Use Of Simple Language
English is a West Germanic language, that originated in medieval England with its speakers called Anglophones, named after the Angles, a Germanic tribe. It’s the most spoken language globally due to British and American influence, ranking third in native speakers after Mandarin and Spanish. It’s widely learned as a second language. English is official in 59 sovereign states and dominant in others, serving as a co-official language in international bodies. It’s the primary language for diplomacy, science, trade, tourism, and the internet. Roughly 70% of Germanic language speakers use English, with over two billion speakers worldwide as of 2005.
In the present world, it’s believed that the English language is commonly regarded as the global business language. It’s commonly used in international trade, finance, commerce, and negotiations.
As an international student pursuing studies in Australia, I meet individuals from, various cultural backgrounds. Despite our differences, the universal bond among us lies in our reliance on the English language as our primary means of communication.
It’s said that 1.75 billion people speak the language. Multi-national companies such as Airbus, Daimler-Chrysler, SAP, Nokia, Alcatel-Lucent, and Microsoft in Beijing have adopted English as their official language.
How does the Use of plain English affect your Business?
·??????? Saves money
·??????? Saves times
·??????? Build up your reputation
Saves Money
As a business, if you are marketing your product or service, it’s always advisable to use simple and plain English which is readable by customers. Also, it’s important to know who your target audience is. The use of plain language is also important for internal documents as well. Documents such as Job descriptions or any legal documents that use plain English language will clear the uncertainty in the minds of the reader.
Saves Time
Making information easy to understand not only benefits the customers but also saves time and streamlines processes for the company. This will help you to reduce the need for repetitive explanations. Also, internal policies and procedures must be clear so all employees can read and understand them.
Builds your reputation
The most important aspect of any business is the reputation. The main reasons are that you can market your products and services to customers with the use of simple language and they become comfortable with you and as a result, they become your loyal customers.
I would like to conclude this short article on a personal experience with my previous employer. Our task involved a project to develop an online documentation platform for the newly recruited staff. Throughout the process, we used the 5W and H theories of (Who, What, When, Where, why, and How)
Who – Who is the target audience?
What – What is the purpose of this platform?
When – When is the rollout?
Where – Where do we use this system?
Why – Why are we creating this platform
How – How are we going to address the issues of this platform
Therefore, using such a concept, we were able to create an easily accessible platform, with simple English and no use of any technical terms. This also saved us time and inquiries from our recruits.
Before you become a good writer and communicator in business, you need to train yourself to be a good thinker. Therefore, the five habits to nurture if you want to develop good ideas and communication it’s important to read, talk to people, rest, do some exercise, and create your own ideas factory (Corbett 2019, p.3)