the paper hoping that they will imbibe the innovations that the paper manifests and, if need be, participate in different flavours of the Oselux Global Data and Business Analytics Advantage Course System when they are mounted.
Further references are available in Ezepue P. O. (2024) at