Use the Oven, not the Microwave

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Over the weekend, I was reheating leftover pizza. The only thing different this time, from the many other times heating up leftover food, was that I decided to use the oven.

Have you ever noticed how food tastes so much better when you heat it in the oven compared to the microwave?

I, for one, have always preferred to use the microwave over the oven just because I do not have the patience to eat the same food but 20 minutes later.

However, when I take the time and use the oven, my first initial thought goes something like this, "Man, this is so much better!"

I believe that a lot of us can relate to this.

So, why are we so hesitant to use the oven, even though we know we will have a better meal?

Now, take this thinking and apply it to other areas of your life.

In what ways can you improve by taking the option that will take more time but lead to a better result?

What goals are you not reaching because you are settling for less than quality work by not putting in the time?

The best things in life usually require the most time and dedication to achieve.

So, remember throughout your week: use the oven, not the microwave!

Love you family,



