Use of multi-level dependent lists in MS Excel to map organizational structures
There is a raft of articles on configuration of dependent lists in MS Excel and it is impossible to come up with something brand-new on the subject; however, organizational structures require a particular type of dependent drop-down lists due to the following:
In this article, we will demonstrate our hands-on experience how to map positions with the structure of departments using MS Excel Spreadsheets.
Picture 1 illustrates an example of the organizational structure. Divisions form the first level. Departments form the second level and below:
Picture 2 displays the same structure in tabular form. The list is sorted by column “Parent Department” to be further used in the formula:
Picture 3 demonstrates an example of positions being mapped to the organizational structure, where:
To sum up, a multi-level dependent dropdown lists in MS Excel can be configured with use of one sorted table, “Data Validation” and one formula comprised of functions OFFSET, MATCH and COUNTIF.