Want to try ChatGPT to regain time and sanity?
Here are a few prompts (messages & conversations) to test out:
- Create a series of new hire survey questions for week 1, week 2, week 3, week 4, Week 6 week 8, Week 12, 6 months, and 12 months. Focus on everything from the team being prepared for their arrival, to the new hire feeling overwhelmed or not, as well as their ongoing satisfaction. Each series of questions should be 5 questions and can overlap but should be slightly different. The purpose is to ensure the new hire is getting what they need from the company and management team, their intent on staying with the company, and so that we can make changes sooner than later for this new hire or another new hire.
- Simulate a common workplace conflict between two employees so that I can better manage the conflict and also have them both take responsibility for their behavior. What laws should I be aware of in the USA, specifically in Minnesota? provide a sample scenario conversation
- Develop 3 base SMART Goals to use for the following roles (it would be ideal if you copied and pasted the job description text as well); Sales manager, 1 goal is to close $1,250,000 annually, I need help with 2 more goals; Customer service rep, ongoing goal of a customer review rating of at least 8 out of 10, I need help with 2 more goals; Installation tech, goal of an average of 3 installs per work day, I need help with 2 more goals; Administrative assistant, I need help creating 3 goals with this role
- Create a few questions that job applicants must respond to in order for their resume to be passed on to the hiring team. Also, we have strict policies about criminal records related to theft, we also have strict start dates within 3 weeks of the job offer, finally, we are in person in NJ and require all employees to work in person. Create 3-5 questions about this.
- I have a new hire in Ohio, what forms does she need to complete by law? What else is suggested in order to properly onboard her the first few days and also ensure she gets to know the company and her specific position as a Quality Control lab technician in a pharmaceutical company over the first 90 days? Create a checklist in table format.
- Provide a List of Common Questions Candidates or New Hires Often Have About Their First Day or Week of Employment in the USA
- Update this job description (copy and paste text) so that it is in the format, is professional, and includes 7 years of experience and use of Slack technology. provide a summary of the role, essential duties, non-essential duties for ADA purposes, a list of required knowledge skills and abilities, and mental and physical requirements, and include our company values of respect, trust, and open communication.
- Create a memo to my hourly staff that discusses the importance of clocking in and out every day and the reasons why, so they do not think I am being pushy
- Summarize time off laws in FL, TX, NY, WA, CA, NV, and PA. put this in table format
- Could this program be used to develop an entire program (for example a mass internal texting program)? Yes probably with multiple steps, you may need to go gather data and bring it back and/or connect to technology.
- Can you export from ChatGPT? Yes either use the clipboard icon (next to thumbs up/ thumbs down) or simply hover your mouse over the words, right-click, copy - then paste wherever you want it to go (such as email, word, etc)
- Is there any danger regarding personal data if you log into ChatGPT using your Google account? It is just a login ID (your email). You can also open your web browser in "Incognito". There is less risk if ChatGPT is not connected to any technology. Do not ever type in anyone's personal data.
- What about using it for decision-making? i.e., "Out of these 10 applicants, given my hiring criteria, which ones should I invite for an interview?" Sort of - ChatGPT will tell. you "I do not make decisions". You can request... give me a list of pros and cons of this candidate's resume and interview notes (copy and paste) compared to this other candidates
- Can you use ChatGPT to automate tasks? (ie: generating LinkedIn posts in response to competitive intelligence). Yes, but you may need to connect it to technology or just copy and paste the result.
- Are you able to upload your own handbook and have chatGPT find errors or update with the most current laws? Not recommended because the ChatGPT data (called training data) stops in Sept 2021 (currently). You can try copying the text of your handbook, for example, one policy at a time then research the results.