Use this strategy to SPEAK UP with Confidence #worklifesynergy

Use this strategy to SPEAK UP with Confidence #worklifesynergy

There is that moment when you either SPEAK UP and own your space, or you slink back in the shadows of insecurity and pain.

I was 24 yrs old and new to a sales team. I had written a script for my sales calls and brought it to the meeting. A seasoned member of the team who showed zero care and time for me asked to see the script. I hesitantly handed the piece of paper across the cold board room table. With an air of arrogance she flipped it open, read it and simply said, “hmmmm.” She smirked with amusement as she handed it back to me. She said nothing else.

And there it was—> MY MOMENT.

For weeks I had been the recipient of her workplace bullying. Indifference. Exclusion. An energy of superiority. So in that moment I was filled with emotions that absolutely held me back from SPEAKING UP. I slunk into my chair in defeat. My face hot with embarrassment.

? Have you had a MOMENT like this before?

Our ability to SPEAK UP is so much more than saying words. It is believing we deserve respect. It’s the confidence to own our space, energy and place. This is why SPEAK+ is called SPEAK+.

★ Confidence in communication is grown from our core beliefs around the value we have to share. ★

So now in these moments (I still find myself facing them!), I use the OAM strategy. It involves three steps.

??OWN YOUR FEELINGS and know they are real and valid (but they do not define your value).

??ASK FOR CLARITY as a way to understand the intent of the message you are receiving. ex) “Do you think my script is going to be effective?”?The use of intentional curiosity provides the space to move through your initial emotional reaction. Yes this takes courage. It gets easier with practice. THIS IS CONFIDENCE IN ACTION.

??MOVE FORWARD. It’s easy to marinate in what you said, didn’t say or what others said or didn’t say. Ask yourself what you learned and then move forward! THIS IS CONFIDENCE IN ACTION.

I help professionals to SPEAK+. THIS IS MY JAM. My next cohort starts June 1st. Join me and take your career and work life experience to an elevated and more empowered level. Check it out if you are keen!?

Enjoy your weekend friends!

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Want to gain career building confidence? Next cohort starts June 1st.


Nicole Richard

Joyful. Authentic. Super Fun. & Totally Obsessed with Creating the Best Headshot of Your Life!

1 年

Absolutely LOVE this. Especially asking for clarity. A lot of times we have big feelings without knowing someone’s intent. It also gives you time to slow down and think clearly before responding. Great article ??

Trisha Miltimore, CMC

Motivational Speaker ☆ WorkLife Wellness Activator ☆ Leadership Consultant ☆ SPEAK+ Coach

1 年

Sarita Parmar Thanks for the social love and HAPPY LONG WEEKEND!!!!



