Use Only 1 Sales Funnel
Brad Smith
Investor & Entrepreneur. Founder of @AutomationLinks, Nonprofit @PayLente, Host of the Relationship Marketing Podcast. Connect with me so we can support each other.
Hey, what's up team? I hope you're having a great day Brad Smith here with AutomationLinks - today I'm talking about use only one funnel.
So one of the funnels for your business. If you guys are running the business, which you probably are if you're in this group, it's hard to not get overwhelmed with all these new tactics and all these new schemes and all this new stuff that you can do on social media. What happens is we start adding them up and then before we know it, we have five, six, seven, 10 different ways for clients to come in and start working with us.
But the problem is is that customer and the client, they don't know which one to choose or they just don't hear the same offer over and over and over. So I always suggest, and I'm guilty of this myself and only doing one funnel get that one funnel perfect before you start, start moving on to more and more things.
1. New Leads Will Remember
All right, so tip number one, new leads will remember. So if you're always presenting something different on a weekly basis, they're not going to remember what that offer is. Why, it's so beneficial and why they should even sign up for it.
But if you're saying the same offer over and over and over about how much it's helping you, how it can help them, how much it's helping other customers, that's one of the most important things because now they're going to hear this for weeks and weeks and weeks.
And I'm guilty of this because I'm always trying to help people more and more and more by adding more things to help them with instead of just perfecting the one thing that I can help them with, which is websites.
So what's the one thing you're helping people create that funnel and automation around that and that's when you're going to see true success and you stick with it and don't get distracted.
2. Easier For You To Perfect
Tip umber two, easier for you to, perfect. So how many bundles or offers or programs do you have for your business that aren't perfected? Probably all of them. They're probably all get to a certain point and just stop or you lose track of the funnel or the prospect. So what you want is that perfect system. You want to perfect that one system. Before moving on to the next one.
So if somebody is watching your video, they see your social media posts, you want them clicking on it, signing up, going to the offer page, either paying you or not paying you, and then you continue following up with them until they decide to sign up or unless they sign up, you still need to follow up so they stick with you as a customer.
So until that's perfected, don't we move on to funnel number two, you need to have the perfect system set up first. Think about it for your business. What is that? Give them a download. Follow up with the video. Send them three emails. If they sign up and pay you, keep emailing them and upsell them on something else. Keep building relationships.
If they don't sign up after the three, continue emailing them, messaging them, giving them social media posts until they sign up. Now you don't have that complete funnel set up yet. Don't move onto the second one.
3. You'll Always Follow-up
Number three, you'll always follow up. So I brought that up a couple of times already. I have three years worth of emails to follow up with somebody. Some people sign up with me one, two, three years after they first connect.
Why? Because on my system, my 1 system is continuing to follow up, build relationships with them and help them and that would one funnel, that one system or the one product that I'm selling. All right?
4. Create Up-sells
Last but not least, you can create upsells now around the perfect funnel. So now you've got this system in place, right? You're helping people building relationships with them. It's automatic.
So you're still doing your marketing, your social media marketing, bringing people into your funnel. It's all automated building those relationships now based on whether they buy or they don't buy, you can upsell them on other things that are similar to that.
So as an example, if somebody reaches out to us, they join our funnel because they may be interested in a website. Now, I followup with them. I give them value about why websites can help them grow their business.
Now, as soon as they decide that they want a website, now I can have an upsell and something that can even help them more. So after you signed up for a website, we can help you with our coaching so that you start getting more and more visitors sign ups and people paying you.
The 1 Sales Funnel Takeaway
So that system is perfected. I have to have that perfect before I move on to step two, so let me know what your one funnel is. What's the one offer?
What's the one thing you're helping people with? I'd appreciate it if you left a comment on how you're helping people the most and then I'll help you create that perfect funnel around that based on landing pages, websites, emails, or whatever we can set up to make that system in that automation perfect.
Before you start adding two, three, sometimes 10-15 things, but this story, when I was first starting my business, I had like 10 different offers, 10 different funnels. None of them had one follow up, so that was crazy.
I was wasting my time. People didn't know what I was offering. Now that they know I offer websites to help you grow sales for your business. Nobody will forget that because that's the only funnel, the only offer that I'm selling. All right guys, thanks for reading. I appreciate it.