Use the Right Word
I have a confession:
A child of the South, I lived several years on the planet before someone pointed out that may as well was not maze well. Of course, we all said (and I continue to say) y’all instead of all of you!
Dialects and colloquial expressions can confuse young, untrained ears and produce wrong assumptions. Even though observation and formal education correct most of those miscommunications over time, some language mistakes stick in the brain. Accordingly, we’ve all had an aha moment upon realizing that a spelling, meaning or pronunciation has been wrong all along!
The examples to follow show common mistakes and give explanations regarding each A and B option. To test your knowledge, don't scroll below B until you choose your answer.
Meaning: For every practical reason, the school will maintain separate recess times for children in kindergarten and first grade.
A. For all intents and purposes
B. For all intensive purposes
Answer: For all intents and purposes
Aha moment: An intensive purpose should seemingly refer to a concentrated effort or focused goal, but the odd wording should cause one to pause.
Meaning: The teacher is incredibly funny.
A. hysterical
B. hilarious
Answer: hilarious
Aha moment: Calling someone hysterical would convey that individual was exhibiting manic or frantic behavior.
Meaning: How odd that the two events occurred simultaneously!
A. ironic
B. coincidental
Answer: coincidental
Aha moment: Deeming an event ironic indicates that it was unlikely to happen under the circumstances. A teacher, for instance, might deem it ironic that one student who lives five miles away and rides an old bike to school always arrives on time, while a muscular kid who lives only one block away and rides a new bike is always late. It might be a coincidence that they both decided to walk to school on the same day.
Meaning: After discussing his goals for the semester, Bob continued by talking about retiring.
A. proceeded
B. preceded
Answer: proceeded
Aha moment: Preceded says that the person or thing came before someone or something else.
Meaning: You have permission to dress comfortably for school on Friday.
A. can
B. may
Answer: may
Aha moment: Can refers to the ability, not the privilege. The student can prefer wearing jeans to the school uniform. She may wear the jeans on the day her class plants seedlings in the community park.
Meaning: Before you choose the small sandwich for lunch, consider that the large salad has not as many calories.
A. less
B. fewer
Answer: fewer
Aha moment: The comparison is less if the amounts do not reference specified, measurable/countable units. For example, a sandwich takes up less room (a general amount of space) on a plate than a large salad. The comparison is fewer when units like calories, which can be counted, are compared. The large salad has five hundred fewer calories than the small sandwich. The small sandwich, in turn, takes up fewer inches (measureable units) on the plate than the large salad!
Meaning: You have complete freedom regarding how to approach the topic in your essay.
A. free rein
B. free reign
Answer: free rein
Aha moment: To reign is to rule—i.e., reign over a country. Likewise, the reign could refer to an amount of time or an era of rule, such as a reign of tranquility. Rein, originating from the use of reins to guide a horse, refers to a degree of freedom or control. For instance, a principal might tell the department heads that they must rein in—or control—spending to adhere to the budget.
Meaning: Learning about the ocean in science class helps me recall my summer at the beach.
A. invokes
B. evokes
Answer: evokes
Aha moment: To invoke is to call upon someone or an entity, usually for assistance. One would invoke a higher power in prayer. Evoke is to call something to mind.
Meaning: Every person except Jenny made a C or below on the quiz.
A. besides
B. beside
Answer: besides
Aha moment: Beside means next to.
Meaning: Considering everything, the new kid’s presentation was the most impressive.
A. Altogether
B. All together
Answer: Altogether
Aha moment: All together implies that all people or all things are in the same place. The books that Mary must read this year are all together on the shelf. Altogether is synonymous with utterly, as a whole, and in general.
Meaning: The students built an impressive sacred platform on stage for the play’s wedding scene.
A. alter
B. altar
Answer: altar
Aha moment: To alter is to change something.
Meaning: Mr. Carson, who teaches a woodworking class at the vocational school, has a hobby of building dollhouses.
A. (a) vocation
B. (an) avocation
Answer: (an) avocation
Aha moment: A vocation is a calling, occupation, or trade. An avocation is a hobby or side interest.
Meaning: The math teacher did not agree to using the new method of solving word problems.
A. assent
B. ascent
Answer: assent
Aha moment: An ascent is an incline or climb.
Meaning: The parents didn’t want the teacher’s advice regarding how to discipline their child.
A. counsel
B. council
Answer: counsel
Aha moment: Council refers to a governing body, such as a county council or a student council. Counsel is either a synonym for advice, or means to advise.
Meaning: The collection of subjects taught at Wilson High enticed the family to move to the neighborhood.
A. curricula
B. curriculum
Answer: curriculum
Aha moment: Curricula is the plural form of curriculum. The advanced math and science curricula for juniors at Wilson High are college-level courses. Curriculum is a collective, single noun.
Would you have earned an A on my test? If not, keep my notes for a handy reference!
Even better, regularly consult a dictionary. (A thesaurus is useful for synonym suggestions, but nothing beats a dictionary to verify the meaning and clarify the origins of a word.) Persnickety writers and publishers have their go-to favorites, but rather than recommending one name over another, I suggest finding an online dictionary that suits you. Many people use the first source that pops up. You might prefer another’s dictionary's format, so take a little time to search.
My best to you,
Sallie W. Boyles, a.k.a. Write Lady
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--Professional Speaker
7 年I hope you and yours are doing well.
Architectural Photographer / Portrait Photographer
7 年Ahh good you speak my language!
Architectural Photographer / Portrait Photographer
7 年Im from the south too Sallie. Whatjagonnado?