Use this method to guarantee SUSTAINED fat-loss

Use this method to guarantee SUSTAINED fat-loss

At this time of year it is common in business to reflect on the calendar year just gone, and to lay down plans for the upcoming year to make sure the business makes progress. As a leader of the business, this responsibility is probably left up to you.

I would hazard a guess and say this is not an issue. In fact, I imagine you relish this task. It is where you can have some of the biggest impacts on your business, not just sustaining your success from the last year, but continuing the progression beyond what you first thought was possible.

So I have a very important question for you. Why aren't you doing this with your health and fitness goals?

Sure, you likely have that short-term goal: to lose 2 stone in weight, to drop 3 dress sizes, to feel amazing in everything you wear. But after that, the goal is always the same...

"I want to maintain it"

How would it go down if you were sat at a board meeting, having just announced that you achieved all of your goals, and your answer to "what next?" is just to maintain? I imagine it would not go down well at all!

That is because a goal to 'maintain' almost always leads to backwards movement. The result of this is obvious: you get stuck in the 'Short-termism Loop'.

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I know for a fact that you don't want to be trying to lose fat for the rest of your life. You want the fat loss now, so that you can reap the benefits of what that fat loss will give you for the rest of your life. Benefits such as:

? Better focus and efficiency at work, helping you be more productive and successful

? More energy for work, family, and social activities, helping you create more frequent and enjoyable memories

? More confidence in your self, helping you to be more outgoing, more assertive, and generally happier in all aspects of your lifestyle.

Fortunately, breaking out of the 'Short-termism Loop' is easy. Just like in business, you need to set some goals. However, rather than focus on the traditional S.M.A.R.T model, I get my clients to follow these four steps instead. This ensures they have everything they need in place to guarantee they have a successful fat loss result and can sustain that result for the rest of their life.


I understand that you want fat loss now, don't worry. Setting 6-month goals does not mean you have to wait 6-months to be where you want in terms of fat-loss. For some, it might be possible to achieve this well in advance. For others, this might be less realistic, depending on where you are starting and what the goal is.

Either way, ask yourself this question: "What results would I be over the moon with in 6 months time?"

Take the time to sit down and think about it properly. Once you do that, write down as many as you want, but at least try to have a minimum of 3 goals.


Once you have got your long term goal set and written down in front of you, it might feel a little scary. It might even seem unachievable based on where you are right now, but don't worry. That is what the next three steps are here for.

With that being said, your second question is straight forward: Where do you need to be in 3 months time, to know you are on the right track for each of your 6-month goals? More often than not, it is simply a case of being half-way towards those 6-month goals.

This is your half-way house.


3 months is still a long time to be figuring out what you need to be doing on a consistent basis. It is unlikely you will know exactly how to map out this journey. After all, it took me over 10 years of trial and error on my own fat-loss journey be able to map this out, so that my THRIVE 90 program guarantees female business leaders will lose fat and feel their most confident selves!

So, what we do is simply repeat the process of step 3 and halve the distance between now and 3 months. That would mean your third question is this: What do you need to achieve in 1-1.5 months time, to know you are on the right track with your half-way house goals? Again, your aim here is likely just halving the goal of your half-way house, but it can also be that you add some smaller, related targets to create mini milestones.

This is your quarter-way house


You know as well as I do that outcome goals are great, but without the processes in place to achieve them, they are simply dreams. However, if you were to go from step 1 straight to this step, things would feel very overwhelming. Realistically, how can you know what daily processes you need in place to achieve something 6-months away?

That is why your half-way and quarter-way house is crucial. In particular, using your quarter-way house as the guideline right now, it is much easier for you to set weekly targets to achieve your end goal.

Just focussing on your quarter-way house goal, what must you DO this week to start working towards achieving those goals? When you know this, things become so much easier. You have set the plan in advance, all you need to do now is follow it as best you can within your lifestyle. No longer are you muddling from week to week, from plan to plan, trying to figure out what to do.

All you need to do now is ask yourself the same question at the start of each week, gradually building things up, until you hit your quarter-way house. Once you do that, replace your quarter-way house goals with your half-way house goals, and repeat the process.

Are you are a female business leader who's struggling to lose fat, reducing your self-confidence, energy, and focus? Do you need help knowing exactly what daily & weekly processes are required to achieve your outcome? If that is the case, feel free to take advantage of my free Fat-Loss Blueprint. Simply comment, or send me a message, with the word "Blueprint" and I will send you the details to book in.

And don't worry, I don't sell a thing on the Fat-Loss Blueprint calls, so you can leave your credit card at home ??


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