Use Employee Handbooks to Communicate Company Expectations
Dean Olejniczak NPTC - CTP
National Private Truck Counsel - Certified Transportation Professional
One of the most effective means of communicating company expectations to employees, especially new employees, is through an employee handbook. Clearly written policies stating company objectives, along with specific guidelines, help to ensure a continuity of standards is in place for all employees to follow.
In order for a motor carrier to attain this level of understanding throughout its workforce, the carrier must do all it can to ensure that employees read, understand, and follow the policies and procedures stated in the handbook. Many carriers begin this process by placing an acknowledgment statement in the front of the handbook, which the employee signs and returns to the carrier. This proves that the employee has received the handbook. The next step is for the carrier to convey the information contained within the handbook.
It is important to develop an effective means of communicating company expectations to employees. Orientation at the time of hire, company meetings explaining changes to company policies and procedures, and even individual counseling, may be some of the best means of communicating these expectations.
Along with company policies and procedures, employee handbooks should also contain safety and emergency information, a summary of benefits, various employment and HR matters such as "where to go for a new employee ID" or "who to contact for name or address change," etc., an equal opportunity statement, and maybe the most important feature — company facts and history. The more employees know about the company, the more they will respect it and work to help keep it respectable and profitable.
Provided there are no individual state requirements, employee handbooks are not legally required, nor are company policies mandated by law (unless the carrier is subject to Part 382 drug and alcohol testing regulations). However, without a handbook to act as a reference for the employee, policies and procedures have a tendency to informally change. This could cause employees to question company standards. Having clearly written policies that guide employees through events requiring direction can help to promote consistency, improve efficiency, and increase overall profitability.
Communicate your expectations through FleetMentor's Handbook tool
Start with FleetMentor's Toolbox. Under the Operations column and in the Business and Planning section, you'll find the Policy and Procedure Handbook tool. When you open this tool, you will see a list of comprehensive handbook templates for creating best-in-industry policies and procedures. Simply select a template and customize the suggested policies or build your own.