Be of Use to Yourself

Be of Use to Yourself

Triple Espresso:

Being of use and value to the world.

Making an impact.

Living and leaving a Legacy.

Are all these things what you want for your life?

Well here's the bottom line:

You cannot be of use to the world until you're of use to yourself.

Most people in today's world are drifters.

Most just go with the flow of Socialized Mind and the Mass Mentality.

Our society is in a race to the bottom.

It's time to STOP NOW and remember why you're here.

You're here on purpose.?

Think about this: ONE BILLION SPERM cells raced from your daddy to your mommy's egg.

ONE BILLION other potentials and ONLY ONE won the race.

ONLY ONE made the journey and captured the prize.


You think that you didn't fight to get here?

You think you didn't work?

You think you weren't the GREATEST out of ONE BILLION chances?

Think again.

Once again, you're here on purpose.?

NOT to go with the flow of the herd. They're only playing the game of Socialized Mind because they've forgotten who they are; and why they fought so hard to get here.

It all started, and it will all end with YOU.

You're not taking ANYONE with you when you leave. Just YOU.

You're not taking ANYTHING with you when you leave. Except who you've become. Just YOU.

When would NOW be the time to bring the focus back where it belongs?

To provide the value to the world you came to provide, YOU MUST become MORE VALUABLE.

It's the only way. Your results and your impact are a reflection of YOU.

There's no appreciation, no growth, no improvement, no impact without making an investment in yourself.

Quantum Leap is where it starts fresh for you. 3 Days via ZOOM that will change the course of your entire life and business. Details here:

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