We question and think in silence ,When we are almost stressful and anxious moment that "How will i complete the task given by my manager in such given time and completion of shifts ". This aspiration lead to thinking about having proper work life balance and work neutrality often stays among the minds of the employees working in any company ! .The amount of work might increase as he/she climbs up the ladder of the corporate space by merely through his promotions based on his /her merits and excellence of his/her performance in the organization or by demand of the work available or need for filling those empty work vacancies , Still there will be tense among such individuals about completing the work based on the schedule and project lifecycle as it has to go in a cycle . We should remember irrespective of any work given based on his profile of his experience and the level of proficiency , Work given is different for different employees . But there will be such unlikely events around employee that he may feel stress and pressure while doing the work and there is few solutions to his stressful life .
For this answer , The idea is to have creative designed and implemented characteristic avatar of the employee or any of the working person in that organization such that it will be embedded into company laptop where before any employee joins in the organization and complete his training part given by the company /organization , He can use it based on accepting the intellectual properties and start using the avatar who mimics him/her based on his different parameters of his work given , nature , personality , skills , experience and his schedule . Almost 95 percent of the people use google voice assistant , Siri as a software helpline that is already a part of the company search engine software or part of the voice assistance package provided by the software company ! Similarly this avatar will be integrated into the existing company laptops and other devices which do contain work details and data of the work allocated and completion .
This avatar can be active incase if he / she feels that he needs certain time to relax and focus on his wellbeing to refresh himself for short break , This avatar will take up the work ,where he was doing past few moments before . As the world is changing such that companies /startups/organization are moving towards digitalization and cloud connection technologies , There will be no such big risk or capital cost involved to operate such digital visualized twin avatar . With use of Artificial intelligence and digital transformation technique this avatar will return to its stationary form when employee sit back to the work table and it captures those sensations by visual sensor detection with centralized cloud connection technique . This way the employer /manager does not feel that employee is not overdoing the use case of digital twin and reminds him that flow of information and work presence is positive which ultimately can boost his confidence and employee will be relived from stress and feel better such way that he is comfortable to manage both at a time . Overall it is win-win situation for the team , managing lead and employer !
Digital twin will be the next billion dollar opportunity for those who are aspiring entrepreneurs , Creative designers and enthusiasts and this sector will be most likely serviceable in next 5-10 years down the line .
This is my idea perception and there are such issues of human resources management, where recession and undervaluation of a company and other reasons where layoffs had become a major trouble for all those working classes and also stress for every working professional and also for early startup founder !
Serial Entrepreneur | Copywriter
8 个月Thanks for sharing S V Karthikeya