Use Economic Value To Produce Human Value
Oladimeji Olutimehin
Co-founder EWB Nigeria, Startup Business model, innovation & culture consultant l. Value Giver Coach. Truly Human Consultant
I worked in a place where the focus was profit. I felt manipulated and used each day. Humanly I was made to feel that I was less valuable when I am unable to produce. It was all about the money the company will make and not about the people who work there. I guess that may have been the experience of many.
In some companies, people are treated well so they can perform. You don’t treat people well simply because you want them to perform. That is simply manipulative. You treat them well because they are human. When people feel human, they act like humans. Humans are creative. You can’t manage innovation or creativity. You can’t place a timer on it.
This is one of the things that differentiate a Truly Human Culture from other forms of cultures that are value-based. The Truly Human Culture makes people feel human. They don’t feel used or manipulated but inspired, valued, respected, and dignified. Innovation and creativity are byproducts of feeling human.
Do you know that there are many people who have been robbed of the feeling of being human? They have always felt less human. Businesses owe their people a duty to create a human-centered culture so that everyone who gets into the workplace can start feeling human again. When they are made to feel humanly at work, they will go home and treat everyone they meet humanely.
Here are some questions employees want to be answered?
1. Do you love me more than profit? This question reminds me of the question Jesus asked Peter after His resurrection. You need to ask yourself the question of whether your employer really cares for you as a human or cares for the profit you are going to bring him. It is understood that businesses should make a profit, but they should not destroy lives while trying to make a profit.
In Truly Human Culture, people are cared for more than money or profit. Profits is the byproduct of human activity. Human activities include value creation and innovation.
2. Am I a tool to achieve your goal? In most cases, management makes sure that people are employed to help the employer achieve his goals of becoming a valuable business. The vision and purpose of the organization matter to the employer much more than the purpose of the employee. The employee is told to realize his or her goal from that of the organization. Most employees operating in this culture have lost touch with who they really are and what they want in life. Their whole life is built around helping their employers achieve their goals and purposes.
In a Truly Human Culture, the business exists to help its people achieve their goals, not the people helping the company achieve its goals. It has to be centered on helping the people achieve their purpose. That is why it's important to have a purpose fit.
3. Am I a means to an end or the end itself? This question simply asks whether the company values its people to the extent that it will use its economic value to build the people to be better humans and leaders. People want to know whether they matter to their employer or they are just a statistic. People want to be treated as humans. They want to know they are equal to everyone and not that some are more equal than others. People want to know they have a future in a place and that they will be treated as a family based on their contributions. People want to be the end. Most organizations will destroy people, their marriages, families, and communities to make money then turn around to give the money to build it back.
In Truly Human Culture, the people are everything. They are the product of the company. The culture is created to build them up.
Burnout and stress are a result of feeling used, powerless, and manipulated. Stress is the source of most chronic illnesses. When people are stressed at work, they go home and act inhumanely toward their families. Those who are stressed are hardly engaged. When an organization adopts a truly human culture, they become a healing organization and a place where human ingenuity gets unleashed.
When parents fail by not raising children who feel human by focusing on making money
When schools fail to raise humans by focusing on grades and examinations
Businesses have the chance to be truly human to ensure that parents are sent home feeling happy, valued, respected, safe, and fulfilled.
When parents are happy, they will build the self-esteem of their children
When children are happy, they will be engaged in learning which means less distraction and stress for teachers
When teachers are happy, they will produce leaders who will build industry.
This is why we are building a new school model where teachers, parents, and businesses contribute to building a better world. You can be part of making your donation here.