The use of natural products in animal production
Oregro L? in poultry & wine production

The use of natural products in animal production


Demand for animal protein is rising globally and has been facilitated by the expansion of intensive farming. However, intensive animal production relies on the regular use of antimicrobials to maintain health and productivity on farms (Tiseo et al., 2020).

The term “antimicrobial” refers broadly to drugs that act against a variety of microorganisms including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. The term “antibiotic,” or “antibacterial,” refers to drugs used to treat infections caused by bacteria and other microorganisms and is used to describe both natural and synthetic products.

Antimicrobials are used in food animal production as therapeutics (i.e., treatments), prophylactics (i.e., preventatives), and growth promoters (Johnson 2011). Growing scientific evidence shows, however, certain bacteria are becoming increasingly resistant to these drugs, and that antimicrobial resistance may be transferred from animals to humans through the consumption or handling of meat that contains resistant bacteria (Johnson 2011).


Phasing out of or reduction of antimicrobial growth promoters from production animals’ diets will likely change the microbial profile of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract environment and make animals vulnerable to multiple diseases.

In addition, the issue concerning the withdrawal period of antibiotics has affected export trading, as many European countries banned the use of antibiotics as growth promoters. Concerns about resistance due to the excessive use of antimicrobial growth promoters have led trade partners to restrict imports from certain countries.

Extracts of medicinal herbs (aromatic herbs) have received increasing attention from both researchers and producers as potential alternatives to conventional antibiotic growth promoters in broiler rations (Puva et al, 2022). Extracts of thyme (Thymus vulgaris) and oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) are rich in several functional compounds such as carvacrol, thymol, lutein, and zeaxanthin, which play an important role in broiler health and growth performance (Jin et al., 2022; Wade et al., 2018).

Oregano essential oil from?Origanum vulgare?L. in broiler diets has been shown in several studies to improve body weight and feed intake. Different studies were conducted to prove the effectiveness of oregano essential oils. A study by Jin et al. (2021) showed that the inclusion of oregano essential oil in broiler feed exhibited a protective effect against necrotic enteritis (NE) caused by Clostridium perfringens.

An in vitro study done by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research CSIR (2013) on different strains of bacteria confirmed that the inclusion of Oregano essential oil inhibits bacterial growth. Le Bon, (2019) concluded that the inclusion of Oregano essential oil in the diets of swine maintained the body condition score of lactating sows, improved piglet weight gain, reduced piglet pre-weaning mortality and significantly lowered the incidence of medication usage.

Protection of human health and animal food safety requires new and multidimensional approaches to control bacterial infections in animal production. It is essential to seek unique and natural feed additives to maintain the efficiency of livestock production and reduce the spread of drug-resistant pathogens, which is beneficial to human health.

Bupo Animal Health’s portfolio of natural feed additives represents the most recent “state-of-the-art” solution for the reduction of antibiotics use in the production of animals. Bupo Animal Health has been the leading producer of unique and effective natural products since 1988 with Bedgen 40 being among its popular products. We offer exceptional natural products which ensure nutritional support and overall animal health, enabling our clients to meet their timelines and livestock production targets. We optimize performance without compromising animal and human health.

OREGRO-L? of our Oregro? range is part of our comprehensive natural range developed for use in eggs, meat and milk production enhancement. Our natural range of products is developed to improve several production parameters and preventative measures to decrease the use of antibiotics. Natural additives in animal feed are able to improve productivity and performance by enhancing digestibility, and maintaining and stabilizing beneficial microflora in the gut.

OREGRO L? is a unique blend of essential oils, a 100% natural product with no withdrawal

period, developed for growth promotion and overall health. It contains Oregano essential oil extracted from Oreganum Vulgare. It has natural antibacterial, antifungal, anti-parasitic, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-toxigenic properties.

The main benefits are:

???????Improvement of feed efficiency/feed conversion ratio

???????Alleviation of problems associated with necrotic enteritis

???????Better immunity and more survival rate/ reduction in mortality

???????Increase growth rate and reduce the mortality rate

???????Reduces the need for antibiotics?

???????Provide extra protection during stressful periods

???????Reduces the incidence of diseases caused by clostridium campylobacter bacteria, viruses and parasites.

Choose OREGRO L? to enhance and boost your livestock production performance in a 100% natural way.



Johnson, R.; (2011). Potential Trade Implications of Restrictions on Antimicrobial Use in Animal Production.

Global Trends in Antimicrobial Use in Food Animals from 2017 to 2030.?Katie Tiseo 1 , Laura Huber 1 , Marius Gilbert 2,3 , Timothy P. Robinson 4 and Thomas P. Van Boeckel.

Puvaˇca, N.; Tufarelli, V.; Giannenas, I. Essential Oils in Broiler Chicken Production, Immunity and Meat Quality: Review of Thymus vulgaris, Origanum vulgare, and Rosmarinus officinalis. Agriculture 2022, 12, 874.

Wade, M.; Manwar, S.; Kuralkar, S.; Waghmare, S.; Ingle, V.; Hajare, S. Effect of thyme essential oil on performance of broiler chicken. J. Entomol. Zool. Stud. 2018, 6, 25–28. 9.

Jin, X.; Huang, G.; Luo, Z.; Hu, Y.; Liu, D. Oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) Essential Oil Feed Supplement Protected Broilers Chickens against Clostridium perfringens Induced Necrotic Enteritis. Agriculture 2022, 12, 18.

Le Bon, M.; (2019).

Otukile Lekote

Transport Planner at SSI Engineers & Environmental Consultants

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Why is there no Expiry Date, Manufacture Date and Batch Number on the Oregro-L bottle?

Dr. Pachena

International Agribusiness Professional | MPM | MBA | BVSc

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Do you have the in feed Oregro-L?




