Use the Decorator Pattern
The Decorator design pattern allows you to dynamically add new behaviors or functionalities to an object without modifying its existing code. It provides a flexible alternative to subclassing, enabling you to extend the functionality of an object at runtime.
The Decorator pattern follows the Open-Closed Principle, which states that classes should be open for extension but closed for modification. By using decorators, you can add new features to an object without altering its original implementation, ensuring code stability and maintainability.
With the Decorator pattern, each decorator class focuses on a specific behavior or responsibility. This promotes separation of concerns and allows you to compose objects with different combinations of decorators, achieving greater flexibility and reusability (Single Responsibility Principle).
By using decorators, you can easily mix and match different functionalities or behaviors at runtime. This modular approach enables you to create complex objects with varying combinations of decorators, providing a highly customizable and scalable solution for your Laravel projects.
When using the Decorator pattern, keep in mind that the order of wrapping decorators matters. Ensure that you add decorators in the desired order to achieve.
interface Pizza
public function getDescription(): string;
public function getCost(): float;
class Margherita implements Pizza
public function getDescription(): string
return "Margherita Pizza";
public function getCost(): float
return 5.99;
abstract class PizzaDecorator implements Pizza
protected $pizza;
public function __construct(Pizza $pizza)
$this->pizza = $pizza;
public function getDescription(): string
return $this->pizza->getDescription();
public function getCost(): float
return $this->pizza->getCost();
class ExtraCheese extends PizzaDecorator
public function getDescription(): string
return parent::getDescription() . ", Extra Cheese";
public function getCost(): float
return parent::getCost() + 1.50;
class Jalapenos extends PizzaDecorator
public function getDescription(): string
return parent::getDescription() . ", Jalapenos";
public function getCost(): float
return parent::getCost() + 0.75;
// Usage example
$pizza = new Margherita();
$pizzaWithExtraCheese = new ExtraCheese($pizza);
$pizzaWithExtraCheeseAndJalapenos = new Jalapenos($pizzaWithExtraCheese);
echo $pizzaWithExtraCheeseAndJalapenos->getDescription(); // Output: Margherita Pizza, Extra Cheese, Jalapenos
echo $pizzaWithExtraCheeseAndJalapenos->getCost(); // Output: 8.24