Use spatie/laravel-activitylog package
The spatie/laravel-activitylog package is a great way to log the activities of users in your Laravel application. It can be used to log things like changes to models, user logins, and password changes. This can be helpful for auditing purposes, as well as for tracking user behavior.
One advanced tip for using spatie/laravel-activitylog is to use it to log model events. This allows you to log specific events that happen to your models, such as when a model is created, updated, or deleted. This can be helpful for tracking changes to your data, as well as for debugging problems.
Here is a code example of how you could use spatie/laravel-activitylog to log model events:
use Spatie\Activitylog\Traits\LogsActivity
class User extends Authenticatable
use LogsActivity;
protected $fillable = [
'name', 'email', 'password',
protected $eventsToLog = [
'created', 'updated', 'deleted',
in this example, we are using the LogsActivity trait to enable activity logging for the User model. We are also specifying that we want to log the created, updated, and deleted events for this model.
This means that whenever a new User is created, updated, or deleted, an activity log entry will be created. This activity log entry will include the name of the model, the event that was logged, and the user who performed the action.
This information can be helpful for auditing purposes, as well as for tracking user behavior. For example, you could use this information to see who created a particular user account, or who made changes to a user's profile.
For more information about Laravel Debugbar, please visit the official documentation:?
Do you use spatie/laravel-activitylog in your Laravel applications? What are some of the ways you use it? Let me know in the comments below!