Use of cactus biogas in vehicles

Use of cactus biogas in vehicles

How to use cactus biogas in underdeveloped countries, its contribution to stopping climate change



Those of us who are a few years old remember the movie Back to the Future when one of the protagonists places the remains of a banana and beer in his Delórean vehicle, as fuel,

This is possible with cacti, at the next service station you can buy cactus leaves for your vehicle as fuel or grow them at home.

Today there are several fuels that are used for transportation, we have oil, gasoline, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas as the most traditional.

Other systems are being incorporated such as electric cars, with hydrogen, hybrids, ethyl alcohol and others.

It is not a magic solution for the problem of pollution and greenhouse effect caused by industrialization.

Carbon dioxide is a low-energy gas and is obtained as a by-product of various degradative processes, both biological and chemical, it is a molecule from which no more energy can be extracted, it corresponds to the bottom of the well.

Fossil fuels generate carbon dioxide when burned.

Some alternatives that are raised is to bury the carbon dioxide at great depths, but that only transfers the problem to the future and is expensive. In addition, it is a localized solution, difficult to replicate globally.

One of the most reasonable solutions is the large-scale reforestation of desert areas,

Plants through photosynthesis capture carbon dioxide and store it as support structures and plant metabolism.

Biomass has a carbon neutral balance, which implies that plants act as temporary storage batteries for solar energy, and is released by using this organic matter.

They capture more carbon dioxide than is returned to the environment.

In this context, burning cactus biogas does not produce more carbon dioxide than that captured in photosynthesis.

The process to use it in vehicles is simple.

The biofuel generated by anaerobic fermentation in a biodigester delivers 65% biogas in methane, which, when purified using a gas scrubber, reaches 94%

If we use dryers we can extract the remaining water vapor, use chemicals to deliver odor and compress it at pressures of 200 bar. This composition is similar to natural gas, but cleaner, it does not contain other polluting hydrocarbons.

The equipment used is the same as natural gas, both in compression and gas dispensing.

In the international market we find small compressors to use at home and power a vehicle, even industrial ones for large volumes.

There are conversion kits for natural gas that can be purchased for $ 1,500 that allow a vehicle that uses gasoline to operate in a dual way with the two fuels.

In simple terms, a vehicle that uses gasoline that has incorporated a conversion kit is a mobile that does not emit carbon dioxide into the environment.

Industrially produced biogas will have a similar value to natural gas

Although in Europe there is a strong growth of electric vehicles and it seems it is the future near 10 or 20 years, we must also think about less developed countries where electrification will take several decades to arrive. Both for electrical infrastructure and for the vehicles themselves.

The generation of a green fuel, and its implementation in existing gasoline vehicles can have a great impact in halting climate change.

This technology will create jobs in cactus crops and clean the environment, even in remote locations. It does not require large and expensive investments.

The great challenge is to use existing natural gas facilities by changing the origin of the fuel.

Rodrigo Wayland

Ingeniero Elqui Global Energy ( Agribusiness)

4 年

Dear felipe We have already incorporated a graphic on our main website. Thank you very much for your comment rodrigo

Rodrigo Wayland

Ingeniero Elqui Global Energy ( Agribusiness)

4 年

Felipe in the address you will find a similar table that we have published

Rodrigo Wayland

Ingeniero Elqui Global Energy ( Agribusiness)

4 年

Felipe Maybe for you it is not possible, in reality it is simple. With biogas we have energy 24 hours x 365, they are living systems that cannot be stopped and the reactors are continuous, I could operate for 10 years without maintenance. If you install 1 mw of power, we buy 6 generators of 200 kw, with this always a team is available for maintenance and the cost is minimal. In Germany the equipment and labor are very expensive and therefore need subsidies to float. In addition, the retention time used is 20 days, with cactus it is only 4-24 hours. 1- correct we have cactus available all year round. A project of one MW 365 * 24 electrical production requires 60-70 hectares of cactus, of course it is carried out in areas where the soil is cheap or not suitable for other crops. Like any technology, it is not applicable in all places. 2- If you give away all the information on the internet, who would pay you? It is only a first contact. In addition, each project is specific to each client, additional information will lead to confusion to the reader and incorrect assumptions in their evaluation. Especially in neophytes. 3. The web can always be improved, your comments will be taken into consideration

Rodrigo Wayland

Ingeniero Elqui Global Energy ( Agribusiness)

4 年

Felipe should not be sulfurized, an adult should be controlled. Your question is incorrect, you don't have the parameters to answer. It is similar to asking how much space a person needs to live. There is no single answer unless you specify the parameters. If you were to ask how much Kw / m2 it produces, surely you compare it with photovoltaic systems, but you have not specified how long. photovoltaic systems generate only 30% of the time, in the year maybe 3,000 hours, but biomass produces 8,760 hours all year round and the investment is the same.

Rodrigo Wayland

Ingeniero Elqui Global Energy ( Agribusiness)

4 年

Dear Felipe, on our website you will find articles, videos for free, you can also consult the online university library of Chile or at the UNAM Mexico. We have 20 years of experience, the numbers are reliable and the result of experience and developed projects. We are engineering consultants, we do not teach.



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