Use technology to hack the code
What if there were a way to know if a depressed patient would respond to an antidepressant before it was prescribed?
Science gives great insight on not only what works and what doesn't but also why. Let’s say you eat vegetables because they’re good for you. You might be surprised to learn that some are better than others, or that the method of cooking them makes a big difference. Fitness is just as complex. What kind of exercise, for how long for the best results?
Nutrition a key element in our health; offers practical nondrug strategies for people in pain. For an example, Magnesium and vitamin D can reduce perception of pain and some B vitamins fuel the neurotransmitters that put the brakes on pain. Same goes for physical activity, strengthening muscle tone and flexibility alleviates pain.
Pharmacogenomics study the role of the genome in drug response - plays an important role in identifying responders and nonresponders to medications avoiding adverse events and optimizing drug therapy like certain antidepressants and opiates.
Phenocopy is a free genetic interpretation tool to help you learn and understand how your body process medications. Learn more→
Happy exploring.