Use Space Crafting to Elevate Your Leadership
Eric Kaufmann
20+ Years C-Suite Coach, CEO, Institute of Coaching Thought Leader, Leadership Author, Conscious Leadership Guide
What does “leadership space” mean, and why should you care? Well, we're always in a leadership space relative to others. How you show up in that space affects how your members collaborate, innovate, and thrive. So you should be aware of three distinct dimensions of this space – s.
The power of being aware and conscious of something is to make choices. When you’re not conscious of options, you’re bound to the limits of auto-pilot, and your future will look much like your past. As a leader responsible for results and change, options are key. In this way, you can be intentional about which ‘space’ will be best for your team’s needs, the situation, and individual strengths.
As we dive into the three spaces, into space crafting, bear in mind that there isn’t a superior space. Rather, it’s your ability to consciously toggle between taking, holding, and shaping space that correlates to the engagement, satisfaction, and effectiveness of your team. And I reiterate for emphasis – the power of this knowledge lies in your ability to intentionally switch spaces in service to your team’s needs.
Taking Space
Intentions: You take space in order to assert control and authority over the team. In this mode you’re prioritizing your ideas, decisions, and opinions, often relegating others to follow your lead without much room for collaboration or input.
Look and Feel: When you take space, you step into the middle and dominate the meeting or conversation. You have something critical to share or something urgent to demand. This is especially on display when a team is in a time crunch either because of delays, or due to an imminent opportunity. You may also take space when you are with your peers and have a compelling need to express your thoughts or feelings. When you take space, team members can feel overwhelmed and stifled, and overshadowed. Too much taking space, and you discourage open discussions and innovation. So be intentional about taking space.
How To Take Space
Holding Space
Intentions: You hold space in order to create a supportive and open environment where team members can express themselves, share ideas, and collaborate freely. Your focus on active listening, empathy, and fostering a sense of psychological safety fosters a welcoming container for your people to pour themselves in to.
Look and Feel: When you hold space, you step to the side and put your arms around everyone (metaphorically). Team members feel valued and respected, and they experience a sense of belonging, knowing their opinions matter. The atmosphere is conducive to brainstorming, problem-solving, and creative thinking. This leadership space encourages collaboration, trust, and mutual support among team members.
How To Hold Space
Shaping Space
Intentions: You shape space in order to guide and influence the team’s direction while allowing for flexibility and input. You provide a clear vision, and allow the team to set goals and channel their efforts toward achieving objectives. This approach involves a balance between offering guidance and enabling autonomy.
Look and Feel: When you shape space, you are up on the balcony, high above the fray of day-to-day action. From this perch, you provide team members a sense of purpose and direction. They understand the broader goals and their roles within the team. The environment is dynamic, encouraging creativity within the boundaries of the established vision. This leadership space cultivates a sense of ownership and accountability among team members.
How To Shape Space
In a nutshell then:
In the interplay between taking, holding, and shaping space you weave a leadership presence that includes control along with trust and vulnerability, and visionary purpose. Taken together, these ‘leadership spaces’ enable you to craft an environment that inspires, renews, and elevates your teams. As leaders, we are not just navigators but also architects of the spaces that define our teams’ journeys, and it is in the intentional balance of these spaces that we discover the true essence of effective and conscious leadership.