Use It, Or Lose It
Adeniran Bamisaye
Author || Writer || Content Management ||Public Relations and Media Strategist|| Storytelling
Men who don't use their erections lose them, Finnish researchers have discovered.
Aging men who have sex at least once a week have only half the risk of developing erectile dysfunction as do men who have sex less often. But once-a-weekers shouldn't gloat. More sex means even less ED risk. Men who have sex at least three times a week are only one-fourth as likely to get erectile dysfunction as are men who have less-than-weekly sex.
"Regular sexual activity preserves potency in a similar fashion as physical exercise maintains functional capacity," conclude Juha Koskimaki, MD, PhD, and colleagues at the University of Tampere, Finland.
The findings come from questionnaires mailed to Finnish men aged 55 to 75. Only the 989 men who did not have erectile dysfunction at the beginning of the study -- and who returned a second questionnaire five years later -- were included.
Men with erectile dysfunction obviously have sex less often than do more potent men. But by including only men who did not have erectile dysfunction to start with, Koskimaki and colleagues believe their study strongly suggests that sexual intercourse lowers the risk of ED.
Oga, if it’s not happening, you need to make sure it’s happening, or it will stop happening all together. Women do a lot of make up, men need make up too. Rida Fire is amazing ??. Nothing needs to be wrong with you, this is to ensure nothing goes wrong with you.
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