Useful Angular Tools and Extensions - Part 1.
Amila Thennakoon
Senior Technical Lead | Agile Project Management | Data Integration & Automation | .NET Core | Angular | Agile-Scrum | Oil & Gas
Angular Language Service
Angular code files end with .ts or .html, so the code editor thinks that we’re writing Typescript and HTML code, but that’s not true. Because, on top of that, we are also writing Angular-specific syntax like components, directives, property/event bindings, etc. And the code editor doesn’t know anything about them.
That’s what the Angular Language service does for us; it understands that you’re inside an Angular project and tells the editor what that Angular-specific syntax is.
VS Code uses Typescript Language Service and HTML Language Service to understand the Typescript and Html files too and because they are so widely used they are bundled with VS Code by default.
The below image shows what the Angular template looks like without enabling the Angular Language service. You can see the property "title" shown as a regular string.
Because the editor thinks that this is a typescript file, it won’t provide a code highlight for the template part, and it will be shown just like it was a string, even though the editor has support for HTML.
After the Angular language service is enabled or installed, the Angular property shows in a different colour.
The Language Service tells the editor that we are inside an Angular component and to treat the template field as an Angular template that is HTML with enhanced capabilities.
The Angular Language Service VS code extension is developed and maintained by the Angular team and provides code completion, navigation, and error detection inside Angular templates. It enriches VS Code with the following features:
Let's look at the code completion feature to get a glimpse of its powerful capabilities. Suppose we want to display a new property called title in the template of the AppComponent. We can set this up by going through the following steps:
The title property is a public property. In public methods and properties, we can omit the keyword public. Code completion works only for public properties and methods. If the property had been declared private, then the Angular Language Service and the template would not have been able to recognize it.
2. Open the app.component.html (component's template) file and type the property's name in the template. The Angular Language Service will find it and suggest it for you automatically:
You may have noticed that a red line appeared instantly underneath the HTML element as you were typing. The Angular Language Service did not recognize the property until you typed it correctly and gave you a proper indication of this lack of recognition. If you hover over the red indication, it displays a complete information message about what went wrong
Further, The Angular language service provides a "go-to definition" and "go-to references" features
The Go-To Definition, takes us to the correct place where the entity is defined, whether it is inside our components, directives, or the ones provided by Angular.
For Go to Definition- We can right-click on every item in the template and click on Go to Definition, and it will send us there! Be it a component, directive, input, event, DOM element, etc.
Go to references option, and it will show us every place where we have used the item that we searched for!
Install Angular Language Service
To get it, go through the following steps:
1. Navigate to the Extensions menu of VS Code.
2. Type Angular Language Service in the search box.
3. Click the Install button on the first entry item.
We installed and set up the most wanted features that needed to work with Angular development. That’s it! Your journey into the world of Angular has just begun.
In the next NGX-LK newsletter, I will bring you some more cool stuff about Angular.