Useful Side Hustles
David Piro
Please read this as a suggestive guide to allow additional income for professionals at all levels. I believe that there are 3 main skills that I have learned in my professional life that can benefit others. For one, professional writing and document formatting. Two, programing knowledge. Third, digital marketing experience. Some of these skills are more accessible to some, while all 3 are excellent traits to be able to share with others.
On Professional Writing
What I mean is that working with software such as Google Documents, or Microsoft Word can be a profitable trait. How? Well, you can get good at creating different resumes. Then, make various templates and sell this talent to an audience. This can be done with maybe, Facebook, Instagram, or even NextDoor.
On Programming
A bit of a jump, but once you accept the leap and learn the trait, then, money can be made. There are many different types of programmers, most of which are in demand and once you have some experience or portfolio, others will more than likely need your skills. Maybe you aren’t the best, but that should not discourage you from learning and taking work that you CAN do. For instance, there is no shame in starting small as a blog writer, or someone to update social links. Ideally, you should be growing on your own and from there, adapt into a working knowledge of mobile responsiveness, or image optimization. All while making money in the process.
On Digital Marketing
You doing it right now, except you’re the audience. Now figure out how to be on the other side but get people to pay you to create their content. Used to play sports? Great, take a Udemy course of Facebook Ad Optimization, or how to run a good campaign. Is there more to it? That would depend on what you want to offer, there are many options, but just remember that in order to make money, you are only as effective as your marketing.
So now what? You need to learn how to write, how to make awesome documents that can be professional or appealing. Or, maybe you are analytic and want to work in silence while solving complex puzzles – programming could be for you. Remember one thing, don’t get discouraged, be honest, learn first, and then execute. Thank you to any of my readers and I hope this article may benefit you. If you would like my assistance, just let me know.