Use Waiting Time Productively

Use Waiting Time Productively

Hello Everyone,

?How much time do you spend standing in line, stalled in traffic, sitting on airplanes, waiting for an appointment or a meeting to begin, being put on hold, or in any one of the hundreds of ways life places you in suspended animation? Even if the time you spend waiting averages only fifteen minutes a day, this could easily consume over two hundred days of your lifetime. You can make better use of this time.

?- Regard waiting as a gift of time, not as a disruption to your productivity. Take advantage of this gift.

?- If you typically find yourself with large chunks of waiting time, enroll in a home-study college course.

?- Keep a good book by your side. Catch up on your pleasure and business reading.

?- Buy a notebook computer so you can be productive away from the office, even where there's no electricity.

?- Take work with you wherever you go. Do tasks that you don't normally find the time to do when you're at your office. Update your "to do" list or calendar. Set goals for next year.

?- Take a refreshing catnap. (Not in traffic!)

?- Let your mind wander through a task you're tackling. Visualize your progress and the next steps you'll take. Dream of new ways to attack the problem. Ask what-if and why-not questions.

?- Carry a small pad and a pen with you at all times to record ideas you get while on the run.

?- Learn while you drive. Use time stuck in traffic to improve your mind with educational audiotapes.

?- Work on one task while waiting for another to be completed. Example: Make a phone call while your computer or printer completes a routine.





Dr. Nadeem Zaigham Ph.D.的更多文章

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