Use your time wisely!

Use your time wisely!

Use your time wisely!

We live in interesting times in a world where technology is critical to doing business. This leads to running from one deadline to the other at a much higher pace. Time is at a premium.

Some of these deadlines are targets set by some form of a regulator, whether it be NamRa, BIPA or NAMFISA, while others are personal goals, whether it be a business or personal, to enable retirement with an enjoyable life until the afterlife.

One certainty is that time is limited. It is not something you can purchase at a shop or withdraw from an ATM or even increase over a period. I have heard on many occasions, and I quote: “One day I will…..”.

This raises a very important question: What is important to do now?

It is crucial that you spend your time wisely, enabling you to focus on what is important and which only you can perform.

We at CRVW strive to help you in spending time wisely by assisting with some of the more tedious compliance tasks, allowing you to focus on what is important to you.

During this busy time of the year, and yes, we are halfway to Christmas, I would like to encourage you to focus on what is important. This will make the difference you are looking for. Leave a legacy which you can be proud of for many years to come.

Tjaart de Jager

Partner: CRVW



