Use Keywords in blog

Use Keywords in blog

Another article from the SEO cycle, today I answer questions from readers who are interested in phrases and keywords. To not prolong, I invite you to read! Find out how to appear in search engines!

Phrases and keywords in positioning

How to add keywords

If you have already designated your keywords, then they should be naturally included in the sentences of your content

In addition, keywords should be included in the title, description. However, in the content of the entry should occupy about 0.5-2.5% of the whole segment. Each blog entry should have a different keyword designated so that they do not compete with each other for a place in the ranking, so it is worth using synonyms or detailing whole key phrases.

Long tail in positioning

 It is very good method of position yourself on long-tail phrases. They have the most power in positioning. I already explain what's going on with them. The most popular queries are searched for hundreds or even thousands of times a day. However, it is very competitive for them and it is difficult to beat them out. The rarely searched and longer phrases have less competition and it is easier to appear for them on the web. But the most important thing is that in total they occupy 70% of all searches. So, positioning yourself for niche phrases you can get faster, very good results. This mechanism is best used by running a blog saturated with keywords.


Tools for determining keywords

1. Think that the texts on the blog should be written primarily for your readers, positioning is important, but really it's the recipient you care about the most. Therefore, put phrases in the natural language in sentences - and your keywords should not occupy more than 2.5% of the volume of the entire bar. I think that it is not so much in so I would rather not call it "stuffing" and, for example, "enrichment".


2. Google AdWords Keyword Planner is the first tool I use to set my keywords. It's a solution for planning paid ads on Google, but it's also great for finding the right key phrases and checking their competitiveness.


The second important tool is also the free Google Trends solution in which I can check the trend of the popularity of key phrases in time and for different locations.


Then it is worth taking a closer look at the data from the search engines, there is also a lot of interesting information, for example:


The number of pages indexed, related searches, frequently used combinations of phrases and the Google Instant option, which is autocomplete and hints that appear when you start to write a search phrase.

Finally, I recommend an interesting tool SEMSTORM, in which you will check the key phrases used on your own and on any other website. In the free plan, you can use this tool in a limited version for 14 days, but if you like it in my online course with SEO, I transfer a 30% discount on the subscription.



