If we are here to say always that we are perfect, then I am sorry to say that we are just putting up masks and showing a self that will only win us accolades and complements.
We are humans, and thus we have flaws. We have our qualities and our downfalls. We have scars. We have depressions. We have our dark corners, lanes, paths. The first hit that might go to you is that why am I emphasizing on the negative aspects of our life.
My first point here is – if I had the power, I would make all of you believe right now, right here – we have the power to change the negative energy or thought and turn around. That is where we overcome our flaws, admit them, not being ashamed of them, learning to live with them and make truce, heal from them – on a continuous journey to change them, accept them as a challenge thrown to us and rise from the them, rise above them.
Having told this, it could be seen as a circle we live in. Our comfort zones. Comfort zones are fine, but comfort zones that falls inside a set boundary and chains us in a shackle, that’s not a comfort zone anyone of us wants to be in. We confuse between our comfort zones and the fixed, rigid circle of our own thoughts & emotions.
When we feel lost, disappointed and start believing that it’s all over for us – time and again, again and again, we fall prey to a fixed boundary and remain caged inside a circle. We keep moving inside that circle or become static. We are unable to make a move beyond. We are unable to break that cycle, unable to expand. And that’s when a big bang is needed. Break that circle. Jump out of the circle. Do whatever you can but make a move. Not to move into another circle or cycle. But to move ahead of it.
So when we connect here, outside here, beyond just a face, a voice or a thought, let’s embrace our flaws as much as we do our strengths. Let us confess – like sitting in a confession box and talking out our scars. It takes a lot of courage to accept our faults, and the moment we can, we can look beyond that thin line that dissects our good and bad life. It gives us the clarity of our purpose. Tells us what we need to do to believe in ourselves. In our passion. In our strengths. To enable to make ourselves believe, “Yes, this is my weakness and it’s okay to have one! I just have to get over it, win over it, beat it and conquer it.”
By accepting our internal and external fears, telling ourselves that we have the power to beat those demons, we can actually do that. Some do it silently, some do it loud. Does not make a difference? Do we belittle ourselves when we speak about our faults, our flaws or our negative thoughts?
We don’t. The first and last thing in the day we have to do is face ourselves. So facing our fears and beating them can only help us overpower them. Remaining clear to our conscious. Each and every moment. Remembering the fact that -
Fight your own demons, the rest will fall into place. Everyday, every moment. Fight On!
Assistant Manager - Editorial; Author
6 年Pauline Laravoire
6 年Keep fighting, stay alive! You have already put up a great show so far - once more!!
Questioner, Thinker, Writer, Teacher
7 年Upalparna — The mind is a powerful thing. When we come to believe something negative about ourselves, it can solidify, becoming part of the “truths” of our world. But there's a great way to use oneself as a weapon to destroy those false beliefs. In psychology, it's called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, but what it entails is both powerful and simple. Basically, identify the belief, challenge it, identify something more realistic, and repeat as needed. Over time, a new belief, one's that true, forms. Example: “I'm such a screwup! I'm always making mistakes at work!” Challenge: “Why would I call myself (negative) names even if I made a lot of mistakes? Would I treat my best friend this way?” Challenge: “Do I ALWAYS make mistakes? Really?” Realistic View: “Boy, I sure seem to be making a lot of mistakes at work lately. I wonder why? Is it because I don’t understand the task, which case I can seek further clarification in future. Do I lack necessary knowledge? If so, I wonder if my boss will send me to a training course? Or is it just that the job is way beyond my ability, and I'd be better suited to doing something else? Whatever the case, I know that I work hard & I want to get to the bottom of the situation, so I'm far from a screwup! And besides, I don’t ALWAYS make mistakes. There’s plenty that I do correctly, even well. I guess I let the recent spate of mistakes affect how I viewed myself. I’m a good worker. I just need help right now.