Use Every Tool You Have
Jack "ASLAN" Hornsby
Founding Member&Executive Director w/John Maxwell Leadership CertifiedTeam/CEO Aslan Enterprizes
Use Every Tool You Have - John Maxwell / -
Delegation is the most powerful tool leaders have. Delegation increases individual productivity according to the number of people to whom leaders can delegate. It increases the productivity of their department or organization. Leaders who can't or won't delegate create a bottleneck to productivity. So why do some leaders fail to delegate effectively?
1. Insecurity
2. Lack of confidence in others
3. Lack of ability to train others
4. Personal enjoyment of the task
5. Habit
6. Inability to find someone else to do it
7. Lack of time
8. An "I do it best" mind-set
If you recognize yourself in any of the issues above, you probably aren't doing enough delegating. Here are some other indicators that you need to delegate: When deadlines are missed often; crises become frequent; someone else could do the job; or those under your leadership need another world to conquer.
Excerpt from Developing the Leaders Around You