Use Your Light To Eradicate Darkness - It Manifest In Many Forms - In Business - Work - and Home

Use Your Light To Eradicate Darkness - It Manifest In Many Forms - In Business - Work - and Home

Your business, your employment, and your home-life all contain the capability of rich light or significant obscurity, or great and insidiousness. There are numerous people who are aware of this and go about their day by day exercises, attempting to empower alluring characteristics and qualities in business dealings, business related exercises, and on the home front.

You more than likely have heard the term (do unto others as you would have others do unto you) at some stage in your life. In the event that more individuals would basically take after this basic reason, a great part of the murkiness that pervades our lives could be stifled.


As a person you have been given free will, pretty much as the Angels were given free will. Alongside through and through freedom comes decisions, which can be both great or awful. Those that know the light have a commitment to illuminate those that are in murkiness.

It is conceivable to utilize your light to kill haziness. Our Creator since the very beginning, has utilized individuals from all kinds of different backgrounds to look for the light, with a specific end goal to establish the framework for what is to come. 

It truly does not make a difference what your station in life is; If the Creator has chosen to give you a section in the change, it's dependent upon you to do your part. Not everybody called to help is from "The Five Fold Ministry". Normal people are used, basically in light of the fact that regular people will hear them out, instead of numerous who say that they are doing the Creator's work, however aren't doing it in an effective way. 

As you read through this correspondence, there will be various terms which think about the two primary light and dark carriers. They are recorded beneath.

[Various Names For The Creator] - Who Brings The Light

Jesus Christ - Son of God - Son of man - Word of God - The Word - Word of Life - Emmanuel - I Am - Deliverer - Lamb of God - Savior -Good Shepherd - plus there are others.

[Various Names of The Adversary] -
Who Brings The Darkness

Satan  - Lucifer - Antichrist - Abaddon - Accuser - Angel of light -Angel of the bottomless pit - Anointed covering cherub - Apollyon - Beast - Roaring lion -Beelzebub - Deceiver - Devil - Dragon - Enemy -Evil one - Father of lies - God of this age - King of Babylon - King of Tyre - Lawless one - Leviathan - Little horn - Man of sin - Power of darkness - Prince of the power of the air - Ruler of the darkness - Ruler of demons - Ruler of this world - Serpent of old - Son of perdition - Tempter - Wicked one - plus many more.

There are numerous people through history who at first wanted no portion of spreading light to dim regions of the world, until they were convinced to do as such. Three of these people are recorded underneath, along with a short video.

A. "Jonah" didn't want to go to Nineveh, in order to spread light. However, The Creator had other plans for him, so he was tossed off the ship and swallowed by a whale, which proceeded to transport him to Nineveh.

B. "Paul" was on the road to Damascus, in order to destroy "The Creator's Subjects", when the "Creator" made him go blind. Some days later he transformed and started spreading light in the dark places.

C. "Balaam" while on his way to see Moabite officials, angered the "Creator" and had his donkey stop three times. The donkey saw that an Angel was blocking the path so he stopped. Balaam beat the donkey and the donkey spoke to Balaam telling him about the situation. Upon meeting Balak, he was only able to speak what "The Creator puts in my mouth.

 This was just three examples but there are many more. You can do a simple task of helping to spread the light, by forwarding this post on to someone else and liking it below.




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