User Research on Enterprise Resource Planning System
This is an article based on user research and field study related to our business system "Enterprise Resource Planning System" to gain insight about the users of our business system application that we design as a team.
into to Enterprise Resource Planning
There are various ways in defining an Enterprise Resource Planning System. This is how it has been defined by American Inventory and Production Control System (APICS) dictionary:
“Enterprise Resource Planning: An accounting oriented information system for identifying and planning the enterprise-wide resources to make, ship and account for customer orders.”
Again in Internet encyclopedia, it has defined as “An enterprise planning system is an integrated computer-based application used to manage internal and external resources, including tangible assets, financial resources, material and human resources”.
Figure below shows how information is integrated into a typical organization using an ERP system.
The successful implementation of an ERP system will have many advantages
*Business Integration and Improved Data Accuracy
*Planning and MIS
*Improved Efficiency and Productivity
*Establishment of Standardized Procedures
*Flexibility and technology
ERP life cycle Phases
Response surveys we conduct:
Video Recording - (Interview With Users).
Customer journey map
Affinity Diagram
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