Syed Abdul Rafay Ali
Techno Functional Consultant & Content Creator + Founder of Karachi Technology
When we talk about?Function Keys?many people use them very rarely and many are not yet aware of the functionalities which?Function Keys?provides to its users. But if you make a practice of using them on regular basis then it can save you a lot of time in performing the daily operation which usually takes more time in completing.
Function Keys are available on almost all keyboards today, Function Keys are usually found on the first row of any keyboard on which numbers are arranged with the alphabet?“F”, all these Function Keys from?F1 – F9?are usually used as shortcuts for performing some specific tasks such as refreshing a page, printing & renaming a file, etc.
Computer users usually use these keys to perform some basic tasks quickly to save some time like F1 key is used as a help key and the F2 key is usually used to refresh or reload a web page on any specific Browser, to make it simple and easy all these Function Keys are used to perform different tasks on different places and the use of these Function Keys may vary based upon Document Type, Internet Browser or Operating Systems.